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Posts posted by rubl

  1. The escalation of the violence was one-sided (escalated by the reds) in an attempt to prevent the current government from being in place in October 2010 to name the new army chief.

    I won't comment on the first part of this sentence, but the latter in hindsight seems a laudable objective given Prayuth's appalling start.

    To comment on the first part would mean going into the red-shirt / UDD build up of intimidation and violence which by now is reasonably documented. Unless your main source of information is Robert A.'s website of course.

    As for 'Gen. Phayuth's appalling start', please elaborate ?

  2. You're kidding, right? You really don't think this candidate has any bearing on anything, simply that she is a proxy for her "dear older brother"? In that case, based on your explanation Takki's pet monkey could be in the #1 spot and it would be pretty much the same thing?

    On May 10th the dear lady notified the Pheu Thai Party about her intention to become a party-list candidate. Today it seems she's to be no.1 on the list. Reason: big brother OK'ed the request. It's his party anyway 'Thaksin thinks, PTP does'. Traditionally no.1 just happens to be the most likely PM candidate if a party has a say in that selection.

    As for the pet monkey, he might be in the monkey house at the moment ;)

    PS please use proper names, like k. Thaksin, NOT Takki !)

    Sorry dear, you must not be current on your Shin-O-watra speak. The dear boy officially changed his name to "Takki Shinegra" some time back. His Nicaraguan, Uganda and Montenegro passports are all issued bearing his proud new moniker! ...the boy's just not right.

    Reference: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/11/25/politics/politics_30117339.php

    Not really important, but the dear boy also denied having changed his name. The issue seems to have died out after two/three days in 2009.


    Thaksin gets tacky over 'Takki'

    By The Nation

    Published on November 27, 2009"

    At that time one of the mods wrote: "On ThaiVisa, please refer to any person by one of the names he/she uses himself/herself. Thank you."

    Still names as 'Mr. Fix-it' and 'The Brain' are probably permissable

  3. Snoh said his party-list ranking would be finalised at Monday's Pheu Thai meeting.

    Yet another MP hopeful joining 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts'. Having been there before, you wouldn't really expect new tricks of this 77-years old fox, now would you?

  4. Is their motto really; 'Thaksin thinks, PTP does'. ....?

    That's got to be more a parody than reality. That's got to sink their boat, even if PT's myriad drawbacks don't. I never had a sister, but I've shacked up with some women, and I can't imagine any woman, once she gets hold of the reigns of power, doing what a man tells her to do - especially over the phone.

    Actually it was "Thaksin thinks, Puea Thai acts", his brother-in-law k. Somchai said on the 12 of April 2011. It was repeated during the April 23rd happening:

    "Party supporters chanted "Thaksin thinks, Puea Thai acts" at Thammasart Rangsit University's Rangsit Campus outside Bangkok - where redshirts and party officials came together to launch their election campaign."


  5. You're kidding, right? You really don't think this candidate has any bearing on anything, simply that she is a proxy for her "dear older brother"? In that case, based on your explanation Takki's pet monkey could be in the #1 spot and it would be pretty much the same thing?

    On May 10th the dear lady notified the Pheu Thai Party about her intention to become a party-list candidate. Today it seems she's to be no.1 on the list. Reason: big brother OK'ed the request. It's his party anyway 'Thaksin thinks, PTP does'. Traditionally no.1 just happens to be the most likely PM candidate if a party has a say in that selection.

    As for the pet monkey, he might be in the monkey house at the moment ;)

    PS please use proper names, like k. Thaksin, NOT Takki !)

  6. ...

    If the Democrats win, then wait for early next year as those 111 members of parliament will be having finished their five-year election ban .... so, there will be elections next year again.


    This part of your post I do not understand.

    If the Democrats win (as in having a majority) or if they are the only ones who can form a majority government, that government may govern for FOUR years.

    Those around 111 currently banned politicians are just that 'politicians', banned so certainly not "MP's". Also when they can participate again legally around halfway 2012 they still have to be put up as possible constituency or party list candidates AND wait for by-elections or a new general election.

    All this assuming the world will not end December 2012 :rolleyes:

  7. I'm sorry but I'll not shout with the wolves.

    I dunno what this Jatu guy told, so it's difficult for all of us to have an opinion.

    Anyway, we are speaking about FREE SPEECH. Am I right?

    Do you consider that opposition should have a voice in your country (Australia, North America, Old Europe)?

    If yes, why should Thais be deprived of FREE SPEECH? D

    o you consider that they are not clever enough?

    Do you consider that the situations are sooooooooooo different?

    I don't think so.

    In our western countries also, the FREE SPEECH was not obvious in the past. We fought for that. I respect Thais fighting for that. Now, it does not mean that I agree with their speech.

    Even Aung San Suu Kyi is free now.

    Not sure what this has to do with revoking bail ? K. Jatuporn would probably still in jail since May last year if not for his parliamentary immunity, that gift from a democracy which was NOT revoked !

  8. A clever move by the reds/ PT. Timing is perfect to show up the govt. as not allowing the opposition a voice. Will certainly be good for a few 10's of thousands of votes.

    Nothing to do with PTP or red-shirts, it's that British oppressor PM Abhisit who seems to be a closetted red-shirter! He sought Royal agreement to dissolve the House. Because of that k. Jatuporn lost his parliamentary immunity, k. Nisit is just a (minor) UDD leader who seems to have had a big mouth during the April 10th rally.

    I feel a bit aggrieved that while others are out in the sticks campaigning, k. Jatuporn is on a government sponsored diet program :ermm:

  9. Well, it's nice to see that the PTT have just sunk their own boat with this one. As much as I love seeing women put in positions of power, Thailand for all practical purposes still sees them as subservient beings, to do the whims of men. There's no way in hell that the majority of Thai's would vote in someone for whom they have such disregard and little respect for. Tis' a done deal. Puah Thai loses based on this.

    Ms. Yingluck would be party list candidate, no one voting for her directly. The only significance of her being 'selected' no.1 on that list is the fact that dear older brother Thaksin did the selection. No more, no less. His right to do so, it's his party. He set it up (in the former guise of TRT), he bought minor parties, he financed the lot. The fact that PTP also happens to be a Thai political party participating in a democratic system with elections and the lot has nothing to do with it.

  10. = bias

    so therefore any opinions you may hold on this, or any other subject should also be shot down as being biased, right?

    Balanced views are not bias views

    A balanced view of a subject may still totally condemn or absolve. Just saying "=bias" without any explanation or justification smacks of trolling, annoying, an empty mind, don't know what else to say, or something similar. I'm really trying to be really balanced in my negative re :) sponse

  11. maybe apply a smidgen of that analytics to a more balanced approach to Thai politics? from what I've read your pro-yellow and pro-establishment to the hilt
    No that is anti-Thaksin to the hilt.

    I find siding with him ANYTHING but a balanced approach.

    not our business as farangs here - let the Thais decide

    Dear CNXsomewhere, may I remind you of this post you wrote about 10 minutes ago

    "As the BBC independent correspondent said on News24 'the Democrats have been in power for three years without being elected once' and this is the problem - again we will see the majority choice (receiving the majority votes) being pushed aside by minor parties to form a coalition."

    As farang not (y)our business ?

    Please make up your mind and try to be consistent :ermm:

    (I put some begin-quotes back to match end-quotes hanging around)

  12. As the BBC independent correspondent said on News24 'the Democrats have been in power for three years without being elected once' and this is the problem - again we will see the majority choice (receiving the majority votes) being pushed aside by minor parties to form a coalition.

    Doesn't that go for many coalition governments ?

    A majority would be 50.01% or more, the last elections in Thailand in December 2007 didn't show a party with that majority. That's when the minor parties get a change to include 'minority' ideas which might otherwise be ignored, or water down controversial programs. Like the Liberal Democrats in the UK :)

  13. A televised debate is not going to happen. I do not think she would stand a chance in a debate with Abhisit. The loss of face would be huge.

    Abhisit should repeatedly and publicly insist on having a live televised debate. It would be a good opportunity for 48M eligible voters to get to know her, for her to present her intentions and style of leadership. Any reasons for declining the invitations should be publicly noted.

    A 'frank, open' debate like in some Western democracies is out of the question. Not done, against Thai norm's, culture, etc., etc. Mind you, even in the West male politicians have a problem with a televised debate with female opponents ;)

  14. Fantastic, as they say in Thai 'Som Nam Na'!

    He's been rubbing dirt in the face of law and order for some time and they were going to get him in the end. Still, he knows he'll win a party list seat and be out on MP immunity soon. Makes one sick, doesn't it!

    Jatuporn is really the best example of the worse kind of abrasive politician, the type that we don't want to see in future.


    Dear councillor, not bias, VT's opinion shared by others and not-shared by a different group. IMHO, resting my case :)

  15. Apparently his comments "might cause confusion among people which could create trouble in the country" in the opinion of a judge, which apparently is enough to have your bail revoked or presumably, if you weren't on bail in the first place, enough to put you in jail...........

    To be specific, it was enough to have k. Jatuporn's bail revoked. Keep in mind that this illustrious gentleman would be fighting a few charges had he not used his parliamentary immunity for the last year(s). Any other person might already have been tried and found guilty / not guilty. Just putting things in perspective ;)

    Yes, took a long time didn't it, with all those other bail revocation requests being turned down, and just before an election too, you'd have thought he'd have been banged to rights way before now.

    As far as I understand a case may not proceed as long as the person charged can claim immunity.

    To refer to 'just before election to' is twisting things a wee bit. Some relates to k. Jatuporn's remarks on April 10th this year while still under immunity and out on bail, with just this week the House having been dissolved and he losing his immunity. While still being MP it's highly unlikely bail would have been revoked and if than he would more-or-less automatically be granted bail again laying claim on his parliamentary immunity. Had he waived his right to immunity first time he was charged (2009?) he might have been cleared of that charge already.

  16. Apparently his comments "might cause confusion among people which could create trouble in the country" in the opinion of a judge, which apparently is enough to have your bail revoked or presumably, if you weren't on bail in the first place, enough to put you in jail...........

    To be specific, it was enough to have k. Jatuporn's bail revoked. Keep in mind that this illustrious gentleman would be fighting a few charges had he not used his parliamentary immunity for the last year(s). Any other person might already have been tried and found guilty / not guilty. Just putting things in perspective ;)

  17. He said Mr Thaksin had telephoned to ask about his condition and instructed him to move from Bang Pakok 1 Hospital to Rama 9 Hospital.

    K. Thaksin 'instructed' him? Is that execution of the 'Thaksin thinks, PTP does' policy :huh:

  18. On May 19, the DAAD will host an event to commemorate a one-year anniversary of last year's bloody end to the mass protest at Ratchaprasong Intersection.

    And at that day let us not forget our wrongly accused and jailed leader k. Jatuporn. One of our heroes of the heady days of 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'. With his masterful slogan 'till the last drop of your blood', let's all wear a T-shirt with a Mahatma Ghandi print


    it seems that you only listen to the thai media, cuz outside thailand almost everyone knows that the red shirt are not terrorists,everybody also knows that the guy who push the trigger firts was abhisit who gave the oder of firing against the protester,hmmmmm from now on i should read your posts cuz they are very funny ;)

    You are too kind, dear Sir/Madam :wai:

    As for the rest, well, even in Thailand almost everyone knows that 99.999% of the red-shirts are not terrorists. It's only a few handful who spoil it for the others. Assuming you are referring to the March - May 2010 protests, everybody should know by now that even before the army got officially involved around the 10th of April 2010 they had already been provoked by UDD leaders and the first few grenades had already been lobbed on non-red-shirts. The "Abhisit said 'kill them'" doctored tape is from 2009 by the way. The UDD leaders took pains to provoke till at last the army got involved. The army's shooting started on the 10th of April when a few grenades were lobbed on a colonel with staff and MiB mingling with protesters. PM Abhisit's orders were probably along the line of 'cleanup and try to keep it as non-violent as possible'.

    Anyway welcome at this forum, hope you can participate with new insights. May I suggest you read the HRW report on last years activities. Somehow I think you seem to have found Robert A.'s site already ;)

  19. Perhaps, the Democrats just simply want the EC to confirm that the raised actions would not be illegal.

    If so, it would somehow be permission for the party to do what it wants.

    Any clarification would help ALL parties who will participate in the coming elections :)

    I agree, I mean we wouldn't want something to happen like an election being annulled because the voting booths were facing the wrong way or because of the judges interpretation of the 45 day rule, for example, but that couldn't happen here, surely?.

    Mishaps in the past show the need for clarifications. Those will be beneficial to ALL. Let the campaigns begin and don't forget: stock up on beer before election day. Makes it much more enjoyable to watch the fun :)

  20. Important correction!

    The title of this topic was slightly erroneous in saying 'Red Shirts'. This should have been 'DAAD'. Please accept our apologies for this mishap.


    First of all, to whom does the "our" refer to? Secondly, wish you guys would keep to the same rhetoric - didn't it use to be "Red Shirts=DAAD=PTP=Thaksin" or variations on that theme?

    Had you been fully awake you might have guessed that the 'our' refers to 'me' as in IMHO.

    As for the rhetoric, just adapting to emerging reality. It seems there's this red-shirt faction called DAAD (aka UDD) led by Ms. Thida. Some leaders of her group are PTP MP's or have been made 'party list candicates' for the PTP. On request, after a democratic vote on the issue by k. Thaksin. So 'UDD = PTP = Thaksin'.

    There are at least five or six other red-shirt factions who want self-entitlement, self-reliance, be part of the democratic system and progress in society. Those may or may not be PTP members or voters, maybe not even sympathisers.

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