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Posts posted by Slip

  1. Geez Tokay! That's a bit strong don't you think?

    And to our newbie English teacher, SurfingLife, the phrase 'included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase' actually has to refer to the motorbike in correct English i.e. only the bike was stuffed into the suitcase. There might be a comma missing but that's hardly CosmicSurfer's fault.. If you want to be pedantic he was wrong to say the mattress. However this is hardly the forum for picking on people's English language skills. It's about a murdered young woman and her killer being caught.

  2. Someone posted on here, complaining that this lot had ripped off his cards- it included that image above. I think it got deleted pretty quickly.

  3. Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli's rented home, also in Wichit.

    That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

    And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

    Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


    Well lets just assume that they meant that the suitcase had the body in it. I know that many weird and wondeful things are carried on motorbikes here, but I would like to see a drunk guy ride a motorbike for several km with a large suitcase on the front with the equivalent weight and size of the deceased in it. I think that this would be quite difficult. I know everyone on TV has already found the guy guilty and maybe he is, but when the bib are involved I always have my doubts. Is he just a convenient nutter to hang this crime on? Was he given a choice of plead not guilty and get the death penalty or plead guilty and get life and maybe let out after 10 years?

    It was a Suzuki Step motorbike, its a step-through motorbike. Suitcase wouldn't up be up on front, it would be down below between his legs. (I do not have any experience in this), you see people everyday carry all sorts of stuff in the step through area of these motorbikes.


    edited to add link to previous topic, page 2.

    I certainly do. I've carried friends' backpacks this way many times on my honda. It's not super easy but not too hard. A rigid suitcase of any size would be very hard though I think.

    EDIT: Punctuation, and to add 'rip the victim'.

  4. I now have a far greater understanding of how these messages get the way they are...

    Just this week the toilet in one of our clubs was out of order, I sms'd a simple message to the Manager so that people would know to use the rest rooms on the 3rd floor.

    > Pls Use Toilets On 3rd Floor.

    <snip foto>

    Sorry that image wasn't large enough. Do you have it in supersize?

  5. She said I wasn't qualified to teach English because I do not have a TEFL certificate.[/color]]

    I guess this is open to interpretation. I took it as her saying he wasn't qualified to teach rather than specifically to work for her school. Maybe the OP can clarify what she meant?

  6. What sort of article is this? If the writer hasnt noticed; Cinema and Television co-exist in unison and have been doing so since the early 50's. Thats a good 60 years! If TV hasnt destroyed cinema yet....it never will! Even with pirated DVD's flooding the market, cinema will still hold its ground. As long as ticket sales are reasonable, people will always go see motion pictures on the big screen, its the experience. And how do bad drivers come into it?...strange segue. What i would really like to see is a World class Thai film made without the clown whistles and boing spring sample effects, quite over that one.

    Try this- doesn't get the best reviews in the world, but no boings and some of the cinematography is nice.


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