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Posts posted by rubl

  1. On May 19, the DAAD will host an event to commemorate a one-year anniversary of last year's bloody end to the mass protest at Ratchaprasong Intersection.

    And at that day let us not forget our wrongly accused and jailed leader k. Jatuporn. One of our heroes of the heady days of 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'. With his masterful slogan 'till the last drop of your blood', let's all wear a T-shirt with a Mahatma Ghandi print


  2. Jatuporn, a Pheu Thai Party list candidate seeking reelection bid, is expected to campaign from his cell.

    This raises the opportunity to ask at least a dozen commissions and courts if and how a jailed person can or may campaign. Like when k. Kokaew was made to stand for PTP last year. Only this time taking things a bit more serious ;)

  3. Well, if Thaksin keeps on calling in and campaigning for PT, the EC and the courts will simply dissolve the party & ban the party execs from politics. So, after a brief career as either PM or leader of the opposition, she will join her sister, brother, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and god knows who else in the "Banned Politicians Club"! :blink:

    I still don't know if Thaksin is trying to create more martyrs for the "Save Thaksin" cause or if he just doesn't believe that anyone else can do the job well enough.<_<

    If PTP uses videos of all k. Thaksin's pre-House-dissolution appearances, I'm not sure that's against any election law. Might have been a very smart move :ermm:

  4. To rubi..... I'm not sure why you follow me around, perhaps because you consistently seem to misunderstand my comments.

    ... middle removed ...

    When I lived there, 6 years ago, everyone was Yellow; now they are not. I won't go so far as to say they are now red, but they are no longer yellow.

    Personally I think it's better to refer to PAD rather than yellows. A pity the King's colours got mixed into this. The PAD was almost solely setup to get rid of k. Thaksin and his proxies. Once that had happened they should have disbanded and gone their way. Now a spent force. Lots of people who worked with or were in PAD, have evolved or were part of various political parties already.

    The red-shirts or maybe more correctly the UDD faction of them are still very much present and clearly into PTP. It difficult to separate one from the other. With 'Thaksin thinks, PTP does' I'm not convinced the common red-shirts are really helped. The current government may be slow with structural changes, but PTP seems very short-sighted (point.1: bring back Thaksin, point.2: all rich in six months, etc.)

    The above a bit sketchy, incomplete, only part of it, I know.

    PS I'm not following you. I just read posts and react if some not clear to me, or I disagree. Ask phiphidon ;)

  5. " The only Thai people they know are yellow as they don't have the language skills to converse meaningfully with the general populace"

    Language skills are not essential, just the ability to look around you and observe.

    Have you managed to observe that PT are the most popular political party in Thailand?

    Perhaps my previous comment was too terse, but in my area, Nonthaburi definitely yes. Also many areas in Bangkok.

    I may lead a sheltered life here in Khet Dusit two blocks from Chitralada palace. Still pray tell me, looking around and observing, how can you tell in an area PTP is the most popular party?

    I hope you realize your remarks are a bit derogatory regarding Thai. With 'only know yellow' and 'no language skills to talk with the general populace' suggest only 'yellows' can talk meaningful with farang and the 'general population' cannot because farang don't talk Thai. Only 'yellows' talk a farang language? Never noticed that. Mind you some posters suggest farang talk only with bar-girls, hardly the standard 'yellows' I would say ;)

  6. Well this'll probably upset you as well;

    More at http://asiancorrespo...lance%e2%80%9d/

    Not at all. I've said a while back something like 'as far as I know this is the first report which doesn't only blame government/army'. I've never said it's perfect, it just a step in the right direction.

    What surprises me of the quoted article is "Ultimately, what one is struck by when reading the HRW report is the more pressing need to effect a “balance” rather than get closer to the truth."

  7. How &lt;deleted&gt; hard is it to replace a server?

    I swear, the Thais must have contracted out their IT to my employer. My company has had a massive problem for the past 3 months with its servers. Maybe they need to enforce a rule of no halo or warcraft games during work hours.

    I'm sure they're not playing games on them. Can't think of any that are compatable with Windows 3.11.

    WIN 3.1 :lol: nice one :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Like many here in Thailand I still have the original DOS 6.22 and Windows/3.1, WfW3.11 in my archive. Call me for information to get a 'legal' copy :)

  8. I should have put in the context it was meant e.g from another thread also unrelated to the HRW report, by Rubl

    For almost a year we've seen posts on 'government to blame', 'army slaughters', 'peaceful protesters', 'Abhisit said kill them', etc., etc. We've seen posters agreeing that the government should bear some of the blame, open up, etc., etc. Did we see red-shirt supporters say 'yes, we were a bit aggressive', 'we liked those militants to help us', 'our leaders indoctrinated us', etc., etc.? Did we? NO, we didn't! Government conspiracy, Army conniving, 'us poor red-shirts'.

    Personally I have seen so called "red shirt supporters" on this forum post reasoned arguments to some of the above talkng points. Not everybody agrees with the arguments proposed and to tell the truth the (un)balance of aggressive posters seems to be on the "pro government side", those that will not accept any criticism of their version of events, but that is just my opinion.

    My dear phiphidon, this discussion is going nowhere, as you don't seem to want it to go anywhere.

    Fine, so be it.

    I'm tempted to quote from the movie 'Independence Day' with Russell Case saying "All right, you alien &lt;deleted&gt;! In the words of my generation, UP YOURS!", but that would probably be against forum rules. So let me just wish you a pleasant evening and till we meet again. 'good night, sweet prince' *

    (* Hamlet, Horatio, scene II)

  9. I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:

    What is it with you and the HRW report? Is it mentioned in the OP? Are they accused of handing out a thai translation of the HRW report (unlikely seeing it was released on the 5th May and the revocation of bail relates to the rally on April 10th)? No, :offtopic:

    My dear phiphidon, the topic is 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail'. The UDD leaders were bailed from the charge of 'terrorism', 'instigating violence', etc. The HRW report clearly states some of those issues.

    Revocation of bail relates to April 2011 indeed, BUT you seem to forget they were out on bail regarding charges for March - May 2010 activities.

    So, on topic, really on topic. No red-shirt (supporter) getting further than 'see, government to blame'. So what is it with you and this pathological case of denial ?

    How has your post

    I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves

    got anything to do with the topic? Where has it been mentioned that the redshirt leaders bail revocation has anything to do with handing out thai translations of the HRW let alone your blanket accusation of all red shirt (supporters) blaming the government? The only link the HRW could possibly have with this topic was if either the government or the redshirt leaders quoted it as evidence - otherwise zilch.

    There is a thread on the HRW report, why not post your thoughts there or do you not think you're getting enough coverage for your "see, government to blame" platform?

    You are obtuse, my dear chap. Bail has nothing to do with a Thai translation of the HRW report, nor did I say so. My post was a reaction on Insights post, you reacted on mine. By now you try to accuse me of being off topic, completely ignoring the context in which posts were made.

    So again: 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail withdrawal'. Reading the HRW report some very valid suggestions are made why the UDD leaders were charged in the first place. It may even be used as 'fresh' evidence and influence how bail in these cases is looked upon. The total silence of red-shirt supporters on this report suggest that there are people who still believe or ignore the complicity of UDD leaders in the violence, terrorist attacks and killings March - May 2010.

    BTW I have no platform, I'm a lone voice in an ocean of (some expletives deleted). I'm not looking for coverage, nor do I appreciate the suggestion. Are you participating here only to get attention?

  10. This is interesting. If the bail is withdrawn this time around and the red shirts do go on another arson/bombing rampage, it will no doubt reflect negatively on Phua Thai.

    On the other hand, the reds can then cry "silencing the opposition" to the international media to maximum effect (local media is unlikely to give a toss), thus tarnishing the outcome of the election.

    I guess handing out a Thai translation of the HRW report wouldn't help much ? I mean, many 'red-shirt leaning' sites only quote the 'government/army to blame' ignoring anything they don't like themselves :ermm:

    What is it with you and the HRW report? Is it mentioned in the OP? Are they accused of handing out a thai translation of the HRW report (unlikely seeing it was released on the 5th May and the revocation of bail relates to the rally on April 10th)? No, :offtopic:

    My dear phiphidon, the topic is 'court rejects Jatuporn's plea against red-shirt leaders bail'. The UDD leaders were bailed from the charge of 'terrorism', 'instigating violence', etc. The HRW report clearly states some of those issues.

    Revocation of bail relates to April 2011 indeed, BUT you seem to forget they were out on bail regarding charges for March - May 2010 activities.

    So, on topic, really on topic. No red-shirt (supporter) getting further than 'see, government to blame'. So what is it with you and this pathological case of denial ?

  11. This party is a nightmare for the Dems. Hopefully they get enough BKK votes to swing a few more seats to PT.

    I beg to differ. This party and especially k. Purachai may be a nightmare for farang who still remember k. Purachai's ideas and activities in the early 2000's under TRT. New social order, tourist come for temples and culture, etc. Feared by fellow TRT MP's because of rigid standards on corruption. Described after a while as 'not a team player'. Marginalized and not returned in 2005.

    Regarding possible votes in the same league as NPP, or in other words 'why bother' ;)

  12. Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra,has notified the Pheu Thai Party about her intention to become a party-list candidate.

    In a very democratic fashion as is usual in democratic countries just about anyone can tell a party 'I want to be a party-list candidate'. Anywhere a party would immediately say 'OK', especially when the party belongs to her brother. I assume the lady was a member already, signed on long time ago, or is that less important for family members ? Relevant papers can be produced anyway I guess ;)

  13. However, Sunan was unable to confirm whether BMA workers had earlier dredged the sewers from Ratchaprasong Intersection to Siam Paragon after the red-shirt protests ended last May.

    Must have been planted by the government to make those 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' look bad. Please inform k. Jatuporn, k. Prompong and of course Robert A. :)

    BTW still no comment from PTP, UDD, or other red-shirts on the HRW report? Only the 'see, government/army to blame'?

    And the reply from the government, zilch. Apart from a report that Suthep said "why listen to farangs?" Why are you still going on about this especially when it is :offtopic: . If you wish to make a point about neither "side" making comments about the HRW report why not place it in the requisite thread.

    For almost a year we've seen posts on 'government to blame', 'army slaughters', 'peaceful protesters', 'Abhisit said kill them', etc., etc. We've seen posters agreeing that the government should bear some of the blame, open up, etc., etc. Did we see red-shirt supporters say 'yes, we were a bit aggressive', 'we liked those militants to help us', 'our leaders indoctrinated us', etc., etc.? Did we? NO, we didn't! Government conspiracy, Army conniving, 'us poor red-shirts'.

    I will keep asking this question and in a topic on 'weapons found' don't tell me it's 'off topic'. Unless you are still in the 'ignore mood', weapons and peaceful red-shirt, related? Heavens forbid, can't be, k. Jatuporn is lovable, k. Arisman sings nice songs ...


    For all those who wonder why the PTP will only win by a small margin, read this from my main source of inspiration, Robert A.'s website on Thailand:

    "Down By Law: The Legal Impairment of Thailand’s Opposition

    We are pleased to announce the latest release of The Thailand 2011 General Elections Report Series, No. 2 — Down By Law: The Legal Impairment of Thailand’s Opposition, focused on the issue of party dissolutions. Much of the content of this report has been submitted to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which then passed a resolution urging the Government of Thailand to reform these constitutional provisions that damage democracy."


  15. You talked about "policy content difference". Is returning Thaksin not policy content?

    If "ideologically in Thailand it's hard to see much policy content difference between the parties", does that mean the that the red shirts are part of the "crazed hysteria and ersatz nationalism of the feudalists, military and assorted hangers on."

    You can't have it both ways.

    I honestly don't understand what you are talking about.

    The Democrats may be the favoured party of the elite, but it is much more than that with some first class key people.It's certainly not organically part of the corrupt feudal military establishment.

    Stop beating around the bush, Jayboy. Just writing 'ideologically hard to see policy content difference' is already the start of obfuscation, unless you mean all parties have the best in mind for ALL Thai people.

    Still there are content and execution differences. PTP has one brain, the Dem's many. The Dem's are slower in implementation, the PTP over hasty. The Dem's have part of the traditional elite behind them, the PTP the other part. Both parties have corruption problems, although PTP in it's older guise of TRT/PPP seems to excel. The two PM's with PPP had main agenda point 'bring back Thaksin', the current PM 'bring forward the country'. The PTP has again main agenda point 'bring back Thaksin', the Dem's again 'bring forward the country'. Well, what do you know, by know I even listed some of those 'ideological differences' which some found hard to see ;)

  16. However, Sunan was unable to confirm whether BMA workers had earlier dredged the sewers from Ratchaprasong Intersection to Siam Paragon after the red-shirt protests ended last May.

    Must have been planted by the government to make those 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' look bad. Please inform k. Jatuporn, k. Prompong and of course Robert A. :)

    BTW still no comment from PTP, UDD, or other red-shirts on the HRW report? Only the 'see, government/army to blame'?

  17. ...

    could it be that they are upset to discover that there are intelligent, educated Thais who do not agree with their opinions.


    Have I got news for you, my man. There are even foreigners who don't agree with the various opinions sprouted here whether those be red/yellow/sideways leaning. Personally I only get upset with downright lies, half-truths are a bother, complete truth not even recognized sometimes.

    Anyway k. Thaksin will return by the end of the year to celebrate Christmas in an 'appropriate' environment for a convicted criminal who choose to be on the run nearly three years ago. Mind you if I were to collect his statements from those last years, a large number will contradict themselves. Six more weeks to the elections, six more weeks of the most contradicting opinions ever seen here on TV. Let the games begin :)

  18. Spring of 2010 , Thais in sandles and Tshirts commandeered a fully equipped and armed, with 200 soldiers, train somewhere in Northern Thailand.

    The Military had to promise it was not going to BKK, before the people would let it go.

    What would stop Thaksin from entering Northern Thailand with same kind of human shield?

    They wouldn't be able to get close to him, or arrest.

    if so, put him in same cell with Sondhi, PLEASE

    Can't do, k. Sondhi and k. Jatuporn are already matched. Difficult to match k. Thaksin, unique in his class, may end up solitary ;)

  19. What else would you expect from a Muslim state?

    More than from a Buddhist country that still believes in Animism, Brahmanism and superstitious nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with Buddhism, and that has a an Oxford and Eton educated Prime Minister that wears protective amulets to further these ridiculous non-Buddhist beliefs.

    Does that mean that I should remove the small cross I wear around my neck, take the St. Christopher medal out of my wallet and tell me Muslim friend to throw away his 33/99-beads string he always has with him ? Would you approve if I put a photo of k. Thaksin in my wallet, or as my desktop wallpaper ? With your preferences would Mr. Hun Sen do ?

    With you it's probably only blank :huh:

    I don't know if you should remove the cross and discard the medal or not. It depends why you wear them. If you wear them as part of your ongoing, dedicated belief in a religion, then is is probably an appropriate comfort and support to you.

    I take it that you are Roman Catholic since the St.Christopher medal is an icon of the Roman Catholic church. Is your "small cross" in keeping with the rituals of the Roman Catholics church ? -- . i.e does it have the body of Christ on the cross ?

    Perhaps you only wear these things because you think they are 'good' for you. Are they in keeping with your beliefs ? Are they benefiting you daily ? --- or do you only wear them because others have suggested it to you as the thing to do, as the Thais do .

    I guess I was too subtle, maybe one of these days I should truly start to learn English :huh:

    The point I wanted to raise (and I may have done so badly) is my objection against Ober's "superstitious nonsense" and "ridiculous non-Buddhist beliefs". It suggest a lack of manners regarding other people's believes. No more, no less.

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