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Posts posted by Slip

  1. Heya lads n lasses.

    I'm looking for some help and wonder if any techies can offer advice.

    What I want to do is identify files that come from a particular computer (or even better a particular user). I'm teaching and the wee boogers keep copying each others files and just changing the name. Some programs have good properties which allow you to tell the author- others do not. What I'm after doing is stamping each file automatically with an identifier that cannot be changed, regardless of the program that created it.

    Most of the identifier searching I've been able to turn up centres around the image/ music industries (watermarking) or hash identifiers (integrity checking) which don't strike me as what I want really. Hashing seems to do just the opposite of what I want- if the file is changed at all the hash will alter showing the change. I want something that says despite any changes that have been made this is orignally file xyz produced by computer 10 (or user Ploy). Similarly visual watermarking isn't going to be any use really for databases for example.

    Does anyone know of anything freely available or has anyone got any ideas? (I realise of course that this won't stop them using cut and paste where-ever they can or finding other loopholes- sneaky little blighters).


    And also thanks from all the students in the future who might actually learn something because they have to think, rather than just copying their mate because they're too idle to be arsed.

  2. Pojamarn has only ONE legal problem - tax evasion. She gets pardoned for this, it's over.

    Thaksin has a lot more to answer, there's no possibility of one blank pardon to cover it all.

    In terms of reconciliation, letting Pojamarn back in will surely won't make situation any worse. She commands respect of legions of ex-TRT politicians, if she can sway Northern faction + Bangkok to abandon fight - who's left with Thaksin? Is he going to turn to Newin to mobilise crowds after giving a cold shoulder just two months ago? Newin himself is at odds with Isan Pattana - the only faciton that is ideologically close to Thaksin and would support him through thin and thick.

    If she can persuade Yongyuth and Yawopa - Thaksin's revolution is as good as over.

    Will PAD accept it? If she really abandons Thaksin - sure they will.

    So, are we to believe that this divorce is not a"financial arrangement" but a definite parting of the ways. Surely we aren't to believe she's hanging him out to dry?

    This is starting to sound like something William Shakespeare might have created.

    Lol just wait for the murders to start- I don't know which is more apt - et tu Brute? or C-C-C_Caliban the beast (sorry can't remember a quote from him).

  3. I wasn't going to post this and then came back.

    Which really bothers you most (in your own honest mind)? You said little about becoming a Muslim- would it be a conversion of convenience? If you didn't have to get that cruelest cut would you convert without another thought? and if you would what would be your motivation?

    I agree with your logic but is the family aware that your gf doesn't practise? do they? Can you speak to them about this? Your last paragraph strikes me is your honest and best attempt at this- I think you should trust your instincts even if you miss out on the girl.

    But again is it the conversion or the mutilation you can't stand?

    I really think you need to closely examine your own thoughts. Unless some one comes up with some weirdly blinding idea, you'll probably end up doing just what you thought anyway.


    Good luck!

    EDIT" lol in the meantime Patklang solved the problem. :o

  4. Ashampoo used to make something although it was very slow and not much fun to use, and it ain't free. I don't use it any more put it that way. I prefer to clear up mess afterwards with a reggie cleaner. I've just started using Advanced system care free after a recommendation from this site- seems to be working nicely and a nice bit of kit, does a lot of stuff and I notice does have an uninstaller, tho' I've not used it. Anyway links are here:


    ASC free

    Is that OK? I can't remember the rules. If not mods please delete links- they're both easy to find on google anyway.

  5. I don't know about Surin but I wouldn't depend on being able to get a sleeper at short notice generally in this country. I've tried and been disappointed many times. As for an hour and a half to Hualumpong- it's quite a way (I'm guessing 20-30 km?). You can do it easily unless you hit stinking traffic which can always happen.

    I'm with TW on this, but I guess you could try- pitch up and see, if you can make it and there are tickets then you're larfing. If not catch a cab to a cozy overnight hotel.

  6. is it hard for a foreigner to date a Chinese Thai girl?

    I got hard when I dated them but I found it harder when I married one.

    :D Sorry I do not really understand

    My first point relates to their attractiveness and my subsequent involuntary reaction.

    My second point refers to marriage life in general.

    Is it true that their crack is horizontal as opposed to vertical :o

    Oh my...

  7. How many coups will you need to understand that the military and Co is not the answer to the problem, but quite the contary actually.

    Does anyone know this guy's original TV account?

    What's your problem Slip ?

    You want to ban me ?

    no you are banned already...we just try to figure out which our former name, before you got banned, was.

    I've been AFK today, but yes H90 that sums it up pretty well.

  8. It strikes me the 3 murders and 1 attempted murder, by police, in one 3 year period is already quite a lot. It would certainly be enough to make me think twice about getting into disputes with the bib, regardless of other situations that may have happened that we don't know about or situations where no murder occurred.

    How may foreigners get into disputes with Thai policemen? Who knows but I would imagine most people have more sense.

    As jdinasia says there are plenty of other avenues open to a rozzer with a grudge not involving violence. Planted evidence is not even unique to Thailand.

  9. If the OP's urges where down to his evolutionary pregromming to spread his genes the shape / size of the women he spread his genese with would not matter - In fact it could be argued that if he would probably be doing his own genes a favour by spreading them with women of as wide a range of shape/size as he can find.

    But the OP has made specific references to the fact that he is attracted to the women in Thailand and to their shape/size and specific reference to women back in the UK being fat.

    It is at this point arguments about evolution begin to fall over and his imaturity steps in to take its place.


    Darwins theories are basically sound, however, there are holes.


  10. There is alcohol on offer everyday regardless of holidays etc. Dont you lot know anything? Or are you all just limited to bars, tescos and 711?

    If you need it that much you wont have much trouble finding it.

    Ex-pats may not have much trouble finding some, but tourists might have.

    Well i think grantbkk is an expat, As for tourist's you have to be pretty sad to being sitting on the net whilst on holiday posting on TV dont u think?

    Duh...... put down the beer and step away from the keyboard, carefully now, don't want you to suddendly have a rational thought at this time of night, it may cause an embolism...... and we wouldn't want that, would we children (it's nearly panto season... what the heck)


  11. LOL- The situation you describe at the camp is pretty typical I think. If you want to survive happily in those situations you have to be pretty hard to faze (phaze?), very resourceful and able to change tack at a moments notice (all hallmarks of a good teacher) - many teachers here are good enough/ confident enough that they can do this without a moments thought- (sadly I'm not one of them) but here comes your stress. This kind of thing has happened to me before too, but you learn to expect it, so then you don't get stressed because you have a contingency plan. It's all about making sure sure you are in control whatever they throw at you. (Or fail to provide). I've always found camps about 5 times as stressful as the classroom. I have personal experience of being told to speak to a hall of 500 parents for 10 minutes with only 2 minutes warning. My stress levels went through the roof, but I'm still breathing.

    You should bear in mind that when you're teaching in a school environment (as opposed to camps) the set-up is different, the organisation is better (hopefully), and you are much more in control.

    Aussiestyle's point about farangs trying to be Thai is very valid. Bear in mind; these guys, if they're administrators, are at the sharp end of liaising between the management and the foreign teachers. They are putting up with the stuff you mention on a daily basis. The only way they can stop going mad is to change the system (yeah right) or adapt and behave more like the Thai's themselves. As in 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"

    I've been coordinating here for 5 years but I have to say the foreign teachers cause me easily just as much stress as the administration. As Aussiestyle says it is manageable; and I teach here- I wouldn't for one second think of teaching in the UK or America.

    It comes down to your personality/ skills and it's by no means impossible- but PeaceBlondie's question is important- If Thai people stress you out, then maybe it's not for you. If you thrive on being handed difficult situations then jump in, welcome aboard. :o

  12. I don't know what to tell you. Are you the sort of person who is easily frustrated and let's that bring you down, or can you deal with life's little challenges by laughing and having a positive outlook? I don't think anyone can really answer this question for you- you have to see for yourself.

    I do have to work, but I don't have to work here- I choose to.

    Sometimes the kids can be pretty sapping too. Again, it all depends on your outlook. Personally, I find the satisfaction far outweighs any frustration, but that's me not you.

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