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Posts posted by Slip

  1. Pal of mine split up with his girlfriend of a couple of years. No problem- he told her that he just didn't feel ready to get into a relationship. She was fine, they were still friends. Jump forward 5 month and he starts seeing another girl, that's when the crap started flying. He did get the 'get out of town or else' threats and she also arranged to have him raided for drugs, although he was clean and they didn't plant anything.

    So don't do that.

  2. Neo

    Although this is my second comment in a mango thread, I know nowt about mango trees.

    The enormous mature tree I get with my rented house is also dropping a few leaves and immature fruit at the moment. In any given season I think the drop rate of immature fruit has been pretty high. So maybe you have nothing to worry about.

    That actually looks like the same variety as mine- um, it's called Num ToK Mai I think. The way the blossom has fallen away to leave a few fruit looks just like happens on my tree.

    Maybe it's a bit under the weather from the stress of fruiting so soon after being transported (or vice-versa), but that droopy look on the leaves is just like mine gets. ( I never water it, but as I say it's a huge mature tree). TBH and remembering I know nothing, maybe your tree is just too young to be able to sustain fruit yet.

    Good luck with it anyway.

  3. Without wanting to sound flippant: Living in a shed in Thailand would be a breeze- a bunch of us once lived in hammocks on a beach on Koh Lipe for ten days- it was *wicked- Living in a shed in the UK (especially at the mo) would be crap- I still have nightmares about student days in winter with no central heating and that was in a house.

  4. Well I'm a teacher.

    I have to agree with Mr Toad, this is a hopelessly antiquated form of address. I can't even remember the last time I heard anyone say it. I don't think it's really very relevant to teach in this day and age. My dad might say it when he met someone I guess but no-one from my generation and I'm definitely heading towards middle age.

    For all that I would consider the appropriate answer to be 'How do you do' as it is a formalised greeting (salutation) rather than a genuine query as to someone's health. I don't think it even necessarily requires a response. I've never heard anyone in England respond any other way anyway than the repetition though.

    Clearly if your relative wants to get the mark in her test, she should do as her teacher tells her whether it is right or wrong.

  5. I can't believe the new Nation flash banners, they're just so nippy on the eye.

    I'm an (extremely) amateur flash user and I could come up with something better than that in about 5 minutes. The images aspect ratios on the one on this page are all screwed up. Basically it just looks <deleted>.

    Sort it out the Nation or hire me- I couldn't do any worse!

  6. Dear Foreverford

    I think you're crazy (or a complete troll).

    Your silly rant has no target at this poor guy who just wants to invest some money. How do you know he wouldn't be the world's best 'gentleman' farmer with a social conscience?

    Are you a fool or a tool?

    To the OP- sorry I can't help you practically but at least this is another post in which you don't have to read that spiteful toss.

    Good luck and share the joy.

  7. I'm not going to try and outdo our experts here (especially Nienke :o ). My two young dogs both got to know their names quite naturally over a period of time. If you just call them by their name all the time they will pick it up. I used their names with any and all commands or just when talking to them, playing etc.

    How old is she? As you rescued her do you know if she had a name before? That will slow down the process of learning a new name for her.

    She's so cute. I think if she's following you around like a shadow you don't need to worry she'll know her name before you know it.

    However, if you're really worried then you can't beat the advice from guys like Nienke and Cuban which will work. The one thing I do think is don't give 2 or more names too quickly as they will get confused.

    Lol Cuban, now I know why my dog thinks his name is 'Heystopthatyoulittlebasturd'.

  8. I don't farm anything but this is kinda interesting. I have an enormous tree in my garden which for the two years I've been here fruits three times a year and drops a lot of crap- it's so bad we can't sit under it. My neighbour told me the name which now I forget, but I misunderstood it as 'Nam Tok'- waterfall in Thai. (Have just checked with a Thai friend-apparently it's 'nam dok'). Anyway this tree has always dropped a lot of sap which is why I made the naming mistake, it also had several ant colonies living in it. So maybe this bug was/is the issue.

    However in the last harvest ( 2 weeks ago) we had no sap and maybe only 20 fruit. So I wonder if anyone knows if this aphid can affect the harvest (meaning season)after the infestation?

    Mind you the new blossom (which started whilst the old fruit was still falling from the tree) looks very healthy and there's lot of it, so maybe it was just a weird stunted crop.

  9. I heard this rumour a while ago so asked my Thai mate. His reply was that they only wanted the trash out not the decent ones. (He didn't eloborate on what criteria they would use).

    Interestingly, tho' a bit off topic, I also heard a report of the embassy (Consulate?- not sure) in Laos giving the exact same reasoning for the tightening up in the teaching industry here.

    All pure heresay, of course from this source at least.

  10. Can't see why a debt collection agency wouldn't be able to approach a court in UK if the debt was a large amount. Not sure about Thai immigration being interested in a overseas civil offence.

    Comes down to how much the debt is, and how much it will cost the collection agency to try and recover it. Usually the latter costs more than the former and the agency will not pursue the issue.

    If living here why not just declare yourself bankrupt in the UK?

    No problem with the agency going to a court, but I don't think the court would make any approach to the Thai authorities.

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