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Posts posted by Slip

  1. Can you imagine walking into a bar, shop, restaurant or whatever in the west, consuming/ taking goods and then refusing to pay because you thought the price that you hadn't checked was too much? Admittedly you might not (always) get a hiding but you might just as well get a night in the cells or a conviction.

    Hard lesson but it'll be memories in 3 months.

    (Mind you knocking someone's teeth out for the sake of a couple of hundred baht is a bit strong).

  2. Hi All,

    i am looking for a Demoind invitation code.

    If you have one and are willing to share it, you'll deserve my eternal gratidude.



    I have one, but how do I know that you'll be a good boy?

    Please note: To avoid abuse, invitations are limited. Also, if someone you invite gets warned/banned, you might get warned/banned too.
    <quote from Demonoid site>
  3. It could be an after effect of the Hadron Collider causing the toast to vanish into a black hole. ...Whatever.

    Toast-related aside: Laying your toaster on its side to make cheese toasties is yet another utility of this marvellous and versatile kitchen appliance. :D Just remember to point the slots at a wall beforehand, or your delicious cheesy snack will be ejected onto the floor! :o

    Bloody hel_l, I never thought of that, thanks so much, right up there with only taking a couple of slices of bread from the freezer and buying velcro shoes.

    But doesn't the cheese drip onto the elements and burn?

  4. LOL- it'll be Maggie next.

    phaethon you're obviously skilled at this sort of thing. Can you arrange a rogues gallery? (Toxin, Maggie, Bush, Adolf, etc ad nauseam). It could be a flash game where you could choose your own fantasy evil cabinet, depending on your political leanings.

    He still looks the most smug bastid in the room tho'.

  5. No, I'm pretty sure that was a mistranslation, and they really said, "Enjoy!".

    Hey you are a teacher, is that wrong to put the period after the quotation marks?

    In England I was taught that it is correct to put the full stop after the quotation marks.

    I use 'a ton' of this hateful hollywood slang myself- it's become ubiquitous, but you should blame Hollywood not our individual American cousins.

    Laters :o

    EDIT TO SAY: I've always used the term 'Yank'- I didn't know it offended Americans. I apologise and will stop immediately,

  6. <snip>

    I know Thai does not have aspirated word endings. But they certainly have aspirated word beginnings.

    เสือ seua tiger

    ส้ม som orange

    ทหาร tahaan soldier

    So they are perfectly capable of vocalising (or aspirating :o ) the sounds!


    This puts me in mind of when i started to learn Thai. I had real trouble with '' at the beginning of words although the sound is very common in English at the end of words. So IMO the different location can make a definite difference.

  7. <snip>

    What I would suggest is to go commando as much as you can as them catching you in your full naked glory will have an impact and they will learn to knock sharpish. I found this out inadvertently because granny was quite shocked at the site of my member, but I was able to explain that if she had f'in well had the common decency to knock first then it would have been avoided.


    Was this supposed to say 'sight' or 'size'?

    If the latter then I think this is a case of shameless self-promotion. :D

  8. A very good friend of mine who lives in BKK went to them about 3 years ago as she and her hubby were having trouble getting pregnant. After many tests they emailed her a set of results that were not understandable to her as they were so scientific ('whatever' counts and such) but in time, the couple came to realise through other sources that the results meant they could never have children.

    My friends were both very upset at the news and the way they were treated. They went to another BKK hospital (I'm sorry, neither I nor my other half can remember the name of the new hospital)- somewher near the Emporium I think. Anyway, long story short they gave birth to a beautiful baby 6 months ago.

    This is not a 'friend of a sister's masseuse story'. These people are close friends of mine.

    Bumrungrad- I woudn't touch them with a 20 foot pole- (Although handy as a shortcut to Soi 1). There are much better (and much cheaper) hospitals within spitting distance of that place. Less money on marketing I'm sure but better care and more empathy in the experience of the only person I know who has ever used them.

    If I'd heard good reports of them I'd have reported that too- I have no axe to grind. But from what I've heard steer clear.

  9. In English often you use classifiers for non-count nouns. water, rice, and so on. I think it's only in modern times you can say for example "2 beers please". I don't know if it's connected- I'm not a cunning linguist. Mind you then you have flock of sheep, school of fish or pack of politicians all of which are count nouns- it's all very confusing. At least Thai always uses the classifier which should make it easier I'd have thought.

  10. This thread is hilarious. Why has it only got 1 star? I'm voting now.

    Edit to say: I'm just watching the film Kinky boots- there's not much doubt about the geezers on there. The local chaps are far more skilled.

  11. Raid (and others) make plug in liquid killers that we find very effective in the bedroom. They're not so good in the rest of the house as doors etc. are open but if you sleep in a closed air-con room they are excellent. Any Tesco will sell them and I never get bitten in the night unless I forget to plug it in.

    There was a thread some time ago when someone suggested a Thai product that they said was excellent for ant control. Apologies I can't remember the name but maybe you could find the thread in a search.

  12. Thanks for the replies guys.

    I think I was not all that clear in my post macb. In training sessions and usually he is happy to come and does so quickly (although he still comes and then sits, rather than just sit when he is at distance). However, I'm talking about everyday situations when he is off the lead and out in public. There are sometimes other dogs around (not soi dogs in our green and pleasant soi, but dogs who live in other houses and whose owners have left the gates open). He is very friendly and wants to run off to play with them. In these situations he is slow to return (and sometimes doesn't), although I'm usually asking him to sit rather than come.

    Another example is when we walk him at night, we have to run the gauntlet of barking dogs behind their gates. He is actually much happier on the lead in this situation and stays close with little or no pulliing. However if he is off the lead he will increase his pace, I presume as he's scared, and in this situation he will not follow any instruction at all but ends up running as far as our gate where he stops and waits for us.

    Does this have any impact on your advice?

    Harness no good for training good for tracking.

    I'm sorry I don't understand this. What do you mean by tracking?

  13. I don't understand the indignation about this. The buyer is willing to buy the service, isn't asking about wp's, and the seller is willing to provide the services. If the buyer isn't happy with the service, they stop buying the service. Anyone reading the teacher forum here knows what a nightmare it is getting legal here even for full time teachers with formal jobs, so telling this guy to get a WP is laughable.

    But the OP should be aware of the fairly nasty downside risk in the (admittedly) very unlikely situation that he does get caught somehow and it can happen. Of course he's never going to be able to get a WP and be legal as a private tutor anyway.

    (Off topic: 100th post :o )

  14. There's a good chance that Shenanigans and/or Jamesons will be showing it too.

    Ta for that mate.

    The only team with Irish lads in it is the Sydney Swans and they are out of the finals now having lost to the Saints, but Jameson and Shenanigans will probably show it.

    Yes Boxing Roo will have it, Outback won't because it will be shut during the day, but Darcy's bar also at the same premises will be showing it and hopefully on the big screen if there are enough people to warrant it.

    Roo bar in walking street will show it

    Not sure if the Australian Chamber of Commerce will be doing a function for the GF in Pattaya


    Who cares? Now the Crows are out can't see much point watching it! :o

  15. I've been reading this thread with interest for a while now. I have a question for the experts- My dog is pretty good: Intelligent and learns quickly although a little wilful - But in high stress situations his training seems goes out of the window as other have mentioned.

    However, my question is specific to these situations. My dog seems to have quite naturally picked up this sort of sequence that MacB suggests, I guess as a result of the way I trained him, (I.e. 'sit' before 'come here', then 'heel', then 'down' over time) where he will come to me before he sits (usually quite slowly). Sometimes I just want him to sit immediately at a distance rather than come then sit.

    Do any of you guys have any suggestions how to over-ride this behaviour? It's usually in high stress situations such as another dog when I want him to respond very specifically as because as I said, he tends to lose focus quickly in these situations and it's handy to be able to grab him.

    Additionally do Bina, Macb, Nienke have any views on harnesses as opposed to collars or choke chains?



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