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Posts posted by Slip

  1. OK Here’s twice it’s happened to me- the last time about 3 months ago, the first about 5 years ago. Both times a broken down car at the side of the road in a fairly desolate place- read dual carriageway with a 5 km hike to town. Both times I was helped by a good Samaritan who approached me and asked if I needed help. Both times the guy took me off on his bike to seek assistance. The first time (at night) the guy kept running off on his bike to get water for my bust radiator, while the mechanic he had fetched worked on the car. He must have made 8 or 9 trips. They worked on it for about an hour and a half. Neither the mechanic nor our saviour would accept a penny. Second time, the guy took me to town literally 2 minutes before an enormous storm- I saw him as he came back to check everything was good. You have never seen a wetter person. Meanwhile I rode in a car provided by the mechanic. I was able to press a couple of hundred on this guy, but I did have to press.

    According to my Thai friends however, the mechanic in the second scenario really pulled my pants down over the towing fee. Sorry about that tiny negative note- Good ol’ Thailand I say.

    Oh- and my good Thai friend who never ever lets me put my hand in my pocket, and looks after me like a brother. When I had to call him about the second occasion above, his response was "why the hel_l did you just go to the nearest garage you could could find? You should have called me"!

  2. ][/b]The pair have since become a tourist attraction in themselves. Park authorities initially planned to catch the animals and take them to another park better suited to their way of life, but as they seemed to be thriving in Khao Yai and not damaging the natural environment,
    (Please see sentence one)
    ...they were allowed to stay.
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