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Posts posted by rubl

  1. begin removed ...

    I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

    ... end removed

    A few weeks ago going back to my office on RamaIV I had an 'interesting' discussion with a taxi driver. Actually more like a monologue. 'Here it was' passing Lumpini / Saladaeng intersection and lots of 'Abhisit no good'. :ermm:

  2. begin removed ...

    I suspect the example you have in mind is the illegal lottery case where judges accused Thaksin of cheating the Thai taxpayer of billions. This is now accepted as completely incorrect:the steps the Thaksin government took were to benefit the Thai treasury.Sheer political vendetta in that case but perhaps you have some real evidence not just hearsay?

    2008-03-10 AEC to sue thaksin in lottery case today


    2008-07-08 NCCC Calls for Suspension of 3 Ministers Involved in Lottery Case



    "The Supreme Court has approved another arrest warrant for fugitive former Premier, Thaksin Shinawatra after he failed to attend the first hearing of the two- and three-digit lottery case."


    2011-04-08 with a long list of cases, most waiting for the return of the accused.


    How innocent can a man be who is on the run with dozens of court cases waiting for him? Oh, political motivated! Innocent till proven guilty. Well, difficult when we can't start without him :ermm:

    (edit: add Sept'26 link)

  3. Personally I see no reason why your post should be removed. I only have a bit of a problem with the anti-Thai, pro-Cambodian bias. In the ongoing border clash neither sides' newsflashes are beyond reproach. Propaganda on both sides. Call a spade a spade where ever it comes from :ermm:

    I'm not saying the Cambodians are completely honest about everything in their news. But at least their generals and politicians aren't making fools of themselves with all these obvious lies and misinformations. At least not in this matter.. biggrin.gif

    Maybe the Cambodian generals and politicians are just a wee bit better at soliciting foreign sympathy. Mind you the 'RTA used chemical weapons' was really overdone, the 'burned a logger alive' was not much better. Very interesting is that at least two Khmer websites I know (thanks to member HighCommand) don't show anything from the recent clash, most is regarding the February clashes (mediakh.net/news/ , www.khmerarticle.com/). Of course big show on 'cluster weapons', 'Thai military junta'.

    Propaganda, not just for the amateurs ;)

  4. So whoever PT representative to run for the election as Prime minister will be Thaksin's dummy?

    Strictly speaking no-one is running for PM in the elections. There are candidates for MP. The party with a majority may appoint a PM from their MP members who will probably be the one indicated before. In case of a coalition the coalition MPs will elect/select a PM from amongst their midst probably as part of the wheeling / dealing to form the coalition.

    As 'k. Thaksin thinks and PTP does' the description of 'dummy' seems not far of the mark for PTP candidates ;)

    Interesting is that it has just been indicated that the PTP party list MP candidates include many esteemed fellows:

    "Among people in the list of Pheu Thai party-list MP candidates are Jatuporn Promphan, Natthawut Saikua, Arisman Pongruangrong, Kokaew Pikulthong, Wisa Kanthap, Chinawat Habunpad."


  5. begin removed ...

    Come on.. Both sides shell indiscriminately. But at least the Cambodians aren't lying about everything they do. Aren't Thai politicians and generals aware of this phenomenon called "the internet" ? Do they really believe they can just lie and nobody finds out about it? Oh.. I forget. Everything is censored over there in Thailand. This post will probably be deleted before anyone can read it..

    Personally I see no reason why your post should be removed. I only have a bit of a problem with the anti-Thai, pro-Cambodian bias. In the ongoing border clash neither sides' newsflashes are beyond reproach. Propaganda on both sides. Call a spade a spade where ever it comes from :ermm:

  6. On the alleged use of cluster bombs, it looks highly likely that the Thai military has used the so-called dual-purpose munitions that most authorities include under that category.


    True, and a week or two ago also finally acknowledged. What we do not know is if this time round the same munitions have been used. That last time (i.e begin of this month) the RTA drew quiet a bit of flack :ermm:

  7. They may be using smoke rounds to blind Cambodian Observation Posts. The shells burst in the air, and chuck out several small canisters which lie on the ground spewing out smoke. The stuff is not a chemical weapon per se, but you don't really want to breathe it in!

    Smoke grenades are still used regularly at military exercises worldwide as are teargas grenades. Without a gas-mask really awful as I remember.

    Apart from the real border clash we also have a propaganda clash. The other side is the villain. Describing smoke grenades as 'chemical weapons' would be part of that :ermm:

  8. The low-interest loan to Myanmar comes to mind, only $121 million, but since we're in Thailand to be seen as THB 3.63 billion :

    "Thaksin was behind the decision to grant the low-interest loan from the Export-Import Bank of Thailand to Myanmar's government in 2004 to buy services and equipment from Shin Satellite, now Thaicom THCOM.BK, a unit of Shin Corp SHIN.BK, a telecoms firm then owned by his family."


    Rubbish.The Thai Exim bank exists to provide low interest loans to Thai exporters including the Shin Group.That is the whole point of its existence.Did Thaksin exert influence to secure Eximbank support? Probably, though the details are obscure.Nobody protested or resigned.Are there questions to be asked? Yes.Is it theft? No, of course not.

    The loan was granted in 2004. At that time no-one was going to quoestion PM Thaksin's wheeling and dealing too loudly. Some reporters got defamation lawsuit slapped on them by our esteemed leader, claiming billions in damages.

    When a PM induces a low-interest state loan to be granted in order for his company to profit, this may not legally constitute 'theft', but for ordinary people that doesn't matter. The country lost income due to 'low-interest loan', due to 'loan', a private company which just happened to be owned by 'amply rich' PM Thaksin profitted. No theft, but larceny on a grand sale?

  9. ...

    and i would like to see some reforms in the inmigration laws of the country too(regarding to this i dont think that thaksin is gonne change anything) cuz i think that this country should relax it policies regarding to thouse foreigner who have thai families and are living here.

    None of the political parties has 'foreign welfare' high on it's priority list. Don't hold your breath on this one unless your rich of course ;)

  10. What an amazing country this is . . . .

    QUOTE: "Election Commission member Prapun Naigowit, when asked to comment on whether Thaksin would be violating his five-year ban from politics by speaking at the event, yesterday said it had to be determined whether he was involving himself in political activity."

    R :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

    This guy clearly doesn't understand the job description.


    erm - which "guy" would that be and quite which "fool" is it to which you are referring?

    Undoubtedly this is clear within your own bubble of consciousness but could you let the rest of us in, also?


    And now I ponder on it, which "guys" are you addressing and exactly what "determination" would they be making?

    Trust me - nobody out here has a clue what you're on about. :blink:


    Clearly that 'guy' is the EC member Prapun Naigowit who should determine with his collegues whether or not the EC law and 5-year ban has been breached ;)

  11. I really cannot see why the Thais, or any country in the same situation, would go to using gas in a border clash. Too small an AO to be dumping gas munitions in. And a real good way to becoming a ' world vilan ' .

    Thailand has signed and ratified the "Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)" which is about the prohibition of use and production of chemical weapons, as well as the destruction of all chemical weapons. Thailand is not listed under the countries still having stockpiles of chemical weapons (no idea if they ever had, maybe the USA had some stored here during the Vietnam War times).

    Of course the smoke from exploding grenades is chemical and may cause respiratory problems. Mind you if you stand that close that would probably be the least of your worries ;)

  12. Indeed Whybother and I an sure all 1000 of them who are reported to have been at the meeting will make a big difference.

    Yellow is dead.

    All we need now is to see red in the grave and the country can get on with business.

    Read : And we can have things our way

    We as in 'we, farang' would be misplaced.

  13. well, in fact many farang support thaksin, here , the most of the anti-thaksin comemts come from the thais who work for the gov. or for those who make this kind of report that obviouslly is 100%anti-thaksin, i am not interested in politics,but in the place in which i live most of the people suport him, in deed the streeds'wall are full of "คิดถึงทักษีณ"="we miss thaksin",and the most of the people here know how many good things he has done for his country,the only problem is that the mayority of the thai people who post in this forum belongs to the high class with money and who are able to speak english,but in the university the i hear,evereday, thai students talking about thaksin and remembering those past years in which food wasnt so expensive as now and the echonomy was more much better;)

    but i repeat, i am not interest in politics, i prefer my simple life,and good iced leo beer;)

    Many farang may support k. Thaksin, many more don't (statistically this probably adds up to 127% ;) ).

    I also do remember the good years with my father disagreeing and listing the years he remembers and my grandfather ...

    Food prices have risen, but that has nothing to do with this government or k. Thaksin, global issue. Same with the economy, global downturn became visible to all in 2008, tsunami in Japan has some effect now, US government debt and stability of the $, North African and Middle East fights, soaring oil and gold prices. Does anyone really believe under k. Thaksin things would be better at this very moment?

  14. Isolate the disputed area...UN forces to patrol the area.....All Thai and Cambodian troops to withdraw and allow the UN to control the disputed territory until discussions resolve the situation.. Lets all live in Peace.

    No offence, but this could easily be yet another 'short-term' UN mission with a 'live-time' exceeding decades. It seems a larger part of the Thai-Cambodian border is 'under contest', also some nice, dense jungle out there with lots of mines buried by both sides. First step for the UN mission to build a fence around their 'mission area', secondly clear mines, thirdly build a road to ease patrolling, fourthly clear some annoying jungle, etc., etc. (not necessarily in this order).

    Live long and prosper :)

  15. With some posts removed and some still visible in replies as far as quoted, this thread has become difficult to follow.

    As far as I understand

    - both sides shelling each other

    - both sides see civilians evacuated

    - both sides took losses

    - both sides to blame

    - both sides innocent

    - Thai and Cambodean newsflashes seldomly agree with each other, apart from the general location of conflict ;)

    - RTA trying to influence the coming elections

    - RTA duped by any-color-shirts

    - the conflict has nothing to do with Saloth Sar (aka Pol Pot), A. Hitler, or Robert A.

    One of these days we may get some better insight, one or two decades from now I guess :ermm:

  16. Hes a convicted criminal on the run whos stolen billions may just have bought him the leadership of this country in 2 months time!!!!! THAT IS the danger

    Can you support your claim that Thaksin "stole billions" ?If you can please provide details.

    The low-interest loan to Myanmar comes to mind, only $121 million, but since we're in Thailand to be seen as THB 3.63 billion :

    "Thaksin was behind the decision to grant the low-interest loan from the Export-Import Bank of Thailand to Myanmar's government in 2004 to buy services and equipment from Shin Satellite, now Thaicom THCOM.BK, a unit of Shin Corp SHIN.BK, a telecoms firm then owned by his family."


  17. At least we have here a party which has an internal debate and votes on important issues. :)

    On the other hand a new poll showed "58% of public think the elections ought to be more competitive so it will provide them with more options"

    Should I call NPP undemocratic for ignoring the public's call ?

  18. 58% of public think the elections ought to be more competitive so it will provide them with more options and at the same time giving opportunities to other polical parties to show their capabilities in governing the country.

    How to make elections more competitive? Probably only possible with more parties and new candidates rather than the old, 'well known' ones. Of course this assumes an active participation of the populace in politics, parties, etc., etc. Just complaining doesn't really help :ermm:

  19. Thaksin may also be the only ex-PM to have been convicted

    Chuan Leekpai, Democrat Party leader and former PM has been convicted by the National Counter Corruption Commission.

    His brother, Raluek, allegedly embezzled billions from the Thai banks and fled to Taiwan, only returning to Thailand once the statute of limitations on his crime expired.

    Keep 'em coming.

    Did some digging, but not many details.

    Chuan himself was found by the National Counter-Corruption Commission to have undeclared shareholdings in a rural cooperative. It seems these shares were given to him and had a value of less than THB 1M.

    On the other hand of course we have our hero-in-shiny-armour who made a very honest mistake is forgetting to tell about the THB billions he had given a chauffer and siome maids (while keeping control). That time the judges said 'yes, from the tears on his face we can see he made an honest mistake'. Read about it; and sorry this is a really left-wing website, those guys who promote socialism , democracy and the like ;)


  20. Thaksin may also be the only ex-PM to have been convicted

    Chuan Leekpai, Democrat Party leader and former PM has been convicted by the National Counter Corruption Commission.

    His brother, Raluek, allegedly embezzled billions from the Thai banks and fled to Taiwan, only returning to Thailand once the statute of limitations on his crime expired.

    Keep 'em coming.

    Dig up some details, dear HighCommand. Comparing k. Chuan and k. Thaksin in their cases is like telling me the RTA and it's Cambodean counterpart are friends ;)

  21. I for the life of me cannot understand why Western educated people that should know better, and who's fathers and grandfathers and great grandfathers fought against such tyranny, continue to defend and even support the Thai military in their actions.

    Given your posting history I'm not even going to try to explain why the current situation is not so black/white as some may have it.

  22. ^^ The point is moot because they have already by their own admission used cluster munitions!

    And you are attempting to defend these people???

    The mind boggles.

    As member Dumball wrote "news is however that Thai army has fired poisonous gas shells and more cluster bombs in an effort to rescue some Thai troops who are injured inside Cambodia ." No source for the news. Personally I think the suggestion 'poisonous gas shells' a ridiculous rumour and 'cluster bombs' very unlikely as the RTA took some flack last time.

    I neither defend nor accuse. I'm still in a situation of 'insufficient data'. All I've got till now is unconfirmed rumours. Unlike you I do not automatically believe anything said against the RTA or Thai government, not even against PTP and red-shirts.

  23. .

    Slowly and surely people are wakening up to what this mob are all about.

    Obviously, they're not. As this mob has been running the show for several decades.

    "Mob"? Please try to give a somewhat better description of this 'mob'. If possible in a way which does not insult the Royal Thai Forces, Royal Thai Police Force, etc., etc. Should be possible to stay within bounds given by forum rules ;)

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