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Posts posted by rubl

  1. The finest leaders that Thaksin's money can buy...to be sure.... B)

    BTW, why do The Nation articles keep saying he's "believed to be" the PT's leader.. If that fact isn't pretty crystal clear by now, the writers really need to go back to journalism school.

    It's like saying Thailand is "believed to be" a country...

    The 'believed to be' probably reflects the draconic defamation laws here in Thailand. Like saying someone whose name start with a T :ermm:

  2. Yes there are some scum bags but don’t tar all British with the same brush, don’t forget if it wasn’t for the British most of civilized world would be speaking German……..People have short memories…………..I am British and PROUD of it.

    Most of the civilised world DOES speak German.

    In Europe it is the first language of more people than any other language.

    Outside Europe - who's civilised?

    Tongue-in-cheek, only a smiley missing. History seen through rosy glasses. While we're at it, may I lament the loss of New Amsterdam to those perfidious English ? On the other hand the Brits, Dutch, French, Germans, etc., etc. did try to educate the rest of the world, even if some locals had to be killed to emphasize the glorious and superior European culture ;)

  3. Several years back one education minister bought computers for all schools. Nevermind that many schools at the time (and probably still some) had no electricity.

    Goh, where do I plug-in the charger for my tablet ? Furthermore what do I use as cooling device, or can it run for hours at a time without overheating?


    Egg producers decry import plan, see price slide by year-end




    Published on April 28, 2011

    The Hen-Egg Farmers, Traders and Exporters Association has slammed the government's plan to import eggs to combat rising retail prices, saying the measure would hurt farmers in the long run, while the problem of rising prices will be eased in any case before the end of the year.

    Association president Narong Jiemjaibunjong said egg prices would drop soon after the end of |the rainy season. Widespread disease in layers caused by incle-|ment weather has lowered egg production in the past few months. However, the supply will increase soon after more hens have been imported.

    Production is expected to increase to between 27 million and 29 million eggs per day by the third quarter from the current 24 million to 25 million eggs.

    "The plan to import eggs is nonsense and will hurt farmers. The current high price of eggs has been caused by disease. However, it should be relieved soon," Narong said.

    He added that the price of eggs in many countries had also increased because of higher production costs. For instance, the price of eggs in Malaysia is now quoted at Bt3.20-Bt3.40 each.

    The import of eggs would also increase the risk of infections from overseas.

    Narong said egg exports had dropped gradually in the past |three years under the govern-|ment's plan to keep prices low. Export volume is expected to be |70 million to 84 million eggs this year, a drop from 420 million in 2008, 350 million in 2009, and 144 million last year. Shipments now average 6 million to 7 million eggs a month.

    Normally, Thais consume about 26 million to 27 million eggs a day. Narong pointed out that the daily output of eggs in Thailand would increase significantly to between 30 million and 40 million next year, which would hurt farmers because of an oversupply.

    The government has failed to set up sustainable measures to deal with the changing price of eggs. It has only considered the problem from consumers' point of view, without concern for farmers, he said.


    According to the association, the price of eggs has increased to more than Bt3.10 each because of reduced supply resulting from hen diseases. Lower production has pushed up production costs by 15 per cent from Bt2.52 per egg to Bt2.90. Therefore, the retail price of eggs has to increase in the short term to cover losses for farmers and traders.

    The association added that |the price of feed meal had also increased significantly this year because of higher crop prices. Feed meal accounts for 75 per cent of the production cost of eggs. The increased price of maize, which accounts for 55 per cent of layers' feed meal, from Bt5 to Bt10.85 a kilogram has created a higher burden for farmers.

    To ensure balanced benefit for farmers and consumers, the association has called for the government not to intervene in the pricing of eggs. But if it insists on intervening, it should seek measures to reduce farmers' production costs rather than control prices.

    Chaisaks Boonprasopthana-chote, chief executive officer of |Thai Foods Group, said farmers had to change their management practices to cope with environmental changes, particularly unusual weather.

    "Farmers with good manage-ment practices will enjoy high |hen-survival rates, while layers |will produce eggs as normal. Successful farmers can reap benefits from the trend of rising prices as well," he said.

    Chaisaks pointed out that the prices of hens and eggs would peak within the next two months in line with overwhelming demands from children returning to school and the high export season, particularly to disaster-hit countries.[thenation][/thenation]


  5. I think it's time for a separate thread on the 'Election Law' and it's finer details. Like:

    - what conditions does a political party need to fulfill in order to be able to participate ?

    - what conditions apply to a possible MP candidate and his/her membership to a political party?

    Must a party exist BEFORE the House is dissolved? Before new elections are fixed (i.e. date allocated) ? Must a candidate be a member for a minimum amount of time? Etc., etc.

  6. anti aircraft is interesting, hopefully they will shoot one of the Thai jets down that just happens to be doing military exercizes in a conflict zone :whistling:

    I'm used to you writing 'government massacre' every other post, but to write 'hopefully they shoot a Thai jet' and a smiley as well? Random thoughts ?

  7. If I told the IRS I was confused about filing taxes,

    they would take the taxes and levee a BIG fine...

    Confusion is not a valid excuse... in most sane countries..

    Differs per country. Have to check but in my country of origin with irregularities you pay first and then can try to prove it was obviously a mistake without any criminal intent (i.e. trying to dodge taxes). Tough, real tough, but not 100% impossible, just very, very tough :ermm:

  8. What? Clinton didn't take America into Iraq, Bush did.

    I agree, nothing good happening, but useful for the present Thai leaders.

    This is a ploy governments use to stay in power. They want a conflict because people have a tendency not to change leaders during times of conflict or war. Clinton did the same by jumping into Iraq just before his reelection and then pulled out after after the election. "Tail Wagging the Dog"

    Wrong. What Clinton did was jumping in NATO campaign(initiated and led) of 3 months of bombing Serbia, ex Yugoslavia. Not Iraq.

    Young Master Step, a reading course may be appropriate for you.

    Markaew said 'Clinton did the same by jumping into Iraq', Sausageandmash corrected with 'Clinton didn't take America into Iraq, Bush did.'

    Saying 'wrong, Clinton did something else' doesn't make much sense :ermm:

  9. Calling for a truce and then saying


    Cambodia: Thai threat 'tantamount to a declaration of war'

    By Deutsche Presse-Agentur

    Phnom Penh

    The Cambodian government on Wednesday condemned Bangkok's threat to use military action to force Cambodian troops from areas that Thailand considers in dispute.

    Phom Penh "considers the above decision of (the Thai) government as tantamount to a declaration of war against Cambodia," Cambodian Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong said.

    On Tuesday, a Thai government spokesman said the cabinet had passed a three-part resolution that focused on military retaliation against claimed Cambodian incursions, diplomatic efforts to arrange bilateral talks, and reviewing all cooperation with Cambodia.

    Koy Kuong said the part relating to military action was an unacceptable threat.

    "(Cambodia) condemns in the strongest terms Thailand's threat and belligerent actions to use its larger and materially superior military might to take control over the Cambodian territory recognized by the International Court of Justice in its 1962 judgment," he said.

    That court ruling referred specifically to the 11th-century temple of Preah Vihear, the scene of fighting on Tuesday and sporadic clashes since mid-2008. Both countries also dispute other areas of their common border. The court awarded the temple to Cambodia, but did not rule on nearby areas.

    Koy Kuong said Thailand's assessment of what constituted disputed areas was based on maps that Cambodia did not recognize.

    Wednesday saw the sixth consecutive day of fighting at another disputed border location, which has left at least 14 dead and around 60 wounded on both sides.[thenation][/thenation]

  10. I seem to recall that elite card members could own up to 1 rai of land in their own name - if so - what will become of the land ownership rights ??

    Can anyone clarify that a) up to 1 rai was obtainable & B) what will happen to these parcels of land now the elite card scheme will be closing ??

    The one rai was one of the incentives to buy the elite card. Unfortunately it never materialized because it was ruled as being against the law. Consequently no problem now :)

  11. Let's look at something...

    How many military coup d'tats has Thailand had? 20? I think we can all agree that eventually there will be another one. It's inevitable.

    ...and to quote the economist Herb Stein "If something is inevitable that means it will happen."

    Really, it's just a question of when. Let's get the soap ready to wash the blood off our hands...

    The only thing wrong with this reasoning is the 'inevitability of a coup'. That's speculation at best. Similarly you might say that since the USA had two conflicts on it's soil in one hundred years a third one is overdue and only postponed by WWI and WWII

  12. Thailand's already made a joke of themselves on the world stage. (Media, Social Networks, and etc.) Not even "The Elders" -- former presidents Martti Ahtisaari of Finland and Mary Robinson of Ireland, and former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Brundtland -- will step in and help Thailand work out their little problem.

    No offence to these 'elders', but ... uh ... did anyone ask them and they refused? To my opinion former president Bill Clinton should be asked. I'm sure he wouldn't mind spending some time here and he plays a mean sax ;)

  13. She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

    What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

    I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

    He was expressing his right of free speech. A crime serious enough for assassination in this country. Yes your right. She should ask.

    A bit more complicated than just 'free speech'. From Thomas Fuller who was interviewing him at that moment:

    "He's a very colorful person. He was - I think colorful is probably a euphemism. I mean he was a bit wacky. He was provocative. He was defiant. And it was a mystery to a lot of people why he couldn't be reined in. A military is not supposed to have renegade generals on the loose for as long as he was. But I don't think anyone saw him more than a mysterious, charismatic renegade soldier."


  14. I am constantly puzzled by the assumption of most writers that in an all out war Thailand would win. I disagree, any all out war would rapidly evolve into a war of attrition, of multiple clashes in jungle and mountain terrain. As the Americans found out in Vietnam and Korea, technologically advanced weapons cannot defeat agile and motivated foot soldiers. Thailand might be able to destroy towns and cities, but they would not be able to occupy territory, particularly with home grown enemies in the south, the northeast, plus the thousands of resident Cambodians in their country.

    Even worse Myanmar might decide to expand while the RTA was preoccupied.

    You may be right. Mind you, I'm more puzzled by the assumption of some writers that this skirmish will escalate into an all-out war. Seems very unlikely.

  15. I remember a comment last year by Suthep, before he allowed the army to go on their murderous rampage through bangkok, it was an issue being discussed between the govt and the reds, and the comment was along the lines of 'the matter is resolved and nobody has lost face'. This is the deputy pm and his aim during a negotiation was not about what was right or wrong for the people, it was simply about not losing face, it seems the first thought in anything here is how to not lose face.

    Nice post, but for the totally uncalled for 'allowed the army to go on their murderous rampage through bangkok'. You've been reading too many of Robert A.'s reports methinks.

  16. MPs may be banned from standing as PTP candidates, MPs and other members may have left, but good ideas will still be pursued.

    "The opposition Pheu Thai Party will maintain its plan to establish a Pattani City to allow more power for residents in the deep South - although the man behind the idea has left, one of its local MPs said yesterday.

    Creating a Pattani City is a policy of Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, a former prime minister and ex-Army chief who resigned recently as Pheu Thai chairman and left the party."

    and of course the link to red-shirts, as if we don't have enough problems down South

    "Pichet Sathirachawal, who heads Pheu Thai's campaign team covering the Andaman coastal provinces, said the party would rely on the red shirts to help with election campaigns in the South.

    Pichet said Pheu Thai needed support of red-shirt rallies in southern provinces as campaigns alone would be unable to draw large crowds in a region where the rival Democrat Party is very popular."


  17. In a truly democratic fashion our esteemed Lord and Master k. Thaksin has banned two incumbent MPs. They have been found guilty of suspected of planning to defect from the party in the upcoming general election. They may count their blessings, our Lord and Master is benevolent as ever and not out for revenge, they will not loose their lives.

    Hail all.

    lose not loose.

    I stand corrected, did a quick check in my OCD as well. My only excuse is that English is a damned difficult language. Give me Dutch any day ;)

    From your local Dutch uncle :)

  18. "Thailand's National army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha had stated that the government was currently discussing whether or not to go to war with Cambodia over the disputed border."

    and what is happening now? little play?

    Is Thailand's National army chief proposing and discussing to go into all out war, as in trying to invade Cambodia?

    i hope he has enough sense to actually think of the consequences for Thailand, not only in terms of life loss but economic problems to come. Cambodia has nothing to lose compared to Thailand and certainly has more experience living in war alike conditions

    I guess the RTA chief will just 'suggest' to make sure the Cambodian Forces stay on 'their' side of the border.

    As for Cambodians with more experience living in war, true, true. The RTA may be accused of many things, but compared with their Cambodian counterparts they are babes in diapers. Lucky Thai :ermm:

  19. And niece of probable PTP PM candidate Yinkluck.

    100 million loan forgotten... oh just an honest mistake.

    Let's have Yinglucks asset statement sent right to that investigative senator / accountant soonest.

    She and General Cousin are the only ones left unbanned, except for Chinchila for the moment.

    Now, now, dear Ani, don't try to confuse this matter. K. Chinchila didn't make an honest mistake, she was confused !

    "she later submitted a defence argument that she was confused about her financial status in the face of the asset seizure and financial probe by the AEC."


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