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Posts posted by rubl

  1. In the 2007 election PPP won 233 seats of 480, the Democrats 165.

    If that was a sign that Thaksin/PPP/PTP is not popular anymore, what does it say to you about Abhisit?

    I have the impression that Thaksin is indeed still popular and the results of the coming elections will show that.

    just my two cents.

    In 2007, if and is anymore? Your tenses are a bit mixed, dear samurai. Let me tell you this year here and now is 2011. No general election since December 2007, only a few by-elections, recent ones showed broad participation, but no clear PTP/Thaksin victory.

    K. Thaksin is indeed still popular in certain parts of the country, the coming elections will show that. Probably 35 - 40% for both PTP and Dem's. Just my two cents :)

  2. Now what guys? Yingluck is ready, next angle of attack.........oh and by the way.....the democrats are still ready...and waiting......who is dancing to whose tune......:lol:

    'Ready but waiting for the right time' doesn't really sound like 'ready'. Just an opportunity for k. Abhisit to say 'well, just let me know when. I'm following my normal program anyway'. Remark picked up by open microphone 'Women, always have to wait for them to get ready'.

    Oh yes, but the ones I know surely know how to make an entrance, and breath taking lasting impression, when they are ready....:)

    We are still talking about politicians here, or did we chance the subject :whistling:

  3. Now what guys? Yingluck is ready, next angle of attack.........oh and by the way.....the democrats are still ready...and waiting......who is dancing to whose tune......:lol:

    'Ready but waiting for the right time' doesn't really sound like 'ready'. Just an opportunity for k. Abhisit to say 'well, just let me know when. I'm following my normal program anyway'. Remark picked up by open microphone 'Women, always have to wait for them to get ready'.

  4. Being a candidate in the upcoming elections is like having a death wish it seems. Latest stats


    Over 1,000 policemen prepared to protect candidates

    The Royal Thai Police has prepared over 1,000 policemen to provide protection to election candidates when asked for, a senior police officer said Monday.

    Pol Lt Gen Worapong Chiewpreecha, an assistant police commissioner-general, said so far 123 election candidates have sought police's protection.

    Most of the candidates are constituency-based candidates of the Pheu Thai and Democrat Party.

    Worapong said each of 11 police provincial bureaus has trained 150 police officers to work as bodyguards for election candidates.nationlogo.jpg

    -- The Nation , 2011-05-30

  5. Yingluck waits for the right time for a public debate

    stage 1. It's still early and there are an awful lot of other things to do.

    stage 2. Something should be done, but is a debate the right thing to do it?

    stage 3. This is not the time to do a debate for various reasons.

    stage 4. Setting up a debate runs into various problems. These may include technical, political and/or legal aspects.

    stage 5. We're getting so close to the actual election that it seems unwise or maybe even illegal to have a debate.

    With thanks to


    The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister by the Right Hon. James Hacker MP

    Edited by Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay"

  6. Excellent that Abhisit is willing to respond to the desires of the country, good for him, and as he has been in government for quite some time now, and capturing the votes of the public by his encouraging response to their desires..........

    Well a debate is not really required........the result of the poll is surely a foregone conclusion

    She's too scared to debate and reveal her ignorance.

    Hmmmm arguing against a public debate about policy and leadership? When the public calls for such a debate BEFORE the elections? Yingluck may not be too afraid, but her handlers certainly are!

    Sorry, all of you are wrong. Ms. Yingluck is just waiting for the right moment


    Yingluck waits for the right time for a public debate

    By The Nation

    Pheu Thai Party's PM candidate Yingluck Shinawatra said Monday that she would be happy to take part in a public debate with her Democrat counterpart Abhisit Vejjajiva when the time is right.

    "I will have to consider the timing. People wouldn't want to see an attack and counter-attack session between the two parties. When the time is right, I'm ready to debate. It's not a problem that I'm not a good speaker. I'm also ready to run an election campaign in the South," she said.

    Democrat Party spokesman Buranaj Smutharaks said the party was glad to hear that Yingluck was ready to debate. "We [the Democrat party] are also ready," he said, adding that a neutral unit should organise the session.nationlogo.jpg

    -- The Nation , 2011-05-30

  7. It was during the Abhisit days.



    Court clears security officials over Tak Bai deaths

    By The Nation

    Published on May 30, 2009

    In one of the most controversial verdicts passed in decades, a court yesterday cleared security officials of misconduct in the October 2004 Tak Bai incident in which 85 Malay-Muslim protesters died at the hands of the authorities.

    The two-member panel in the post-mortem inquest concluded that Army and police officials had acted according to the law, used sound judgement and done their best given the circumstances.

    From the same article

    "It has since been a point of political tension and drawn comment from prime ministers, including Samak Sundaravej, who once attributed the protesters' deaths to the fact that they had been fasting during Ramadan.

    During his term in office, Surayud Chulanont apologised to the victims' families for the Tak Bai massacre and other "atrocities committed by the state" against the Malays of Patani."

    Anyway with k. Chalerm saying after the PTP wins 'to prosecute k. Abhisit/Suthep as responsable for the 91 deaths in April/May 2010', we surely should prosecute k. Thaskin for the 85 Tak Bai deaths under his premiership. We can't have double standards, now can we ?

  8. Its amazing Taxsin can keep a straight face. Still a billionaire after 900mil already frozen.

    why can't the interviewer point out to him that amassing this much while suposingly looking after the countries best interest is bound to tar his saintly image. What a *unt!!

    Your point being ? Being rich is bad ?

    The Democrats : poor people should learn to be happy to be poor

    Thaksin : Tomorrow will be better than today .

    Honestly, who do you trust more to lead the country ? The kids of rich families, raised and educated abroad, who don't know much about the realities of the country or a self-made man with a strong local support ?

    Honestly the answer might be close to 'none of the above'. K. Thaksin was 'too rich to need to be corrupt', Ms. Yingluck also very rich, educated abroad with her son in an international school and having a private football field, k. Abhisit Oxford-educated and reasonably normal. Who would you trust more to lead the country?

  9. The red shirts are far more established and organised now than they were when the yellows protested last time. The red leaders have said many times that they would be mobilised in large numbers to counter any anti PT/Thaksin movement or coup.

    Interesting you include k. Thaksin in this, the guy who went on record saying 'I don't know any of them' ;)

  10. Looking for an answer to a new member's question I also found this one on mega projects, dams, etc. Really 'Deja vue', in March 2008:

    "Thailand Samak gov't: I have a dream…

    (eTN) - Thailand’s new government of Samak Sundaravej is looking to relaunch infrastructure mega-projects in Thailand, reviving a policy from previous Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The country will go then to speed up rail and public transport infrastructure in Bangkok and around the country as well as looking to expand Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport. Mega projects will concretely see a new irrigation system taking its sources from the Mekong River to irrigate the country's drought-hit northeastern region as well as a new 600 km-highway linking four provinces: Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ranong and Chumphon. Construction is due to start in 2009/10."


  11. Pardon me i am new to this have been following off and on for a few months now. Seems to me when I first started visiting Thailand Thaksin was the PM and had brought in engineers from Israel for consultation on irrigating with out having to build dams. What ever happened to that idea. It has been a while and I might not have understood it all as at the time I was just a visitor and not really paying a lot of attention..

    I found this from 2005

    You may want to read all of that thread rather than only the post I link here.

  12. Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that Thais can vote wherever they currently reside and don't have to go back to the province they are from to vote, or even to the place where their 'Tabien Bahn' is registered.

    This is probably why BKK is considered a 'key battleground'. It would probably be more one-sided if everyone from upcountry had to leave town to vote.

    I guess I have to do some reading on the election laws in Thailand. Any kind soul around here who can shed light on this issue or provide a link, preferably in English ?

  13. of course. :whistling:

    Like everyone should be know by now that PM Abhisit was not elected by the people.

    He was as elected as any other PM. Not that any Red Shirts complained about Samak etc...

    Complained about what?

    You can whistle, but can you read, dear samurai. It said 'not complained'

    In Thailand a PM is not elected by the people, but by MP's choosing one out of their midst.

  14. Amnesty for all in the name of reconciliation. Oh, by the way, excluding a few chaps we don't like, of course. Oh, and including some we do like, of course. Keep them coming samurai.

    Well, those deaths, that is a little bit different than the "conflict of interests" Thaksin was found guilty of.

    Well, deaths already sound better than the murder you wrote before. Note that the HRW report suggest that UDD leaders should share the blame for those deaths. Funnily enough lots of those UDD leaders ended up on the PTP party list in positions which almost guarantee election and parliamentary immunity for four years. K. Abhisit and k. Suthep were on the list for the Dem's already and likely to be MP for four more years as well.

    First we had k. Thaksin say 'no revenge' (apart from Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts), then Ms. Yingluck says 'amnesty is not important, but may help reconciliation'. A few days later Ms. Yingluck puts k. Chalerm in charge of the amnesty move to politicians who have been charged or convicted. Next k. Chalerm says 'but we'll prosecute Abhisit/Suthep'

    With the words of my mentor Robert A. passed on by Ms. Thida 'this threat could be seen as political persecution during an election period'. Interesting mess k. Chalerm is creating.

  15. Ms. Thida and the others are called in for June, 2nd, to hear the charges. This probably means that only at that time the court has to decide on 'accepting the charges', 'bail', 'bail conditions' and 'bail revocation' as applicable. With Ms. Thida not out on bail, or formally charged, she can travel as she likes. IMHO and certainly not being a legal expert :ermm:

    You're probably right.

    I certainly wouldn't expect her to openly report going to Hong Kong in the news if she was barred from doing so.

    Red Shirts don't make such public statements regarding criminal acts..

    With a group of 19 UDD leaders of whom 16 are out on bail, two in jail with bail revoked, it is only human to assume the last one (i.e. Ms. Thida) is also out on bail. One of those things

  16. Apart from winning k. Chalerm also said:

    ""Senior Pheu Thai Party member Chalerm Yoobamrung said yesterday that if Pheu Thai wins, it will not exact revenge against all parties, except Abhisit and Suthep Thaugsuban who he believed were responsible for the deaths of 92 people in April and May last year.""


    That promise gives them probably a few votes more for the win.

    Mostly k. Chalerm checks with k. Thaksin first before speaking. With k. Thaksin having gone on record with 'I'm not out for revenge, I want to serve the people' one may be excused to wonder what this is all about ? Just another politician who will say anything to get a few more votes ?

    (PS what happened to the 'amnesty for all' k. Chalerm would be working on?)

    murder is probably excluded from their amnesty proposal. makes sense.

    Amnesty for all in the name of reconciliation. Oh, by the way, excluding a few chaps we don't like, of course. Oh, and including some we do like, of course. Keep them coming samurai.

  17. Apart from winning k. Chalerm also said:

    ""Senior Pheu Thai Party member Chalerm Yoobamrung said yesterday that if Pheu Thai wins, it will not exact revenge against all parties, except Abhisit and Suthep Thaugsuban who he believed were responsible for the deaths of 92 people in April and May last year.""


    That promise gives them probably a few votes more for the win.

    Mostly k. Chalerm checks with k. Thaksin first before speaking. With k. Thaksin having gone on record with 'I'm not out for revenge, I want to serve the people' one may be excused to wonder what this is all about ? Just another politician who will say anything to get a few more votes ?

    (PS what happened to the 'amnesty for all' k. Chalerm would be working on?)

  18. Additionally, the Dutch government also decided on Friday that coffee shops will not be allowed within 350 meters (1,100 feet) of schools. This measure is aimed to stop students from visiting the coffee shops.

    As if 350 meters were are a far to long distance to walk to get something to smoke. B)

    It will be only to long if you are stoned. So it maybe stops coffee shops visiting students from going to school. :whistling:

    Apart from the fact that coffee shop members must be at least 18 years of age. Should exclude most in primary/secondary schools ;)

  19. DSI to summon 19 UDD members to acknowledge lese majeste charges June 2

    BANGKOK, May 20 -- The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will call in 19 members of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), the Red Shirt movement, for lese majeste charges as the court rejected latest bail bid by detained UDD co-leader Jatuporn Prompan. ....

    The ban on international travel has been a usual condition for bail... but maybe you can get an exemption for an important reason.... like going to see Robert A.

    I wasn't aware that Thida Thavornseth was under bail conditions, unless of course you know better, Buchholz?

    She's been charged with LM.

    Do you think she was released on her own recognizance because of her positional stature as the Interim President of the Red Shirt Movement?

    Ms. Thida and the others are called in for June, 2nd, to hear the charges. This probably means that only at that time the court has to decide on 'accepting the charges', 'bail', 'bail conditions' and 'bail revocation' as applicable. With Ms. Thida not out on bail, or formally charged, she can travel as she likes. IMHO and certainly not being a legal expert :ermm:

  20. The audience was prompt for an active reception, however a group of listeners on a bridge nearby threw two rotten eggs down the stage that missed Ms. Yingluck but landed on the press tent. Later, police forces were dispatched to the bridge to guard any further mishaps.


    -- NNT 2022-05-29 footer_n.gif

    Suthep, when interviewed later, said that photos allegedly showing a group of listeners on the bridge were taken the day before the incident, you could tell by the cloud formation in the background.

    Caretaker PM Abhisit added that forensics had proved that at least one of the eggs was thrown from ground level.

    Furthermore Ms. Thida said Robert A. had said these two eggs could be seen as political persecution during an election period.

    Senior Pheu Thai Party member Chalerm Yoobamrung said two days ago that if Pheu Thai wins, it will not exact revenge against all parties, except Abhisit and Suthep Thaugsuban who he believed were responsible for the deaths of 92 people in April and May last year. Had he known eggs would be thrown yesterday he would have included that atrocity in his remarks.

  21. She quoted him as also saying that the lese majeste charges were groundless and that the DSI summoning the 19 red-shirt leaders to hear their charges officially next Thursday could be seen as political persecution during an election period.

    This fits nicely with k. Chalerm's remark

    """Senior Pheu Thai Party member Chalerm Yoobamrung said yesterday that if Pheu Thai wins, it will not exact revenge against all parties, except Abhisit and Suthep Thaugsuban who he believed were responsible for the deaths of 92 people in April and May last year."""

  22. Anyway with PTP having put terrorist suspects on their party list for MP candidates they have opened themselves up for all kinds of comment. Having k. Natthawut complain is really hilarious, talk about selective memory.

    Terrorist Suspect Out On Bail and Pheu Thai Party-list MP Candidate #8 Natthawut is making the news this afternoon in the other paper after denying reports that he issued veiled threats of violence if the Pheu Thai Party should win the largest number of MP's, but didn't get to form the next government.

    Minor correction. K. Natthawut is on position 9, k. Jatuporn is on eight.

  23. Apart from winning k. Chalerm also said:

    ""Senior Pheu Thai Party member Chalerm Yoobamrung said yesterday that if Pheu Thai wins, it will not exact revenge against all parties, except Abhisit and Suthep Thaugsuban who he believed were responsible for the deaths of 92 people in April and May last year.""


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