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Posts posted by rubl

  1. They appear rather desperate to de-link the PTP red candidates with their handiwork of the last two Songkran seasons, and their aftermaths. Clearly this is interlocking mirror image threats. One side wants to keep public perception correctly on red PTP candidates connections to destruction, and the other side makes threats to silence those connections reminders. Thaksin tried to silence dissenting voices while in office, using law suits and or threats of multiple huge ones. similarly to how Nattuwat is attempting to do now. SOP, for team Thaksin.

    Yep almost as desperate as the continual re-linking of any non democrat to violence, by certain people..............5 years for false allegations......does that apply to 'opinions' on internet forums?

    Almost as desperate as trying to un-link violence and UDD leaders rhetoric which is the topic here. Pure coincidence some UDD leaders are clearly linked to violence through their own statements shoutcasted for the world to see. Equally pure coincidence those UDD leaders happened to end up on the PTP party list for MP candidates. Nothing to do with avoiding accountability and justice of course, pure selflessness, the urge to serve the people

  2. The Democrats have adopted the "Bush doctrine". Either you're with us or you're a terrorist.

    Totally incorrect, just applies to a few UDD leaders who just happen to have felt the urge to escape justice represent the people in a democratic way. The others are worthy opponents with which a democratic fight called 'elections' is held.

  3. Interesting quotes from the OP:

    "Abhisit heckled by reds during Samut Sakhon campaigning; Yingluck gets warm reception in Udon Thani

    Red-shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana guaranteed no red-shirted people would create trouble for the PM when he was in the Northeast, particularly in Udon Thani, which is the main base of the red-shirt movement under his leadership.

    "We welcome all political parties to campaign in the provinces, and in the northeastern region. We won't bother them and will allow them to provide full information about their policies to voters," he said. "The red shirts have good discipline and good democratic spirit.""

    Must I assume heckling is not a form of creating trouble :ermm:

    Call the army and teach them a lesson and some geography. Maybe it helps.

    Even for a samurai you seem a bit militant, or just heckling in a banterish type of way? Any way with various UDD leaders having asked their members to refrain from heckling and k. Kwanchai having gone on record with "The red shirts have good discipline and good democratic spirit" I'm sure k. Abhisit's campaign in the North-East will be uneventful apart from the usual political speeches, etc., etc. He may even attract some red-shirts to help keep things in order.

    PS geography? Don't worry, I'm sure k. Abhisit will be able to find the North-East. It's somewhere there in the right upper corner :-)

  4. Looks to me like four convictions and pending cases concerning possible insider dealing..........is that a major crime in Thailand?

    He did give back 46 billion.......was there some charge about a 4 billion loan to myanmar......:rolleyes:

    I guess it is lucky he did not have a TV cookery show....could have been in real trouble......

    As Prime Minister k. Thaksin represented the country, should be set to a higher standard, be accountable. Those cases awaiting his return are part of the accountability.

  5. Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

    This clip shows unruly protesters, not even clear those are red-shirts, but I'm willing to accept that from their behaviour. Then a man in the right upper corner falls down. People stop moving. Following lots of flashes from cameramen in action. Blood. Reference of 'army snipers' cannot be related to the clip, nor M79 grenade launchers for what it matters.

    Anyway with PTP having put terrorist suspects on their party list for MP candidates they have opened themselves up for all kinds of comment. Having k. Natthawut complain is really hilarious, talk about selective memory.

  6. A massive 66 % do not trust the EC to oversee a fair election. Speaks volumes about Thai politricks. Can't help but wonder what the percentage would be, if neutral observers were used to monitor the election process.

    Neutral observers would be foreigners, which Suthep already said are not acceptable.

    The PTP may have second thoughts about this as well. Even neutral foreign observers would see a political party with a protest link doing the dirty work.

  7. begin removed ...

    Still though, it would be interesting if the EC dissolved the Democrats because one of its party executives alleged that PTP had terrorists within their party list MPs - and then, in the future, those defendants were convicted of terrorism. I wonder what would happen then?

    Did k. Suthep refer to UDD leaders as terrorists, UDD leaders who just happen to be on the PTP party list of MP candidates recently; or did he refer to PTP candidates as terrorists?

    Interesting is another faction of the red-shirts on Thursday rallied at the office of the Department of Special Investigation demanding an ouster of DSI chief Tharit Pengdit and a DSI reform.

  8. I think Suthep might have shot himself in the foot with that statement. You can't call someone a terrorist unless he's been convicted, especially after you just let them out of prison while stating earlier that they're oh-so-dangerous.

    Having those UDD leaders cum PTP candidates running around rather than awaiting trial in jail just shows the Thai judicial system is working. It's not k. Suthep's fault those thugs put on a PTP jacket to look more respectable.

  9. The Democrat Party has failed to obtain significant votes in the Northeast for years, and won just five seats in the region during the last general election in 2007.

    The now-defunct People's Power Party won 102 seats in the region in the 2007 polls. Many of them are now Pheu Thai candidates in the upcoming election, while others defected to Bhum Jai Thai and other parties.

    Anyone want make a guess how many seats the Democrats will score this time?

    Assuming this is another of your "more or less rhetorical question kind of; and is for anyone who might have some more ideas. Or could voice an opinion to some thoughts or could answer questions like", I gracefully decline :)

  10. Interesting quotes from the OP:

    "Abhisit heckled by reds during Samut Sakhon campaigning; Yingluck gets warm reception in Udon Thani

    Red-shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana guaranteed no red-shirted people would create trouble for the PM when he was in the Northeast, particularly in Udon Thani, which is the main base of the red-shirt movement under his leadership.

    "We welcome all political parties to campaign in the provinces, and in the northeastern region. We won't bother them and will allow them to provide full information about their policies to voters," he said. "The red shirts have good discipline and good democratic spirit.""

    Must I assume heckling is not a form of creating trouble :ermm:

  11. Well having read this fountain of knowledge I must ask, who of the above can vote here? I suspect very few of the usual suspects spouting forth such wonderful knowledge. If the barrack room lawyers posting were so wonderful why have you not made your mark in your own back yards? Politics is a dirty game which ever country you are in so if it goes against your grain so much then get a flight and leave.

    I would be interested to see who can say YES to the question of "Do you have a legal right to vote for a Thai government"

    I would expect the answer to be NO. Mind you this is a forum about Thai politics with language of choice English. Anyone can register and post his/her opinion within forum rules.

    As for 'why not made your mark back home', somewhat irrelevant question. Back home most interesting discussions on politics are in the pub rather than on television or in parliament irrespective of voting or voting rights :)

  12. Here's a video showing how it works in Finland


    I saw a few of them installed in the airport in the arrivals section for Thai Passports, where they were being tested.

    Since many Thais have e-passports, they can use these machines when they come into service.

    However, for anyone who is not using a Thai passport, for anyone who requires a visa to enter Thailand, the chances are pretty slim that we can use these machines any time soon. I suppose people who are using foreign biometric passports from countries that get an automatic visa on arrival could be possible though

    Thanks, Maeklong. This answers some questions I've seen here.

  13. When the Dem's form a coalition government I expect a renewed UDD organised mayhem with interesting speeches and the occasional grenade for emphasis. IMHO of course

    A coalition government will be formed by coalition partners and not just the Democrats alone. These partner, the smaller parties, could also form a coalition government with the PT.

    If these partners now have the choice between the two scenarios:

    a) expect the unexpected events, it will be judicial or armoured.

    b ) expect a renewed UDD organised mayhem with interesting speeches.

    what will be their decision?

    Sorry, love. Don't ask me, ask them :ermm:

  14. When the Dem's form a coalition government I expect a renewed UDD organised mayhem with interesting speeches and the occasional grenade for emphasis. IMHO of course

    But if the PTP win, the democrat will graciously admit defeat, the army respect the will of the people and the PAD organizes some religious gathering to wish good luck to the winners ?

    In your honest opinion of course ...

    Apart from the PAD part, there is a distinct possibility. Small, very small, but that relates to your 'if PTP wins' which I interpret as gaining a majority in seats.

    Personally I expect both PTP and Dem's to get 35 - 40% of seats. That's when the fun of coalition forming really starts ;)

  15. Still a long way to go until july 3rd. Plenty of unexpected events could arise.

    If PT win I expect the unexpected events will occur a couple of weeks after the result is declared. I wander if it will be judicial or armoured?

    Either way, it will mean stuff the will of the people, you're getting the government we choose!

    When the Dem's form a coalition government I expect a renewed UDD organised mayhem with interesting speeches and the occasional grenade for emphasis. IMHO of course

  16. Whilst this is good news for everybody I'm not very confident that "the system will go live at the end of the year" is a very realistic time scale. They are only just drawing up the terms of reference and Technical specifications for the bidding process, the prospective bidders have then got to put together their bids, a bid team will need to assess the bids, looking out for such things as competence and reliability, cost of installation and running costs and tea money, a preferred bidder will need to be selected and then further negotiations will take place. No way is all that going to happen in seven months, that said, I wish them well.

    I suspect this will mainly benefit Thai passport holders, though his should free up more Immigration Officers to deal with none Thai passport holders.

    Other countries have automatic passport controls which foreigners can register for, lets hope they go down this route, though there would be many hurdles.

    This is one of the Thai announcements that I hope will actually come to fruition.

    There has been a bidding process already for the equipment it seems. The OP says "more than 76 million baht have been invested for the installation of an automatic passport inspection system. Eight machines will be installed at the arrival section and another eight at the departure section." Still with area preparation, installation, testing, etc., etc. only a 'proper' planning might see a successful opening of the service around the end of the year. Just in time for a chaos in high-season as well ;)

  17. I'd like to repeat my question because it got lost in some other threads already without any answers:

    As K. Yingluck already had the chance to campaign in Chiang Mai and Bangkok without any interruptions and she will be on tour in the North-East the coming weekend, when is K. Abhisit due to campaign in the North and North-East ? Anybody knows ?

    I read in a newsflash from the other paper that k. Abhsit will be in BKK today, South Friday and North-East Saturday. Stay tuned for more :)

  18. Its a video of Thaksin saying that he will not line up for 500 Baht. That is the sum the Dem's promised to pay senior citizen of 60+ years.

    The 500B is what the government pays to elderly. Not much, but a start. In Thailand many more things to do.

    2011-05-09 "Thailand's Aging Population Poses Challenges"


  19. With Ms. Yingluck on tour in the North-East 25-27 of May, k. Abhisit in Bangkok today, South on Friday and North-East on Saturday, I'm sure we'll get some nice new poll results. Most likely all contradicting each other. 39 more days, now that must be a lucky number :)

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