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Posts posted by Slip

  1. For the record, I think it is important to clarify, when I said I was "enjoying a pre-beer McDonalds early yesterday evening" in my original post, I meant gastronomically and not sexually. :blink:

    This post has been edited by Rimmer: Today, 16:23

    Reason for edit: attempt to make the post more pleasant

    TWO top quality posts/ edits in one short thread. Thanks you guys. :lol:

  2. The OP is, sadly, just the flip side of the coin of the very people he is complaining about. There are some good points on here about the diversity of people wherever you go.

    I'm not sure the new people arriving necessarily fit in the categories offered.


  3. One of the things determining just how much it will cool you is as you say... wind chill factor Sorry- I see how that came across as a wee bit thick.<br>

    I was meaning to refer to the OP's comments about the temp he had his

    aircon set too, when I commented about it being 'cooler';

    Yabaa expressed my point much more competently

    Meanwhile Galvheim, thanks for that (frankly rather interesting) breakdown of your bill; I seem to have half as much electric stuff as you, but pay 2-3 times as much on my bill. :S

    EDIT- Sorry TV is playing up and the formatting got printed

  4. Well they never did reach the 1 million man march they were aiming for. How long would this cash keep 5000 malcontents on the streets for? Oh of course, 600 days by your reckoning. Maybe we got off lightly. Mind you, once the gougers at the top had their pound of flesh, probably not enough left to keep a Bangkok motor-psych driver in Lao Kao for more than about a week.

  5. How long have they been held in jail allready? I think you will find

    deportation is a punishment. I never said my neighbours do not like

    me, so I think you are a little twisted.

    ..............whats this.............. another one about to post a reply..........

    Ok - we get it. Can you stop now before it becomes pure spam?

  6. OK- this shouldn't be so hard for an educated guy like you. Here is the flame:

    and this kind of half educated bar talk

    Meanwhile, the BBC were clearly distorting the position. That's why there was a sudden groundswell of complaint against them. Are you saying the Reds didn't behave like football hooligans? Fair enough- they behaved much worse. Are you saying they didn't make inflammatory speeches? Are you suggesting that the average Red protestor (as opposed to the well paid military wing) understood the hideous nature of the plans to burn down parts of their city? His reply wasn't so fatuous.

    Then you flamed him :)

    • Like 1
  7. On a very small practical tip like stylie thang- I found 'writing letter practice sheets' (like school kids use) useful for learning the alphabet. It's also kind of fun if you have a bit of spare time, you can get quite into forming those perfect letters.

  8. Surely this is a troll?

    He use to get 15 sick leave entitlements a year accumulative but he was apparently took 67 single days in a year.

    And for the record, 10 days a year is the norm I think.

  9. Just confirms again what a joke the Thai judicial system is.

    If he had killed a a member of my family in the way he did Gary Poresky which was assasination style 1 to the body 2 to the head to an unarmed man sitting in a restaurant, then i would make sure that his sentence continued and would ensure he never made his next birthday.

    Its totally disgusting that he is out free after 2 years for COLD BLOODED MURDER

    So your response to cold blooded murder is.... COLD BLOODED MURDER. Really?

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