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Posts posted by rubl

  1. But the point is it didn't come from Abhisit (I wish it had, and from what you say you clearly have no idea of what my reaction would have been), it came from Thaksin.Of course his motivation is highly suspect, but the content of the statement is admirable.Suggest anyone interested should read Vorani's article.

    Being somewhat cynical I must admit to have the impression that k. Thaksin many times calls for 'let US do not', 'WE should not', etc. especially when one of his got himself into a problem. Now to me that makes any call of k. Thaksin for what WE should or should not do highly suspect. :ermm:

  2. We can only expect more of the same but at least keep your minds open, even a little bit, before you jump on the bandwagon posting.

    Open mind, would be nice, but seems not easy for quite a few.

    On 2010-07-20 k. Chalerm predicted 300 seats, on 2011-03-22 a slight correction to 270 ( ). "The spokesman said the party's goal was to win as many as 270 MP seats in the next election expected to be held early next year." ( http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/07/22/politics/Northeast-Pheu-Thai-MPs-kowtow-to-Payap-30134321.html). The public has really been enlightened about this, check Robert A.'s website on Thailand for all the finer details on history rewriting.

    "I have little sympathy for the claims made by some on the opposition/red shirt side of politics that Abhisit will use electoral cheating and manipulation to hold onto office." ( http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2011/03/31/will-thailands-elections-be-fair/?amp )

    The stage is set. Read my lips, 'we will win 270 seats unless something goes wrong'. I let my dear audience decide on who the 'we' is.

    (PS I wrote 'is' I mean 'is' )

  3. From theNation:


    The Pheu Thai Party added to their confidence that the only reason it would not win the next election could be only because the government has already orchestrated a plan to cheat in the next poll in order to topple the Pheu Thai Party.

    The Opposition also claimed that the public had now been enlightened since their last gathering on 10 April 2011 and would make an appropriate choice for themselves in the election.


    If we don't win the government must have cheated. Right. Orchestrated plan, correct. Didn't Robert A. write something similar in his report. Keep repeating it, one day there may be people who even believe it.

    Like "Less than one year ago, the military-backed regime, headed up by United Kingdom citizen Mark Abhisit Vejjajiva, oversaw the murder of some 91 protesters in order to avoid an early election it feared it might lose.". Enlightening, care for one more? "A full year has passed since Thailand’s British-born Prime Minister, Mark Abhisit, sent his soldiers and snipers to Kok Wua to kill you, in an attempt to silence your calls for democracy."

    Read all on the website dedicated to sound bites and 'no need to prove, everyone knowns' ( http://robertamsterdam.com/thailand/ )

  4. You are ignoring a very real problem here rubl, just as the Thai military are doing.

    In the ongoing Thai-Cambodian conflict I'm trying to ignore most of the 'information' given out by either Thai or Cambodian military and officials. Having lived in Thailand since 1994 I may have a bit more empathy with the Thai side, just like you seem to have more empathy to the Cambodian side (you did mention a few times 'just coming back from PhnomPhen'). On the other hand I seldomly say anything against the Cambodian government and army, where as you almost continuously go on against the Thai side. Both our opinions, to which we are entitled. IMHO :ermm:

    Rubl, there are many accounts from Khmer's, Lao's, Vietnamese and Burmese of thai military atrocities against fleeing refugees. Raping, Murdering, Stealing etc....and when you have a history for it then it sticks, being blind to the Rohingya incident much? I suggest you get out of the country more and get a better perspective you clearly have been around thai people too long and your brain has started to rot!

    BUT you are indeed entitled to your opinions - ignorant it maybe.

    Thank you.

    Can we now go back to the OP which says "A Cambodian nongovernment organisation claims that at least 10 Cambodian civilians had been shot dead while hunting for food or logging in the forested mountains on the Thai-Cambodian border last year and early this year." Following would you be so kind as to re-read my post as quoted above? I'm just commenting on the Thai-Cambodian information stream and it's dubious character in the ongoing border-war. I'm not saying anything on other things, I'm even ignoring the recent atrocities in Northern Africa and the Arabian peninsular :ermm:

  5. But that doesn't remove the fact she will be her brothers proxy and puppet and makes it a non-starter. If he was not in the picture, definitively, she might be quite good for PTP. But that is all conjecture and wishful thinking.

    We already had two Thaksin proxies, the late k. Samak and k. Thaksin's brother-in-law k. Somchai. Mostly remembered for leading a government with main aim 'get back Thaksin'. Remembered by some only, it seems :ermm:

  6. ...

    I am sorry, if you want to use the word REMAIN about democracy in Thailand, i have to say word ESTABLISH would be more appropriate.

    They are young democracy and they just have to establish solid democracy what they are trying to now. ...

    A solid democracy is never established, but grows from a young democracy into one over time, given the chance :ermm:

    Agrred Rubl.

    Thanks for the precise formulation. Yes, it all depends on the given chances.

    The only question remains for to analyze here, how many of actual politicians and elites, really want to give a chance for Western-style democracy.

    In other words, we should predict how much of their own power, money earned from politics, they are willing to give up for the arrival of democracy, in a fuller sense of the word than they have now.

    That is the question.

    For a lighter tone (it's Songkhran festival remember), this just in, dated 10th of April:

    "Exporting Democracy Has Led to Shortages of it in U.S., Experts Say

    Wisconsin, Florida Hardest Hit

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – The U.S. policy of exporting democracy abroad has meant that there is very little of it left at home."


  7. You are ignoring a very real problem here rubl, just as the Thai military are doing.

    In the ongoing Thai-Cambodian conflict I'm trying to ignore most of the 'information' given out by either Thai or Cambodian military and officials. Having lived in Thailand since 1994 I may have a bit more empathy with the Thai side, just like you seem to have more empathy to the Cambodian side (you did mention a few times 'just coming back from PhnomPhen'). On the other hand I seldomly say anything against the Cambodian government and army, where as you almost continuously go on against the Thai side. Both our opinions, to which we are entitled. IMHO :ermm:

  8. Shocking claims by Cambodian government in a tit-for-tat which started (again) in 2008 around the Preah Vihear Temple. Lots of propaganda, allegations, supposedly atrocities, etc., etc.


    You should watch the video, there's footage of the blackened corpse.

    Please excuse me, but a 'blackened' corpse in a video clip ? Like the one made in CWT after the fire? Get real, old chap :ermm:

  9. ...

    Yes, red shirt, poor people (but not only them) love that ousted PM and it is almost 2/3 of this country. Here, don't forget a big part of elite who have enormous money, chinese families so you will have larger picture about voters.


    This part is in need of further clarification.

    - Do you mean 'red shirt, poor people' love k. Thaksin AND form 2/3 of the population?

    - 'big part of elite' Chinese family?

    - 'larger picture'

    Personally I think your statements only confuse the picture. Please more info :huh:

  10. "After Songkran, the government has about half a month to work and we will do our jobs to the best of our ability," he said.

    Once the House is dissolved, the government will take on the role of caretaker in the run-up to the next election. As caretaker, the administration will not be authorised to formulate any new policies or issue new projects.

    Absolutely fair and truly.(?)

    Some people will stop to have immunity when PM dissolve parliament.

    Their possibly arrest will not be the Government's decision because it will only deal with technical matters.

    This will be the decision and proceedings in the jurisdiction of the judiciary.

    Theoretically speaking.

    We will see.

    Assuming the MP's would no longer be under 'MP immunity' protection, they would not be arrested immediately. Where applicable they've been notified of charges and released. Of course for any new implication, 'run of the mouth', etc. they may be called to report, hear charges and be or not be bailed. Nothing to do with the care-taker government, but all with the juridical system. Legally so. All of a sudden MP's like normal, ordinary people who always had to be a bit more careful in committing crimes, defaming, alleging, etc., etc.

  11. but what is the status of Robert's report? Must be two and a half months ago since it was filed with the ICC. The ICC still too busy with real crimes, in Africa?

    It's quietly fallen completely off the radar.

    The same as Thaksin's appearance in America with the U.S. commission.

    Too polite or diplomatic to tell Amsterdam et al that they are full of it, these entities prefer to just let those fanciful notions quietly die on the vine.

    That is totally unacceptable. I demand a formal answer from the ICC :angry:

    Rather than demanding I mailed a polite request. Answer:

    "I refer to your query to the Office of the Prosecutor dated 14/04/2011.

    Please note that Communications submitted to the Office under Article 15 of the Rome Statue are treated as confidential and therefore we regret to inform you, that no information pertaining to a claim can be provided to a third party.

    We are grateful for your interest in the Court. If you would like to learn more about the work of the Court, I invite you to visit our website at www.icc-cpi.int."

    So I guess we have to wait a wee bit more :ermm:

  12. ...

    Also, regarding Jatuporn's threats to charge Prem, it's worthy to note this seems based on second-hand hearsay evidence in the form of wikileaks whereas the charges against Jatuporn are first hand video and audio evidence of his public speech.

    I doubt Jatuporn is going to get anyone from the US embassy to stand up in court and admit anything was said.

    Nobody from the embassy is subject to subpoena :)

    If you refer to diplomatic immunity, you are wrong in this assertion. Only a few Embassy personnel have a full diplomatic passport. Of course most Americans working at the Embassy would be handled with care to avoid diplomatic incidents ;)

  13. I wonder what kind of "resistance" the Cambodian loggers put up that were found to be burned alive by the Thai army recently?

    ... end removed

    The OP says "(Thai soldiers burned their corpses in Thailand.)". No suggestion of 'burned alive', unless you have some proof :ermm:

    Shocking Claims: Logger Burned Alive in Thailand

    Cambodia's Deputy Foreign Minister is calling on Thailand to investigate claims that a young Khmer logger was arrested, shot, and killed by Thai security forces on Cambodian soil.

    [Ouch Borith, Cambodian Deputy Foreign Minister]:

    "There are some people who commit barbaric acts against humanity, and the government of Thailand must take measures to investigate these acts and bring the people to justice. This is our, the Cambodian government's, utmost request."

    Thai security forces are accused of opening fire on a group of young Cambodian villagers while they were cutting down trees illegally on the northern border of Cambodia.

    One of the villagers was allegedly caught by the Thai forces and then burned alive.

    The Cambodian government has yet to receive a response from the Thai government.

    Shocking claims by Cambodian government in a tit-for-tat which started (again) in 2008 around the Preah Vihear Temple. Lots of propaganda, allegations, supposedly atrocities, etc., etc.

    A link you gave before ( http://mediakh.net/government/thai-miltary-killing-cambodian-loggers/ )

    says "Such cruel killing by the Thai military, which enjoys impunity, was seen in a number of incidents during the late 1970s and 1980s." That of course completely ignores any atrocities committed in Cambodia in that time frame.

  14. I was impressed she had TWO Masters degrees - but all you yellows are just trying to downgrade her achievement

    Most of my collegues here in Thailand have at least a B.A. including secretaries. I'm not impressed. Management seems to be selected on family name and / or connections rather than pure skills. Of course after a while in management positions it doesn't really matter much ;)

    (edit: add: M.A's? Doesn't matter, in the OP: "He said the party's motto would be "Thaksin Thinks and Pheu Thai Does It" - which means if elected, the party would implement the policies suggested by the deposed former premier.")

  15. The situation became bad after 2001 - that was the beginning of all problems," he said, probably referring to the year when Thaksin came into power.

    Selective memory. He forgets Suchinda's power grab in 1992, the 1997 crash and the subsequent Democrat's 'Bitter Medicine' policies, not to mention the corruption of every government prior to 2001 including Chuan Leekpai's two administrations and his own short lived effort (which funnily enough, was plagued with corruption).

    You're a fine one to complain about 'selective' memory. The Khmer websites you frequently point at are not better than that.

  16. OP: Ignore lies !

    I assume that includes this:

    (text of the speech delivered by Robert Amsterdam to the Red Shirt pro-democracy rally in Bangkok on April 10, 2011)

    "A full year has passed since Thailand’s British-born Prime Minister, Mark Abhisit, sent his soldiers and snipers to Kok Wua to kill you, in an attempt to silence your calls for democracy. While PM Abhisit was successful in having many of your friends and comrades murdered, he has clearly failed to break your spirit and your fortitude."


  17. but what is the status of Robert's report? Must be two and a half months ago since it was filed with the ICC. The ICC still too busy with real crimes, in Africa?

    It's quietly fallen completely off the radar.

    The same as Thaksin's appearance in America with the U.S. commission.

    Too polite or diplomatic to tell Amsterdam et al that they are full of it, these entities prefer to just let those fanciful notions quietly die on the vine.

    That is totally unacceptable. I demand a formal answer from the ICC :angry:

  18. Let's hope we get some resolution.. but it's doubtful alas... I just want the party in power to have a REAL mandate - but there's too many parties!

    Many political parties competing in an election is a sign of a healthy democracy, I would say. A situation with one party having a large majority and the party leader / PM saying 'we will continue to rule for twenty years' is NOT a healthy democracy. IMHO

  19. Wasn't an insult. You just don't seem to understand what he is saying.

    He's obviously taking a bit of the p*ss out of jatuporn for reading the sky. That is the only source of his information. Makes him an equal of the politician. Get it?

    No, sorry, that won't wash. He was responding to my post, not an accusation by Jatuporn.

    Bottom line is he is making false claims.

    My claim has the same validity as k. Jatuporn's claim. Now be careful, don't call him a liar, he will sue you ;)

    Now back to the OP with "Jatuporn claimed that military teams have been dispatched to obstruct the party's candidates' from freely carrying out political activities."

  20. I assume you all have degrees from Oxbridge or Ivy League as only the brightest are yellows right?

    I hate to disappoint you, but ... wrong. I studied at the University of Technology in Delft, the Netherlands (Mathematics) I found out I'm not really in the same league as Albert Einstein. I didn't finish the third year, so not even a B.A. Does this mean I don't even qualify as a 'yellow' any longer ?

    probably... laugh.gif

    English terms, ridiculous. The B.A. should have been B.S. of course :ermm:

    PS where can I apply for my complementary 'red shirt'?

  21. I would above all look at the content and the integrity/intelligence with which externally received information had been processed and presented.I don't see how independent reports can be developed anyway without seeking background from all sides.My point earlier was simply that some rush in to smear without even bothering to assess the underlying information.We have seen that time and time again.

    Of course if the "independent" agencies can be shown to have falsified evidence or distorted facts, always allowing for a reasonable degree of subjectivity, that is another matter and can be the subject of useful discussion.But for some the assessment of awkward facts does not compute, and the smears come in first.It's actually a kind of intellectual laziness.

    The beauty of using 'tainted' information from other sites, is you are not responsable for the validity of that information. What we see is frequent attempts to suggest, to indicate as plausable, 'where there is smoke there must be fire', etc., etc. In another topic k. Jatuporn said 'government used Royal Guards to kill people' as if the order came 'kill them'. Propaganda, my dear chap. Read the Robert A. report again, prime example.

    Totally off topic I know, but what is the status of Robert's report? Must be two and a half months ago since it was filed with the ICC. The ICC still too busy with real crimes, in Africa?

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