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Posts posted by Slip

  1. i think its interesting to see the mood swing away from pad.

    Taksin was a thief of that there is no doubt, but so was robin hood.

    I wasn't aware that Robin Hood kept 95% of the takings for himself.

    ROFL. I was born in Worksop (the edge of Sherwood Forest where good old Robin came from). My ancestral knowledge is that Robin did indeed keep 95% or in that magnitude. To put it in modern parlance he was basically he was a crook with a good PR machine. The famous poor that he apparently gave to saw little of the money.

    Remind you of anyone? (perhaps more than one person and from each side).

    it was a figue of speech i don't really believe in myths

    180px-Robin_Hood_Memorial.jpg magnify-clip.pngRobin Hood memorial statue in Nottingham.Robin Hood is an archetypal figure in English folklore, whose story originates from medieval times but who remains significant in popular culture where he is painted as a man known for robbing the rich to give to the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny. His band consists of a "seven score" group of fellow outlawed yeomen – called his "Merry Men".[1] He has been the subject of numerous films, television series, books, comics, and plays. In the earliest sources Robin Hood is a commoner, but he would often later be portrayed as the dispossessed Earl of Huntingdon. There is no consensus as to whether or not Robin Hood is based on any historical figure and little reliable historical evidence exists to support either side of this debate.

    Yes. as I said I've already said- I come from there, thanks for the lesson though (in the place I come from).

    The point is you were talking crap, you used a spurious point, and someone with local knowledge corrected your inaccuracy. Why did you bother to post back?

    Thanks for the unsourced quote too. Well done.

    becuase your post was based on a myth

    so whos talking cxxp

    i am sure worksop is a really nice place just never had a reason to go there

    It wasn't my post.

    Worksop is not a nice place- it's a shitehole. Well it was last time I was there

    Can we leave it here?

  2. i think its interesting to see the mood swing away from pad.

    Taksin was a thief of that there is no doubt, but so was robin hood.

    I wasn't aware that Robin Hood kept 95% of the takings for himself.

    ROFL. I was born in Worksop (the edge of Sherwood Forest where good old Robin came from). My ancestral knowledge is that Robin did indeed keep 95% or in that magnitude. To put it in modern parlance he was basically he was a crook with a good PR machine. The famous poor that he apparently gave to saw little of the money.

    Remind you of anyone? (perhaps more than one person and from each side).

    it was a figue of speech i don't really believe in myths

    180px-Robin_Hood_Memorial.jpg magnify-clip.pngRobin Hood memorial statue in Nottingham.Robin Hood is an archetypal figure in English folklore, whose story originates from medieval times but who remains significant in popular culture where he is painted as a man known for robbing the rich to give to the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny. His band consists of a "seven score" group of fellow outlawed yeomen – called his "Merry Men".[1] He has been the subject of numerous films, television series, books, comics, and plays. In the earliest sources Robin Hood is a commoner, but he would often later be portrayed as the dispossessed Earl of Huntingdon. There is no consensus as to whether or not Robin Hood is based on any historical figure and little reliable historical evidence exists to support either side of this debate.

    Yes. as I said I've already said- I come from there, thanks for the lesson though (in the place I come from).

    The point is you were talking crap, you used a spurious point, and someone with local knowledge corrected your inaccuracy. Why did you bother to post back?

    Thanks for the unsourced quote too. Well done.

  3. i think its interesting to see the mood swing away from pad.

    Taksin was a thief of that there is no doubt, but so was robin hood.

    I wasn't aware that Robin Hood kept 95% of the takings for himself.

    ROFL. I was born in Worksop (the edge of Sherwood Forest where good old Robin came from). My ancestral knowledge is that Robin did indeed keep 95% or in that magnitude. To put it in modern parlance he was basically he was a crook with a good PR machine. The famous poor that he apparently gave to saw little of the money.

    Remind you of anyone? (perhaps more than one person and from each side).

  4. Steve,

    This post and your others are truely great posts. You are really good at explaining the true issues. My mother-in-law (and everyone else in the district) have voted like Sanoh have told them to for the past 20 year and will continue to do so forever. I think their vote is meaningless and that is not democracy.


    What he said- there is more insight in your two posts than in all the relentlessly circular PAD Threads on this board. This should be a sticky for any of us who even want to think about Thai politics.

  5. Reuters is now reporting the Thai foreign minister has resigned.

    Also on BBC


    I am sorry to hear it because Khun Tej was a highly competent and decent man.Nevertheless the reality is he was parachuted in for a specific purpose, namely to defuse the Cambodian crisis.The fact that he is going suggests to me the Samak Government's days are numbered.It also serves to confirm the FT thesis that there is indeed an elite conspiracy to destroy Thailand's fragile democracy.

    Now it's time for someone to say "What about the vote buying"?- this thread follows the same cyclical process as many posters suggest Thai politics takes.....no?

  6. Government should be in the business of governing, not in the business of running businesses.

    :o:D:D That's one of the most hilarious things I've read for ages.

    EDIT TO ADD: Sounds like the sort of thing the Minister would have said to Humphrey in 'Yes Minister' for you UK bods, tho' he'd have got at at least 2 more 'businesses' in there..

  7. Treason charges too harsh for PAD leaders: senators

    By The Nation

    A group of 30 senators on Thursday questioned whether police were too harsh in charging the nine leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy for treason.


    Senator Rosana Tositrakul said 80 per cent of protesters inside Government House were women and children who participated in the rally at their free will.

    Rosana called on authorities to avoid using force against peaceful protesters.

    She said from her own experience as a former activist, police often exaggerated the charges filed against protesters. She said she once successful sought the judicial intervention to order police to reduce the charges.

    It might be worth noting that this Senator, at least, is listed in Wikipedia as being part of the original PAD management committee. She may not be entirely without bias.

    With respect and based on highprofile exposure to the multitude of media outlets over several months, irrespective of her Wikipedia listed info, what is reported in the above article is conducive / complimentary to the peacefully inclined demonstrations and protests.

    Correct: We've already seen accusations of certain high profile fugitives apparently paying people to keep their wiki 'rip roi'. JUst because it's on Wiki (off wiki, on wiki etc) doesn't make it true.

    Look for yourself and see if the demonstration is anything other than peaceful.

    Again correct for the most part- the NBT takeover sticks out a bit though- certainly there seems to be continued debate here about whether this was genuinely the work of the PAD. The newspaper sources quoted on this thread don't lend much credibility to the idea it was a 3rd force. Since then it has been very peaceful which leads on to your next point...

    You can also observe the many women and children are indeed present, and let us add the old and very old while we are at it to add to Senator Rosanas statement, and the fact that the many weak and vunerable groups are not conductive to violence coming from their fellow PAD supporters.

    This strikes me as an important idea that no-one has mentioned yet. What you're saying is Khun Rosana ia a good guy.

    The paid Rogue Elements on the other hand DGAF about the human cost if trouble starts.

    They proved that at Udonthani not long ago in no uncertain terms.

    Again, I agree

    [snipped for brevity]

    marshbags :o

    I still reckon it was worth mentioning. This senator was not a member of PAD she was a member of the management team- if Wiki is to be believed. Neither of the other two senators quoted turned up with obvious links in a search.

    For myself I have no clear idea. Our fearless (ex)leader(s) do seem to be crooks and I think everyone knows the alliance is breaking the law. Where to go?

    Samak has shown huge restraint (for whatever reason) so. so far so good, if all this ended tomorrow I think he'd be the short term winner.

    Of course we are all just second guessing- waiting to see what happens.

  8. Treason charges too harsh for PAD leaders: senators

    By The Nation

    A group of 30 senators on Thursday questioned whether police were too harsh in charging the nine leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy for treason.


    Senator Rosana Tositrakul said 80 per cent of protesters inside Government House were women and children who participated in the rally at their free will.

    Rosana called on authorities to avoid using force against peaceful protesters.

    She said from her own experience as a former activist, police often exaggerated the charges filed against protesters. She said she once successful sought the judicial intervention to order police to reduce the charges.

    It might be worth noting that this Senator, at least, is listed in Wikipedia as being part of the original PAD management committee. She may not be entirely without bias.

  9. Well I have news...

    I was talking to my boss about applying for my license. Apparently I've got it already. I was shown the bit of paper- all in Thai but it had my picture on. Has anyone actually seen a license yet? Anyway I'll take the identifying info off and pop up a scan soon.

    If this is the magic piece of paper then 'grandfathering' is possible it seems- I've been there since 2002 and have no PGCE or BEd.

    I'm just trying to decipher the Thai at the momment- pretty hard going for me.

  10. Why don't us rugby hooligans get a mention. We drink far more than the footy thugs could ever dream of.

    Because as everyone knows Rugby, being the opposite of footy, is a hooligans game played by gentlemen

    Luckily Yanks can't fight very well without guns, so we don't see too many of them after 11pm :D


  11. Where did so many people come up with the idea that every Thai man, especially those driving taxis or tuk tuks, or doing motorcycle taxi service, are such tough guys? They are just people.

    Yes there is the commonly-held belief that if you have reason to fight with a Thai man you will have to fight all of his friends as well...for the most part, that is bullshit also. Several Thai men stood by and did nothing when I thumped on one of their friends (bigger than me, BTW)...that was after they stood by and did nothing when he started beating on his wife. YMMV.

    And do you honestly think that every taxi driver, tuk tuk driver, or motorcycle taxi rider is so well-connected that they are willing to simply kill anyone who crosses them? Get real.

    If that was the case murders would be a ten a penny. :o

  12. I have just done the culture course. It was pretty poorly done in some ways, but a lot of fun at times. In places it was interesting. The Thai languages exercises were photocopied from a fairly well known beginners' Thai text book. We watched a culture video designed for primary school children. We made Krathong. Powerpoint was in vogue. We watched a Thai cooking demonstration and got to have a go if we wanted, there was Thai dancing but no-one was forced to try it, the people running it were great. (and very very helpful). For the most part the lecturers were good, there was one who really wasn't. By turns it was endearing and insulting.

    All in all -I've paid more and had worse weekends. The problem is what's coming next.

    On balance I think after may years here, I still managed to learn something from the Thai Culture Course. :o

  13. There is a great Catholic school in Ratchaburi and one in Hua Hin. Also, two private schools in Hua Hin. My son's kindergarten teacher gets 38,000 baht.

    You don't say where (HH/Rat) your friend works Sunrise. I originally started looking for work in HH years ago. At the time salaries seemed quite low. I rationlised that this was due to there being so many farang expats there, hence oversupply but I have no idea really. I went for an interview and was offered 20k a month. I came to Ratchaburi instead for 28k plus accommodation. It's cheap here too. :o These figures were years ago and do not neccessarily reflect current rates (About HH I have no idea now), but I was very glad my friend who worked in HH at the time, not only got me excited about being a teacher, but also suggested coming to Ratchaburi-I'm still here!

    I might know of some things that would interest you PattayaPete. Please check your PM.

  14. Yes you can! You can work illegally without a degree! It is very difficult to meet the WP requirement without a degree. I had to show my original degree to immigration in order to receive my non B plus an attached copy, and a copy was required for my WP.

    Now, I am speaking from personal experience. I have read other posters from reliable members here on TV who state that they know "so and so" who possess a WP without a degree, but no one has elaborated any further than this explaining how they went about obtaining it.

    I know many people working without degrees. Some close friends of mine teach without degrees. I assume that you are an adult, so you need to way the pros and cons.

    How much can you expect to make? That depends. You could make anywhere from 20,000-45,000 baht a month with or without a degree. There are many factors involved in determining how much you will make. I know teachers with degrees making 25,000-45,000(on up) baht a month and non degree teachers pulling in the same. Good Luck! :o

    Edit: Some international schools pay 60-80,000 baht a month, but you can forget about even getting close to these schools without a degree

    Yes, absolutely. In another thread I have said I know a teacher with no degree and a wp, which may be what you're referring to Mizzi. TBH this is a one-off- the school realy wanted that teacher who had already worked there for some time. If you can make yourself that popular in a school maybe it can happen but I think it's pretty hard to do. Then again soon there'll be no teachers left anyway so the market will be ripe.

    It will get harder and harder to be legal, but illegal working will blossom.

  15. I know of one English Teacher with no degree and a work-permit so it is obviously possible. Yes, I think there was string pulling- or at least some slight subterfuge, employed by the school.

    The comments made are valid. Life is very uncertain here for English teachers- even those with degrees. I suspect that there will always be illegal work available but then it's you a*se on the line.

  16. But really quite seriously- as much as my immediate reaction might be to throw the c.v. in the bin, I would have to temper that thought because simply to get a c.v. from a genuine native speaker these days is pretty rare. (Admittedly my school gives me zero advertising budget).

    They can certainly count on the fact that I, for one, would feel obliged to interview them anyway. It seems strange that any genuine professional (post)graduate would send a crappy application. Maybe it's the perceived 'informality' of email?

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