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Posts posted by rubl

  1. begin removed ...

    The huge margin 233:165 that the Dems lost the last election by mean it is ridiculous that they have been leading the current coalition and it is certainly the reason that the country has huge social divisions.

    The results of by-elections over the last six months and the average poll prediction with PTP only slightly larger than the Dem's is interesting. Maybe more because of negative aspects of PTP and UDD than direct result of Dem's led coalition's success. One thing is certain the 'huge social division' is NOT caused by the Dem's, but existed for generations in Thailand. It's slowly, oh so slowly being addressed. Red-shirts used by UDD leaders to get their own elite back in power hasn't really helped their cause either. Peace, education, investment is needed, no hand-outs, vague promises of 'all rich in six months' :ermm:

  2. In the same TAN/Network article posted in this thread

    "The city police chief went on to say that this kind of fire bomb is not fatal or life-threatening ..."


    "An ice cream vendor is still in critical condition as he was in the direct path of the bomb."

    So the conclusion is 'it's the ice cream vendor's own fault to be wounded, he stood in the way' :huh:

  3. Its no big secret that BJT voters stronly prefer a BJT-PT allicance rather then a DEMs alliance. The recent announcement (and subsequent snub by PT) supports this. Highly unlikely that newin will commit before votes are cast.

    If you dont think this preference by the BJT voters will affect the voting outcome in favour of PT then sadly you are more politically naive then I thought :)

    BJT voters strongly prefer BJT-PTP coalition? I must have missed some newsflashes. Strangely in recent by-elections BJT candidates won over PTP ones. There seems to be a contradiction somewhere :ermm:

  4. Over the last two weeks we've had nation and region wide polls. Polls done by various institutes, universities, political parties. All seem consistent in predicting PTP and Dem's getting around 35 - 40% of votes and/or seats, with PTP slightly bigger than the Dem's.

    Isn't it unbelievable ? One military coup, one rigged election, an army of (yellow) thugs messing around with total immunity , five years of incessant propaganda, both on tv and in the newspapers, all the heavy weight of the opposition still banned from politic and the democrats "big" achievement is to be only a few points behind the PTP in the polls ... Total incompetence are the words that jump to mind

    In the 2007 elections the Dem's were less successful than they are now predicted to be. As for 'incompetence', I'd call it systematical obstruction and propaganda by PTP and UDD, coupled by the GFC. With UDD still at it 'Abhisit murderer', etc., etc. and PTP promising Heaven on Earth, 40%is about the most the Dem's can expect, and about the most PTP can expect. It's called entrenchment :ermm:

    (BTW one may also say that Democracy still works in Thailand)

  5. My Govt would boost confidence: Yingluck

    The other newspaper in a flash with 'Ms. Yingluck vague on BJT' also has 'too early to talk about it', 'dodged questions on most other issues', 'declined to comment', 'did not want to say' and finishing with 'She maintained that any decision on the future would be made by her and the party'

    Well, I don't know about you girls and guys here, but my confidence is really boosted ;)

  6. If I were Abhisit I will keep my mouth shut . Just look a few years back, during the last election.

    The democrats, with the help of their friends from the PAD, prevented Somsak then Somchai to assume their mandate then arm twisted the small party of the coalition to switch side under the pretext that the PAD will prevent any government to function unless it's lead by the democrats. Thaksin is just using the same tactic the democrats used during the last election.

    Abhisit owes his job to the thugs of the PAD, who is he to criticize Thaksin ? His comment today shows this guy has absolutely no shame !

    While in power both the k. Samak and k. Somchai governments didn't do anything but try to 'get back Thaksin'. They were Thaksin proxies, just like Ms. Yingluck is Thaksin's clone. "I want to return, I want my money back, I want amnesty for myself, I want to rule". No revenge, but k. Abhisit/Suthep prosecuted in the name of reconciliation. Shameless indeed!

  7. deceptive headline.

    OP is refering to a nationwide poll, this is just a poll on a few provinces.

    im guessing it came from a government sponsered source

    Over the last two weeks we've had nation and region wide polls. Polls done by various institutes, universities, political parties. All seem consistent in predicting PTP and Dem's getting around 35 - 40% of votes and/or seats, with PTP slightly bigger than the Dem's.

    I guess all those polls must have been sponsored by someone ;)

  8. With part of the PTP campaign in North-East still blaming BJT for 'betraying Thaksin', it's difficult to imagine a 'fruitful' co-operation between the two. A lot of spin would be needed to explain to voters why k. Thaksin's PTP could even think of working together with traitors. Maybe just say 'reconciliation', 'amnesty' and that would be enough ? K. Chalerm hugging k. Newin ? Politics for breakfast anyone ?

    Yingluck gave the same standard reply on the issue as she did for the debate issue:

    Regarding the readiness expressed by the Bhumjaithai Party to work with the Pheu Thai Party as a coalition partner, Ms Yingluck responded that it is too soon to talk about the matter.


    From theNation BreakingNews

    2011-05-31 02:05PM Pheu Thai rules out working with Bhum Jai Thai

    "Pheu Thai Party deputy leader Plodprasop Suraswadi Tuesday ruled out working in the same coalition with the Bhum Jai Thai Party."


    2011-06-01 02:44PM Yingluck says it's too soon to rule out working with Bhum Jai Thai

    "Pheu Thai Party prime ministerial candidate Yingluck Shinawatra said Wednesday that it is too soon to rule out working in the same coalition with the Bhum Jai Thai Party."


    Can you blame me for being confused about this matter ?

  9. ^ its almost embarassing to see the political naivety on display by some posters on here, trotting out the same old tired mantras on a daily basis.

    It's almost embarrasing to see new members pop up starting with complaining about other members posting habits rather than posting something meaningful themselves. IMHO of course ;)

  10. threaten to mobilize supporters

    old habits are difficult to change

    true but it doesnt matter.

    if they get in power (unfortunatly looking like it) some legal loophole will be used to disband them, dems will come back and jail, arrest and harrass them and if all else fails the tanks will roll in.

    all good.

    sorta reminds me of the Thaksins days with his media suppression and control of the checks and balances, just 10 times bigger, badder and better :)

    If PTP gets into power and starts the 'amnesty for all except k. Abhisit and Suthep of course' all in the good spirit of reconciliation Thailand will have a problem. If PTP will be the single largest party, but without a majority and fails to form a majority coalition (they already excluded BJT), the Dem's get a chance. When the Dem's succeed where the PTP failed the UDD leaders will start rousing their troops. K. Natthawut promised this. Where some doubt the army chief General Prayut Chan-O-Cha promise not to repeat the 2006 military coup, I have no doubt k. Natthawut will keep his promise :ermm:

  11. With part of the PTP campaign in North-East still blaming BJT for 'betraying Thaksin', it's difficult to imagine a 'fruitful' co-operation between the two. A lot of spin would be needed to explain to voters why k. Thaksin's PTP could even think of working together with traitors. Maybe just say 'reconciliation', 'amnesty' and that would be enough ? K. Chalerm hugging k. Newin ? Politics for breakfast anyone ?

  12. Some more goodies pledged :)


    Pheu Thai pledges 'energy' credit cards

    By The Nation

    Published on June 1, 2011

    Pheu Thai has promised to issue "energy" credit cards to drivers of taxis, motorcycle taxis and commuter vans if the party is elected to lead the next government.

    In light of the positive response to issuing credit cards for farmers, public transport workers should be entitled a roving credit to refuel their vehicles, Pheu Thai campaign strategist Pichai Naripthaphan said yesterday.

    The credit limit would equal the average monthly spending on petrol and natural gas, he said.

    The party will negotiate with energy suppliers to provide a special discount and cumulative points for each card, he said, explaining that the points could be redeemed for benefits similar to a pension scheme.nationlogo.jpg

    -- The Nation 2011-06-01

  13. Since there was the poll saying that 60% of the people wanted the face-to-face debate, and PTP wish to be portrayed as a popular-party, Ms Yingluck will surely respect the wishes of the people, and take part ? I mean, as a true democrat who wishes to become PM, and all ? B)

    believing poll results? :whistling:

    Only without whistling and only when it suits me. Mind you, member Ricardo was a bit off track. I mean Ms. Yingluck and PTP are not the Democrats, that's another party. PTP stands for 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai accts', so number one on the party list of candidates for MP stands for the same one might presume, especially when there is a blood relation. Nothing to do with democrats, or double standards, or listening to what the people want. I mean we're ready but only waiting for the right time, aren't we <_<

  14. Not an answer to my question but never mind I get used to it. Screwy polls and innocent Yellow shirts brandishing weapons, well another story,

    Yes, you're so very right. Mind you, brandishing weapons? I may have missed something, but pray tell, what weapons did the yellows brandish?

  15. no doubt if the poll was in reverse and showed the dems ahead then the usual forum yellows would be accepting and telling us all why the poll is indicative of the whole country, there really are some muppets on this forum :lol:

    yes random you are right of course - but expect to be crucified here as decent is not tolorated 90% of farangs are Dems and a fair number yellow to boot

    90% of farangs have experience with polls back home and know how to ignore them. nothing to do with preference, just bored with daily updates. Only the elections will show the actual result. Both PTP and Dem's around 35 - 40% with a margin of error seems still likely :)

  16. Frankly, I think if this guy was given a chance in opposition, he might actually achieve some good instead of rubber stamping corrupt projects. So, he's rich, so was Thaksin.

    He doesn't pretend to be anything more than he is: an ex pimp, brothel owner who has seen that the politicians are screwing the Thai people. When politicians came to his establishments, they were the ones that got screwed. Gotta like the guy.even though he was a bad boy years ago when he smashed up Soi 10 bars. :ph34r:

    Squeaky clean image. :rolleyes:

    By now I've forgiven him demolishing my favorite hangout for an early evening drink before going home.


  17. Abhisit was referring to Thaksin's statement that the red-shirt people would come out to protest if the Pheu Thai won an election but was blocked from setting up a government.

    So if PTP "wins" the election but are "blocked" from setting up government because they can't get enough support to form a majority, will the red shirts come out to protest?

    What you think?

    Personally I'd say 'yes', but I've been wrong before, like in 1997 I think :ermm:

  18. Well, all parties seem to have put up their affiches, those (election) standard size posters with distinguished looking ladies and gentlemen. In my neck of the woods (Khet Dusit, Bangkok) I've seen posters from party 1, 10, 12, 21 and 33. Today I noticed a new poster, very nice one. Next time if I have my mobile with me I'll take a picture:

    A nicely dressed up, distinguished looking monkey holding a banana, yellow background, NO with an "x" in a small white square. Who said Thai don't have a sense of humour ;)

  19. ...

    Why do you think the international airport was finished during Thaksin administration and never before ?


    There are people who wonder when the new airport was finished, certainly not at it's opening <_<

    May 2000:


    May 2005:

    "Scanner scandal may delay new airport’s opening"

    From December 2007:

    "AoT will withdraw defamation suit

    The board of Airports of Thailand (AoT) on Thursday resolved to withdraw a criminal defamation lawsuit filed against Post Publishing Plc over news reports about cracks in the runway at Suvarnabhumi Airport published in the Bangkok Post two years ago, AoT spokesman Chirmsak Pinthong said.

    However, since the AoT's court complaint against Post Publishing was made on the instruction of then transport minister Pongsak Raktapongpaisal, AoT must seek approval from the Transport Ministry prior to withdrawing the suit."


    BTW was it k. Banharn or k. Sanoh who made some profit by providing sand and gravel by the truck load?

  20. Has anyone heard her speak in English yet? How would she hold up at the United Nations or similar global / political venues where she will represent Thailand?

    If she looks good enough who cares if she can speak english?

    Seriously if she can unite her people it doesnt matter if she can speak english.

    English is way over-rated.

    English is overrated, lots of us non-native English speakers think so <_<

    Having studied abroad her English should be better than that of some of the previous PM's, k. Banharn comes to mind.

    Anyway she's ready for the debate, but just waiting for the right time. Rome wasn't build in a day, you know. Still 34 days till the elections, busy schedule, what about June 24 between 1 and 2 AM? If not I still have 15 minutes on the 31st of June ;)

  21. but played down suggestions that his ultimate goal was to once again rule the country.

    "My youngest sister is already there, so no need for me to go back as a prime minister," he said, insisting he just wanted to lecture and play golf.

    Ruling the country and my sister already there. Sums it up nicely <_<

  22. "Actually I don't want to ask about the promises that Abhisit has made to me. Frankly, I admire Suthep, as he is the only person in the party who can make deals and cooperate well with coalition parties. We get along, though we have been a bit distant recently. He has not called me since the House was dissolved. Maybe he has forgotten about Chart Thai Pattana Party," Banharn said.

    don't keep us in suspense, please do tell k. Banharn. What promises if any ?

  23. incredible......you winge and moan that she won't turn up and now she has said she is ready, try to say she needs the platform......:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    and actually I think you will find for consistency in my posts I have always hinted the democrats needed the platform, I guess you missed that.......'some people need a platform like a debate' was not a reference to Yingluck

    I'll just wait for the debate, I think it could provide an interesting viewing......

    Now where was that post from Geriatric kid.......about the difficult path for Abhisit if she did show up........

    PTP supporters club: Yes, but, no, but, yes, but no, but...

    There are 290 posts on this thread, I reckon 250 of them are depreciating comments about Yingluck for various reasons, the main contributors maligning her for her predicted non appearance. I wonder if we will see posters apologise as openly as they have criticised if she does put in an appearance. I doubt it!!!

    A bit pointless foreigners supporting a Thai political party, I personally feel both Yingluck and Abhisit deserve a little respect, either one has a very difficult path ahead.

    A quote from some post "Now what guys? Yingluck is ready, next angle of attack.........oh and by the way.....the democrats are still ready...and waiting......who is dancing to whose tune......"

    A bit pointless according to some ;)

    Yes, no, maybe, soon , probably, waiting for you, no not now, yes, probably, etc., etc.

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