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Posts posted by Slip

  1. As much as I enjoyed voting in Global DJ's 'Will boxhead do hard time'? poll with its many options, I'm interested what the denizens of TV really think as to whether he (Toxin, not Globaldj) will ever see the inside of Bang Kwang or similar? Hence there are only two options in this poll.

    My personal bet is that the answer is a bit of a 'shoe-in', but there's some strange people out there in TV land and they all deserve a voice.

  2. Dear Pushit,

    I do not own these dogs to scare people!

    Unfortunately you have not met them, absolutely gentle and a great and calm personality.


    Gerd: Yes you do own these dogs to scare people...OFF your property I hope.

    Unfortunately in public places large breeds perform a simelar role in scaring the public.

    Most recently a household pet Rottweiler mauled and killed a two year old girl in Bangkok.

    According to press reports the dog was not destroyed but adopted by a unit of the Thai armed forces for ?????

    I'm sure your dogs are great and calm personality in your household.

    Large breed dogs do scare people even if you have no intention.

    Meet our Jack Russell, her bark can shatter your eardrums!

    I've only been bitten once in my entire life and that was by a jack russell- nasty little so and so. I've never personally met a bad rotty- they are usually gentle giants in my experience.

    What a strange argument you use with your mauling tack- yes there are bad dogs, there are bad people too, but civilised behaviour tells us we should act against the individual rather than tar everyone (or dog) with the same brush. Having said that I do think that if any dog mauls a child it should be destroyed or kept safely away from most human contact.

    Large breeds do not scare me, but I'm very careful around small dogs- these mini-pincers that are common over here seem to be the most aggressive pound for pound. However, I recognise it would be just as wrong of me to generalise about a breed as it is of you.

    Gerd (and OP), if your dogs are controlled when in a public place why shouldn't they be there? The western histronics about """dangerous""" breeds are just that. What nonsense!

    Every evening I walk my pitbull around the block- he never starts any aggressive behaviour which is more than I can say for all those 'non-dangerous/ un-scary' breeds that we come across on our exercise.

    EDIT: Mind you, it's a fair point- his behaviour is very different if someone looks like they want to come into my property. If I didn't know him better I'd be scared myself.

  3. Well I'm getting nowhere. Benjamat I think he doesn't have the CD as he said he'd have to go to fortunetown to get it done.

    You used to be able to boot with diagnostic start up even from safe mode if I remember correctly, maybe not, it was long ago.Anyway I'm sure someone far more knowledgeable than me will be along in a while.

  4. To me (and believe me, I'm no expert) that suggests that the computer is already hanging by the time you're coming to enter the password. Do you have an option when choosing safe mode for something like 'step by step' booting. Sorry ages since I had to try this will go and have a look now. If you can boot without autoexec.sys and config.sys maybe it might make a difference? I don't know if this is still an option. Hang on - will look at my own system.

  5. So can I clarify? It's not that you don't know the password, but you can't enter it is that correct? Sorry - re-reading your post that's exactly what you are saying- but you're not getting any message?. Try in 'safe mode'. (Hold down F8 as you boot). That might help (or might not but worth a go).

  6. Not so sure what you're talking about ...

    But if it's about the poor guy who was killed by PAD supporters, I remember a number of comments in this forum: he was looking for trouble, he has only himself to blame ...

    So get your facts straight before blaming anybody.

    Talking about the Anti PAD posters who posted flaming and abusing post's against all PAD supporters about the one human death from the "other" site but didn't do the same now while 2 death and more than 400 injured by "legal" actions of the police.

    That's the fact's! The rest you can read in my post!


    These people were killed by home made pipe bombs manufactured by PAD supporters, killed by their own stupidity. The police is doing a fine job. Again, get your facts straight !!

    <Sigh> Unsubstantiated rhetoric, inflamatory nonsense. (Pretty dodgy) opinion. More rhetoric (confrontational type).

    It seems the die hards on each of the 2 (4?, 6?) sides are as ridiculous and blinkered as each other. You all know who you are.

    [EDIT: Typos/ Spelling as usual

    and again to add that Lavidchr's use of a term like 'Fritz' to refer to our (presumably) German Mod reimar is racist and offensive and deserves a ban- Reimar is plainly too much of a diplomat to discipline this behaviour himself ]

  7. 3. ความเกรงใจ khwaamM graehngM jaiM deference; thoughtfulness; consideration (of another)

    From www.Thai-language.com

    That is all fine and dandy, but the term has, in practice, quite an expansive range of meanings riding on a continuum from polite consideration of others to kiss arse some phuu yai.


    One entry found. Main Entry:def·er·ence Pronunciation: \ˈde-fə-rən(t)s, ˈdef-rən(t)s\ Function:noun Date:1660 : respect and esteem due a superior or an elder ; also : affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes

    — in deference to : in consideration of <returned early in deference to her parents' wishes>

    So it seems to me the link I posted was pretty well spot on. Some have suggested that the level of 'Kreng Jai' that you are 'supposed' to achieve depends on your social standing. Of course (as far as I understand) only the Pu Yai who still behaves in a "Kreng Jai' manner is the true master but my understanding is that this is how it works- One should behave in this way to everyone regardless of whether they are your senior or junior- anything else is not genuinely "Kreng Jai". However, maybe what StonyBonyTony says is true- the exact obligations of 'Kreng Jai' differ depending upon you status. I think I want to try and find out about this- I'll report back (but not for at least a week as I'm off on me hols tomorrow :o )

    [EDIT- Sorry, forgot to quote definition's source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deference]

  8. The question is: when you guy's will accept the truth?!


    And don't forget: That's Thais which are fighting for "their" Thailand and not any foreigner!

    And you should know that the Thais know much more about Thailand and the thai character and mentality and culture as any foreigner ever will know.

    This is a fight from Thais for Thailand and foreigner have nothing to tell there. You can do that in your own country but NOT in Thailand!


    Which surely makes this quote from Sr Prasam all the stranger- Trying to involve outsiders (and human rights groups of all things) {shudder} is not the normal Thai way historically speaking.

  9. <snip>

    Senator Prasarn Marukapitak said he will send pictures and evidence related to yesterday's crackdown to the United Nation's Human Rights Committee, the Human Rights Watch, and foreign ambassadors in Thailand for clariification of the incident.

    Notwithstanding all the complicated opinions from the farang on this board on this subject, I find this one of the most telling quotes I've seen.

    If we accept the "Democrats=PAD='Thai elite' argument", then what is happening here? The Thai elite trying to garner international NGO support? This must surely be a first and (just perhaps) reflects quite well on this anti PPP movement.

    OK PPP fans/ anti-PADs, slay me- it is an honest observation.

    [EDIT: For typo]

  10. DT (If I can be even more presumptious than PB-lol). Come and do a one week 'getting to know you' in my school- I guarantee you'll be gainfully employed before the week is up. Unless you have 2 heads.

    But I guess if anyone wants to brush up on any skills they should check out some of the sponsor links- yes?

  11. it don't matter what you do,

    or how incredibly nice, polite, well dressed and a s s licking you are,

    you will never be given respect from thai bosses.

    its that simple................................................

    I'm lower level management in my school (upper of the farang) and I have to say both my boss and my oppo treat me with a great amount of respect and friendliness- This comment is trollish nonsense IMO.

  12. (BTW there are kennels near Seacon in BKK, not far off Bangna-Trat that charge about 100 baht a day for a small dog and a staff member sleeps there with them)

    hel_l that's good service -do they charge extra for the happy ending?

    Normally, Garro I'd say bring him to me but I'm off myself in the next 3-4 days for a week.

    There's an idea here- TV'ers looking after other dogs while they're away. I'd be more than happy to look after someone's dog for a few days.

    (Luckily my good pal neighbour comes to house and dog sit when we disappear on out hols)

  13. You want to teach English & you don't know the difference between advise & advice? :o

    Good luck!

    Don't be a &lt;deleted&gt;.

    To the OP,

    I am sure that you can find a way into the system despite your lack of experience. You need a school that can fight your corner and put effort into getting you legit. You won't be the first.

    Indeed Garro

    Ah- the OP made the mistake of posting his question in General. Perhaps a mod will move it to teaching where this guy seeking genuine advice might get slightly better treatment.

    EDIT to ask the OP. Where in LOS are you currently living?

  14. Bu is there a search on Raipdshare? I thought the shares were by invitation only?

    I've been using it (the free downloader) for the last couple of days with mixed results- sometimes pretty fast - 70- 80 KB/ sec but sometimes dropping to around 5. Lots of dumped downloads ( about 10-20%) and it doesn't support d/l managers or resume. All in all tho' I think it's worth a try.

    Filefactory also do a similar thing- but I've had the session expired message a lot there.

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