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Posts posted by Slip

  1. I think you'll find it's 'pack' of dogs. laugh.gif

    But I do feel for you- dogs seem to hate bikes and in the soi outside my house cyclists get chased up and down all day by the dogs of my neighbour who selfishly lets them out, (Not to mention they harass my dogs at their own gate).

  2. [

    Hang on a moment .... And NEVER to forget(any pro dems members here) those EIGHT civilians who were hidden in the TEMPLE, thinking there will be safe, probably thinking no one NORMAL and REAL Budhist would kill them there.

    Eight INNOCENT civilians, or you pathetic prodems will give here some "proof" they were armed as well???

    BTW, in debate in parliament, footage and forensic report were given just for 2 of them. No any word about any other of 6 more victims of some mad dog.

    Or some one of you yellows/dems will say that reds killed those people to blame on Government??? :bah:

    That third category of posters here is more than welcome. For sure. I am also trying to be neutral(doing as well, so far) ;) That is why i pointed yellows and reds as first.

    These two recent posts of yours seem rather at odds Stephenwolf. unsure.gif

    (Fixed quote tags)

  3. Hoo-Definitely stinks like a set up.

    I think you've a got a handle on how to deal with it though. Assuming the young spunk hasn't already done the deed, make it clear that you win't support him and if he still chooses to flush his life away so be it.

    That might make marital relations a bit frosty of course.

  4. Enemy forces would halt any advance at Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza . . . the Pattaya beach landings would advance no further than 2nd Road.

    Within six months Thai Visa would have to install new military specification servers to handle all the 'Why is the electric bill for my condo 17,000 baht a month?' and 'Where is the best place to buy gold for my GF?' and 'Why do so many buffalo get sick here?' threads.

    Enemy forces would then be repelled by a woman at Immigration at the Vientiane consulate office, refusing anymore Tourist/Invasion visas and extensions of stay. Some of the enemy would be captured at Suvarnabhumi departures with an overstay and robbed of their last few satang. A few will be accused of stealing cartons of cigarettes from the duty free and water-boarded accordingly.

    A few daring soldiers that make it past 2nd Road will be found in years to come dug in, in the Issan region, having built replica bases with 2m high fortifications made of low quality cinder block. The officers will have dug moats around their follies. These too eventually get repelled by mother-in-laws demanding new SUV's and insufficient resources to satisfy the Non-Combatant 'O-dear-me' visa requirements. They too will be relieved of their personal effects on the way to the embassy to see if they're still entitled to an airlift out of theatre.

    This is funny! Just peed myself laughing but it is so true :)

    I thought it was happening already, every single day.

    Nice to see the crappy stereotypical Thai bashing from early in the thread died out.

    EDIT: Really? You just peed yourself? Ew.

  5. My privately run English Prog school charges 30k a semester rather than a month, that's a bilingual school not a programme in a normal school. (That's x2 semesters).

    EDIT: Sorry to hear this crap news Onnut- I hope everything works out.

  6. Good luck Triple You. Hope it works out right for you. Then you'll only have to worry about the 'standards of professional practice' for your renewal-lol. Actually I'm thinking that these exams might be a relatively easy way to tick one of those boxes as not so many of us are often 'writing textbooks, articles or academic reports which are beneficial for learning management or educational management'. Or is that just me?

  7. Triple you, that was my position- I have worked for the same school since May 2002 and got my licence about 6 months ago. (Bachelors plus min 5 years although I do seem to remember someone saying something about working for the same school). Sorry to be a bit vague but the school did it all on my behalf and the licence just turned up one day- I didn't even know they'd applied for it.

  8. Ha ha - thanks for that Scott. I know that huge thread and contributed on it a couple of times. I was in the position of (hopefully) getting grandfathered in and was trying to find out more about that at the time. As I remember everything was just rumours and hearsay, but I'll go back and review that beast of a thread. Thanks anyway.

  9. I did get mine in the end, without having to sit the exams, owing to my length of service.

    Scott, can you point me in the direction of any more info on the waivers? I seem to remember that schools could basically beg to have a licence for special cases, (such as my other half who has been at the school for 5 years, but can't apply for these exams because she has no degree), but I can't find any current info.

    Sorry if this is a bit off topic, feel free to send me a pm if you have any info and think it more appropriate.

  10. Welcome Darkrose- and very well put. That is what I was trying to say back on page 15, then some noob called Eaconger started being insulting (I presume B-Nose is an insult though actually I haven't got a clue what it means), and trying to baffle us with bullshit about solid pipes and dedicated lines and how he's an important network admin who 'knows about these things' whereas we plebs don't, and we should all go home. At that point I thought 'oh screw it, I just can't be bothered'.

    Well put indeed- we pay for a service- if the ISP can't support the service they're selling how is that our fault? They still happily take the money of course.

    BTW I can confirm that here:

    Thebox = not working

    uknova = working

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  11. Nicely smug Travel2003. I hope that you are never here when you're needing advice because you're in a hole.

    To the OP- A guy I knew got busted for (he claimed) a spliff's worth on Khao San. He spent a night in the cells. As I remember a tiny fine (less than 50 quid), but he was going to have real trouble getting back into the country once he left (he was a teacher and the nice immigration guy told him he would have serious problems getting back in and he would be better not to leave, wear the overstay and get his name clean or he wouldn't be allowed to re-enter). In the end he had to pay 300k baht to get it all smoothed away and get his name off the blacklist. All of this is of course hearsay from a self-confessed stoner-lol.

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