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Posts posted by Slip

  1. This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

    Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

    Ends rant.

    Matt Codes is right, I run I network which serves 3 locations in hotels and restaurants with over 200 computers and network appliances on it. Anyone who knows anything about networking will know that torrent are nasty drains on bandwidth. People who pay 499/month or something stupid cheap like that should realize they're getting their share of a certain bandwidth based on the probability that x users are loading or downloading something at the same time. Folks who use automatic programs to continuously suck bandwidth, should be paying for a dedicated line not a share line.

    Sorry folks there's no free ride. People who complain they can't take more than their fair share, but don't want to pay should be sent home.

    Blah. No-one cares about how many location or hotels or restaurants or computers you 'run'. The companies do not sell on this 'we all have to share nicely' basis. We pay for a service, as offered and we are entitled to use it- when I signed up no-one said 'yes you can use this much unless a load of old women start moaning'. You should be sent home. Stop hating the users and start hating the lying lying corporations. Mattcodes is talking crap and so are you.

  2. Seriously- I am no expert. Can someone send me a link to a torrent that they CAN'T download and I'll try it. I don't use private trackers but I've had no problem all day. (More than can be said for FBook)

    Go to Demonoid or TPB and pick one - Any one. I can't download anything.

    No- all good for me- I've just started another torrent I don't want, as I've been doing all day to check if it's working. (Talk about irresponsible torrent downloading). All systems go however. TOT- Ratchahburi.

  3. Hmm... Wouldn't it be fair if we paid for the resources we consume, like your electric or water meter?

    Which resources, exactly, are we "consuming"?

    Torrents are consuming now about 70% of the TOT usable bandwidth.

    As a result serious Internet users are experiencing a very slow browsing and uploading performance....

    Yet another off-topic numb-nuts weighs in. This one with an impressive 26 posts to his name. Please stop wasting our band-width (and our oxygen).

  4. Obviously, someone not on a race track & driving a car at 180kph, is irresponsible.

    Really? I believe that in some parts of the world it's de rigeur, and not considered to be even slightly irresponsible.

    [Geoff you're feeding your own trolls now- where is the mod for this forum?]

    Minus 2 reputation points for you. :bah:...even though I don't give a &lt;deleted&gt; about rep points.

    Why? I always had more respect for you than this Elkangorito. Stop trolling. No-one gives a shit about reputation points and you can't take them away.

  5. I loved starcraft all those years ago. For anyone looking for something new, wait to be disappointed. This is the same game with some slight (very slight) tweaks. Not much to show for 12 years work IMO. If you're thinking of buying, I suggest you try the pirate first- I reckon you'll be spending your money on something more worthwhile.

  6. Obviously, someone not on a race track & driving a car at 180kph, is irresponsible.

    Really? I believe that in some parts of the world it's de rigeur, and not considered to be even slightly irresponsible.

    [Geoff you're feeding your own trolls now- where is the mod for this forum?]

  7. Not trying to take one side or another, but when you look at the fact that it took only a couple of months to complete the investigations and issue indictments against UDD leaders, but it's been 2 years now without indictments against PAD for their actions, it really looks bad, as in blatant double standards of justice, for the government.

    Just1Voice- You DO blatantly take sides. As Rubl pointed out the cases against the PAD crims are ongoing. It is a bit sad that they haven't progressed quicker. Perhaps if they had fielded armed insurgents and then torched BKK they would have moved quicker still? No double standards here- Civil disobedience and illegal behaviour is one thing- treason, sedition and armed revolution another.

  8. This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

    Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

    Ends rant.

    You're point of view is completely wrong! If you look at another medium like the telephone network. You could not a group of heavy telephone users block their account because of others who use the medium less intense.

    You pay for a certain bandwith and then you are entitled to use what you have paid for. The provider has nothing to do with what kind of data you send or receive over the network. Same as the telephone provider has nothing to do what kind of conversation or messages you send or receive.

    The real problem is that the providers in Thailand don't keep up installing sufficient hardware according to the number of accounts and demanded bandwith. In Europe I pay much less for a much higher bandwith and recently has a court in The Netherlands denied a claim for controling the content of the internet use by the providers.

    It is time that the Thai people let their government know that they are capable adults who can decide for themself what they think is good or bad. A government should not treat Thai citizens as if they are incapable dummies by controling a big part of their social life, where nowadays internet is part of that too.

    Exactly, you paid for it, and they can't supply so they start cutting down on one particular user type. What happens next when it gets full? cut out SKYPE, cut out E mail? What right does someone using SKPE or whatever have to expect their 3mb that I don't?

    Well quite- Let's face it, this is an expected response form big business cheaters. The real problem here is the 'holier than thou' users who believe that their use is more important than anyone else's for whatever their own selfish reasons may be.

    Meanwhile On-topic- if anyone has an invite from a tracker that they can't download from, pm me an invite code and preferably a non-working torrent that you've tried and I will test it from my connection. I used to be a member of many private sites but I download so few torrents these days that I've let them all lapse.

    And I agree with the many posts- Mods please delete all the opinions on whether torrents are right or wrong and get this thread back on topic.

  9. vediovis - glad to see someone sees it fair.

    Skype uses nowhere near the bandwidth that most torrent use, a fraction of a megabit. Also it runs for as long as the conversations last and establishes a minimal number of p2p connections. U pay for your internet connection, sure, but say you pay for 3mb, its oversold (same everywhere in the world), ISPs dont expect you to saturate the line, they even tell you there will be contention. This problem DOES exist is other countries but the effects on the main userbase arent as dramatic for numerous reasons that I cant be arsed typing out in detail - think where the peer exists - think who gets traffic shaped - think how cheap the transit and partial transit routes are in US / EU - you can get down to less than a couple of quid a megabit in large commits.

    >By the way, I use Torrents in a legal way, to up- and download program and OS code.

    Yawn. Im sure some people do. Most people working with source code will be pulling an SCM though (git/cvs/svn), most distros are available on HTTP mirrors too, so unfortunately given 99% of torrent traffic is illegitimate you may be that 1% victim, workarounds exist so its for the greater good.

    >It is the same one most of us torrenters feel when we notice all the Skype users hogging the bandwidth to avoid paying the incredibly cheap long distance rates charged in Thailand.

    Again misinformed. Use a bandwidth monitor to see how much traffic a Skype call takes and how many peer 2 peer connections it uses (the sheer number with bittorrent have effects on l3 switching gear in play at the ISPs).

    Well done TOT. I just hope the others follow. Torrenter you can come back in a few years when the infrastructure can support everybody saturating (> 25%) there line 24/7.

    My solution - 500baht / month for 8mbit/10mbit or something sensible. 100baht/1gb downloaded/uyploaded then you can torrent your heart out and we'd all be happy.

    come on.....you....I have bad words to say but don't want to be blocked.....I pay for a service...why should U, or the provider decide my download options....or charge by download speed...??? your "vocabulary" concerning computer torrent downloads are above most reader's head's..which leads me to believe...you need a girlfriend....how can you have the time to quote the particulars of bandwith and "mirrors"? source code...???? are you joking??? keep it simple stu+id


    come on..... I'll simplify it just for you. If nearly everybody that goes to all-you-can-eat buffet had 5 massive full plates, mostly the expensive stuff, how long would the buffet company last? The company that put that little wire in your house so you can click on websites played a game of averages that now isnt working out as they expected... Granted I will admit the advertising does give the impression of unlimited everything... unfortunately (at least in Thailand) it just isnt possible.

    And let's make it simple for you Mattcodes. The providers (TOT) have entered into a contract, it may be a bad contract- that is their problem. There have been plenty of occasions when TOT has failed to provide ANY service on my connection from one week to the next- they still took my money. It is not the fault of the customers who have paid for the service if the company/provider made a bad deal. I'm not a big eater- I don't go to all you can eat buffets and bitch that I don't eat much. Neither should you. Anyhow- regardless, when talking about TOT, this 'all you can eat buffet' often has NO food, nowhere to sit, and extremely annoying customers who like to moan on about their anorexic eating habits and how everyone else should subsidise them because of it. What toss!

  10. ‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

    Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

    poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

    This certainly resume why some western people laugh about the democracy in thailand when such important newspapper let his editor say such stupidities

    And again! Do you mean to take over this thread with tripe and have it closed? The Editor of the Nation's opinions have nothing to do with democracy, important newspapers allowing their editor to say what he feels is arguably a mainstay of a functioning democracy, Once again- your 'quote' is unlinked and unsourced. You are a troll, no- a shill. Here comes the ban stick.

    OK fair enough- thanks for the links.

  11. I see the Red Shirt sympathisers are out in force already,

    Usual underlying message:any excuse to bring Abhisits Government down.

    Shame they will be disappointed, once again!

    I was also amazed at the speed with which the Thaksinites swooped on this thread. Well He doesn't pay them to sit around doing nothing, I guess.

    (More's the pity- we could all do with a break from the relentless spin).

    Yes, by the way just medidate on this sentence :

    ‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

    Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

    poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

    Come on- at least give a link, or you're just taking the pish! Not to mentionofftopic2.gif

  12. I see the Red Shirt sympathisers are out in force already,

    Usual underlying message:any excuse to bring Abhisits Government down.

    Shame they will be disappointed, once again!

    No need to be red or yellow to understand what kind of politic Abhisit, PAD and Nationalist play now.

    Thaksin was corrupted, as well as many others.

    It's time to go on an upper level dude. You sure do not realise what will happen to Thailand if the current government continue this way.

    Instead of 4kms2 it should really try to find a good reconciliation plan and do not make stupid moves like allowing PAD and Abhisit join the rally

    If they just want at the same time internal and external war then they are in the good way

    Oh shoot! Were you authorised to give that bit of the plan (last sentence) away? Quick get on the phone to Amsterdam! He'll know what to say. ohmy.gif

  13. I see the Red Shirt sympathisers are out in force already,

    Usual underlying message:any excuse to bring Abhisits Government down.

    Shame they will be disappointed, once again!

    I was also amazed at the speed with which the Thaksinites swooped on this thread. Well He doesn't pay them to sit around doing nothing, I guess.

    (More's the pity- we could all do with a break from the relentless spin).

    • Like 1
  14. Does anyone know of the dog-care foundation in Kan that is run by Chamlomg Srimuang? (Yes, THAT Chamlomg Srimuang). I've just been told about it by a Thai friend but so far I've not been able to find anything further.

    I would be grateful even if somone could confirm if it exists.

    EDIT: Apologies for formatting- caused because I copy/ pasted the Thai name.

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