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Posts posted by rubl

  1. god bless the Army for being the only force strong enough to allay this meglomaniacs lust for power

    17 coups and 19 constitutions in 70 years.

    Thaksin, the only elected Thai PM to serve a full term and the only Thai PM to be re-elected.

    Thaksin was an MP elected by the people, although I have to check if he was party list or constituency. He was elected PM by MP's which is according to law. k. Thaksin may also be the only ex-PM to have been convicted, jumped bail and living as fugitive still orders HIS party PTP around in a very democratic fashion. Today he promised not to take revenge and make all rich again in six months or so, free WIFI to help run up your bill for added-value services, etc., etc.

  2. I do not believe that the Thai army would even think of using poisonous gas or cluster bombs.

    The Thai army has already admitted using cluster bombs.

    They initially outright denied it and after government officials admitted it the Thai military made the excuse that they don't classify them as cluster munitions.

    Slowly and surely people are wakening up to what this mob are all about.

    A very abbreviated quote which is also a wee bit misleading methinks. The original is

    Cambodians here in general are calm about the goings on at the border , no resentment toward Thai living here , news is however that Thai army has fired poisonous gas shells and more cluster bombs in an effort to rescue some Thai troops who are injured inside Cambodia .

    I hope your "news" is inaccurate. I do not believe that the Thai army would even think of using poisonous gas or cluster bombs. And why would there be Thai troop inside Cambodia? Again, this is just all about the MONEY from tourist to the temple there. Greedy people on both sides think THEY should get it. Diplomacy has failed and that probably means that corruption will remain prominent in the politics. Aagh.

  3. You expats all posting your exper opinions all the time should be aware that Thaksin also has an army of people watching your posts here and when he DOES get back in, your ip adresses shall get you all a free ticket back to your own countries and myself shush you all a farewell and don't let the door .........

    I think Mr. T should be ordering you all to stay out of Thai politics although you all seem to think that YOU should all be running the country. I also think you should ALL keep quiet with your opinions regarding a Thai's statement (whether he is on the run or not) love for the Monarchy.

    I hope you all get ousted when Mr. T does get back in for your anti Thaksin postings here.

    I'm utterly confused by this post. My hero just said "Today I'm ready to go home and serve the ppl. I will not take revenge; will only fix things." Who should I believe, k. Thaksin or member Yenoormit, or maybe none of them?

  4. A. It is amazing to me to read that Thaksin is responsible for 90 deaths in BKK. Generally, right-wing contributors blame him for the fires, but convoluted thinking abounds among Expats. Seems to me that there is another story possible, when we know the facts.

    B. The army's chief has promised to stay out of the picture after the election, and we all know that such a high official's word is every bit as reliable as its history demonstrates.

    The blame for the 90 deaths has to be shared by government and UDd / red-shirts. As red-shirt and PTP are interwoven, k. Thaksin is PTP, I guess k. Thaksin is also responsable.

    K. Thaksin has stated time and time again to stay out of politics. He has stated 'not to know the red-shirts', etc., etc. Mind you, he isn't a high official, he's just a convicted criminal on the run.

    (edit: add: this sticker just needs another face :ermm: )


  5. Ludicrous reasons for not being corrupt, mmmm, let me think on that, oh it's because she wants to campaign on behalf of the PTP, ergo, she must be corrupt. She'll break the rules whilst in the military by writing a book about a hate figure of certain parts of the military - in my book that shows a healthy individuality but obviously not in yours. Lets face it, you're backing Buchholz because its the opposition, no other reason.

    The most ludicrous reason for not being corrupt comes from k. Thaksin himself. Ten odd years ago he said something like 'I'm rich enough not to need to be corrupt' ;)

  6. How Ironic it is that the Peua Thai are so against military meddling in politics when it has 100 retired military men of rank as members and has more MPs with Police or Army rank than any other party.

    They just bagged another one, Pol Gen Pracha (former leader of Puea Pandin Party) who accepted the invitation to work with Puea Thai. It seems he'll be welcomed at a meeting to unveil the party's policies at Thammasat University's Rangsit Campus today.

  7. Although they are uneasy about former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's influence over the party and had thoughts of defecting, the Pheu Thai MPs are now unsure whether they can win the upcoming election in the Northeast without relying on the popularity of Pheu Thai and Thaksin in the region, according to sources.

    A party and it's candidates should listen to their voters. Makes sense!

  8. Look you can do a Google search as well as I can and obtain this information. But since you asked, he tired and succeeded, to some extent, in decentralizing school administration and management from a centralized Bangkok management of the schools to encouraging and authorizing each individual Provence more authority to manage their schools. This is the same struggle that is occurring in the United States where the federal government via the "Department of Education" has usurped power from the States. He also initiated curricular reform in an attempt to get away from the practice of rote memorization. He did this in the hope of developing more innovative thinking students who could compete on the world stage. He tried to open up higher education to more children by establishing student loan programs. There are many other reforms he proposed and unfortunately were either not implemented or were cancelled after he was overthrown by the military junta. The point is he was personally engaged and cared about education reform in this country which is more than I can say for the current administration. Of course Mr. Charming who inserted himself and answered your question for me has his own negative take on Thaksin's reforms.

    Read more on wiki ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Policies_of_the_Shinawatra_administration#Education_policies )

    Mind you no mention of programs canceled by governments AFTER k. Thaksin's

  9. From the OP:

    Red-shirt leader Thida Thawornseth flew off to Malaysia to meet with Thaksin Shinawatra's lawyer Robert Amsterdam to discuss anti-coup strategy, Natthawut said.

    The lady wants to be prepared and checks with well-known 'anti-coup strategy' consultant Robert A. Check his website for a full report:

    "Puppetmasters: Elections As Instruments of Military Rule

    Thailand 2011 General Elections Report Series, No. 1"


    Does this mean PM Abhisit has no choice but to continue governing?

  10. It seems some have doubts on the usefulness of k. Thaksin explaining anything:

    Fate of Chavalit, Snoh and Thaksin intertwined

    By The Nation

    The political landscape will hinge on the ongoing negotiations of three key figures, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Snoh Thienthong and Thaksin Shinawatra, Pracharaj MP Sorawong Thienthong said in an interview with Thursday's Matichon online.

    "Chavalit, Snoh and the figure in a faraway land are still talking (about political options)," he said in reference to Thaksin in Dubai.

    Sorawong said the outcome of the three's talks would be crucial to how Chavalit and Snoh plotting their next move.

    In earlier talks related to Snoh teaming up with Pheu Thai, Chavalit and Snoh told Thaksin to keep a low profile because the two were concerned about Pheu Thai being penalised by disbandment because Thaksin has Montenegro nationality and is barred from running a party, he said.

    "My father (Snoh) is very concerned about Thaksin's role in Pheu Thai because what Thaksin is doing might lead to the dissolution of the party," he said.

    He said if Thaksin decides to go ahead with his videolink to unveil the Pheu Thai campaign platforms on Saturday, then it is very likely that the party will be disbanded.

    Should Thaksin fail to heed the warning of the two, Snoh will definitely change his mind on the alliance with Pheu Thai, he said.

    Snoh might choose one of the options - to remain as Pracharaj leader or to work with Chavalit in forming a new party, he said.

    Chavalit resigned his Pheu Thai membership on Monday.


  11. ...

    It seems letting them all out just before the election was an effort to appear reconciling, but also to give them enough rope to well and truly hang themselves in the eyes of the Thai Electorate

    Whom can you trust these days?

    On behalf of my UDD friends I demand our esteemed leaders are returned to jail so we have a valid reason again to protest. D_amn government :whistling:

  12. Puea Thai Party Vows To Bring Thaksin Back Home

    BANGKOK, April 18 (Bernama) -- The Puea Thai Party, aligned with exiled ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his red-shirt supporters, vowed Monday to bring Thaksin home to re-start his work for the nation, reports Thai News Agency (TNA).

    K. Thaksin's red-shirt supporters? Please remind me, how many months ago did k. Thaksin say 'I don't know them' ?

    Anyway if k. Thaksin's work for the Nation starts on a humble footing like sweeping prison floors there is still hope for his future. IMHO.

  13. Apiwan: Pheu Thai-UDD roles separated

    BANGKOK, 19 April 2011 (NNT) – Deputy House Speaker and Pheu Thai Party Deputy Leader Colonel Apiwan Wiriyachai has voiced his agreement to the proposed separation of the roles of the opposition Pheu Thai Party and the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

    OMG, does this mean that up till now PTP and UDD did NOT have separate roles ? Who would have thought ;)

  14. Suthep: Democrat Party will form the next govt

    I was very curious to see what the continuation of this sentence would be:

    "He says after leaving private dinner with Army Head, whilst leaving through the back exit of the camp." :lol:

    Alas, nothing quite so interesting. What would you expect him to say?

    Well, since you ask ...

    I would have expected a continuation like "the Democrats party will definitively be the single largest party and with the PTP in total disarray, will be called upon and have no choice but to form a new government."

    All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds :)

  15. Sorry, can't help it. Let's have one more ;)

    "He said the red shirts always rallied behind former prime minister Thaksin, criticising mainstream politicians for their fickle loyalty."

    K. Thida said in December 2010 as she became reluctant UDD leader:

    "Q : What is the future political prospect of Thaksin Shinawatra. Is he funding the DAAD?

    A : We depend largely on donations but I would not know if someone privately went to seek money from him. I can assure you that I personally, and Weng, have never received a single baht from him… Well, we're not his minions."


    "Thida Tavornseth, the new chairman of the red-shirt movement, made it clear from the outset that she doesn't take orders from ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra."


  16. Many aspects of this message from k. Kokaew can be commented on. Let me just pick one interesting statement from this UDD leader and former PTP candidate for a Bangkok by-election in July 2010.

    "He called on Phue Thai MPs to admit the fact that the red shirts were the mass movement of the party's instead of joining the opponents in bashing the red shirts.

    "In the struggle for democracy, it is imperative that the red shirts and Pheu Thai must move in concerted efforts because it is clear the parliamentary mechanism alone could not resolve the problems," he said.

    He urged the opposition MPs to step out in support of fellow MP and red leader Jatuporn Promphan. Without Jatuporn, Pheu Thai might have been disbanded again and again, he said."

    This seems in conflict with k. Jatuporn's statement one/two days ago:

    " "The Pheu Thai Party would campaign for votes in the upcoming general election while the red-shirt movement would focus on calling for justice and democracy, he said.

    "The party and the movement are two separate entities that have no overriding power over one another," "

    Of course k. Jatuporn should know, he's both PTP MP and UDD leader; k. Kokaew is merely a UDD leader and had his (short) political career forced upon him while in jail ;)

    PS no comment, but a big :D and :cheesy: for "Since the Phue Thai Party was in the opposition without any apparent flaws"

  17. This year, PTP estimated that 1,000,000 people would rally to their (reds) cause. The real number was about 75-100,000. Using that ratio, we can expect PTP to get 26 seats (not 260) in the next election. :lol:

    Totally incorrect. The UDD estimated 1,000,000 would rally. nothing to do with the PTP. Even our esteemed PTP MP and UDD leader k. Jatuporn said

    " "The Pheu Thai Party would campaign for votes in the upcoming general election while the red-shirt movement would focus on calling for justice and democracy, he said.

    "The party and the movement are two separate entities that have no overriding power over one another," "

    ( http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/04/20/national/DSI-adds-sedition-to-charges-against-reds-30153488.html )

  18. I don't like the Democrats to get 99% of all votes in the South as k. Suthep predicts. Neither would I like PTP to get 99% of votes in North / North-East. It would show a possible conflict. I hope at least 30 - 40% of votes gets to smaller parties, much more healthy for a democracy.

    On a lighter tone, with the guestimates of PTP, Democrats and BJT already between 531 and 548 seats out of a total of 500 are covered ;)

  19. Rumor has it that the Democrats will be using LM as a tool to try and win the upcoming election.

    Of course they won't be using it directly themselves but may be use the media and some mouth pieces such high ranking Generals and such.

    This could be the reason Chavalit has quit, to protect himself and PTP from slander.

    Anyway he can always be reinstated after the election is over.

    Just hope the Internal Security Act is lifted on the run up to elections so that the media are free to publish the truth without government censorship like now.

    If only rumour has it, we can put it next to 'there will be a coup', now can't we? Of course that won't stop some from elaborating on the rumour :ermm:

    The ISA is only enforced in seven districts in Bangkok, as far as I know. It has to do with trying to keep protests by PAD, TPN and various red-shirt factions peaceful and separate from each other. No link with the media there.

    So what ARE you trying to tell us here, dear Monkfish?

  20. Thaksin admitted his guilt by prima facie evidence of not appealing his conviction.

    btw, speaking of "Mrs. Thaksin"... when does she begin her prison sentence in an unrelated case involving tax evasion that cheated the Thai nation of hundreds of millions of baht? Afterall, it's coming up on three since she was found guilty.

    OK, I'll allow you this one. The OP IS about cases, bail, etc. Still you should address all concerned properly. It's 'k. Potjaman', or 'Thaksin's ex-wife', or Ms. Potjaman !


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