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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. Of course it's NOT real cheese they're using... It's called something like "pasteurized prepared cheese product". "Kraft singles do not qualify for the US FDA Pasteurized Processed Cheese[4] labeling. For this reason, Kraft labels them Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product to avoid FDA sanctions." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraft_Singles
  2. Not sure the guy pictured in the OP photos was entirely wasting his food... From the full version of the article: "In the comment session, the blogger shared that he made another delicious dish with leftover meat patties. He posted a picture of stir-fried holy basil, also known as Pad Kaprao, made from meat patties." Though if he used all 90+ of the beef patties he didn't eat from the so-called burger, that must have been A LOT of pad krapao... I think BK's burger patties are about 100 grams apiece... So if he had 90 leftover, that would have been 9 KILOS of leftover beef!
  3. I agree with your comments above. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court's conservative justices, starting with the Citizens United case ruling, have pretty well ensured that none of the campaign finance restrictions you advocate above can become law for the foreseeable future. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC
  4. What is it with Thai businesses and victim blaming? From the OP news report: "The store’s management said in a statement the shopper’s slipper got caught in the escalator because he did not get off the final step on time." Huh???? ???? I guess that should be a good lesson to us all... Get off the final step on time here in Thailand, so you don't get up having your leg or foot amputated!
  5. For all the good works he's done thru the years on environmental issues, he's seriously gone loony when it comes to COVID and COVID vaccines and other issues. And it must be highly embarrassing to the Kennedy family to have him bearing their name. "Several members from Kennedy's close family have distanced themselves from his anti-vaccination activities and condemned his comments equating public health measures with Nazi atrocities.[229] On May 8, 2019, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joseph P. Kennedy and Maeve Kennedy McKean wrote an open letter stating that while their relative has championed many admirable causes, he "has helped to spread dangerous misinformation over social media and is complicit in sowing distrust of the science behind vaccines".[230] On December 30, 2020, Kennedy's niece Kerry Kennedy Meltzer, a physician, wrote a similar open letter. She argued her uncle published misinformation about the side effects of the new COVID-19 vaccines.[231] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.
  6. The Thai MoPH is out today with their latest data on new COVID hospitalizations and deaths for last week, and the news is good in that both figures continued to decline from the prior week, as follows (new weekly hospitalizations in red, and new weekly deaths in dark gray): Two weeks ago - July 2-8: Last week - July 9-15: https://www.facebook.com/informationcovid19/posts/pfbid0mq3QsXM5BtHrG1997wnKFcsFo6yt4PnjEiHwcFi4WPfHrCsyTdoGBhhQffz8eraRl At the same time, however, there was very little change in the numbers of COVID cases listed as seriously ill in hospitals (serious condition COVID cases in dark purple remained unchanged, and COVID cases requiring intubation in light purple declined slightly): Two weeks ago: Last week: https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  7. You left out the following paragraph of the source article you quoted above... which bears on your supposed point: "When doctors determine that COVID-19 is not the sole cause of death, they record other causes on the death certificate. In the U.S., at least 90% of such recorded deaths had COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death rather than a contributing cause." So in the vast majority of those cases, doctors are in fact determining that COVID was the main cause, "underlying cause," of death even when other factors are present. When COVID kills people, it's typically does so thru OTHER medical problems that it causes, which also end up being listed on the death certificates of those people. As your source article correctly notes: "COVID-19 can lead to multiple problems — pneumonia, respiratory failure, blood clots, stroke, and heart attack — any of which might cause death. And most of those who die after contracting COVID-19 have one or more comorbidities." So yes, even when there are other newly caused medical problems listed or preexisiting conditions, COVID still ends up being the factor that triggers the death. Thus the 5% figure you quoted, out of context, above is simply misleading to try to prove a false, misinformation point.
  8. The Thai MoPH is classing them as COVID deaths... not people who died mainly from other causes and just happened to have COVID. The Thai MoPH never has been in the business of OVER-inflating Thailand's COVID stats... just the opposite in fact. And if the Thailand COVID deaths had comorbidities as many have based on past reporting, that's hardly surprising. Most COVID deaths these days are in older people, and most older people have some kind of chronic condition... But in the end, in these reported deaths to the extent they had comorbidities, it's COVID that provided the coup de grace.
  9. To keep COVID vulnerable people out of the hospitals and out of the morgues.... And to remind people such as yourself that COVID continues to put people in hospitals and kill them every week, every month, here in Thailand and elsewhere. And everyone should be mindful, if they have any care for others, to minimize the potential that they'll catch COVID and spread it to others around them.
  10. From the latest WHO weekly COVID update, giving figures for the past month, though they specifically note that more and more countries are not reporting COVID data, making the official WHO counts increasingly under-counts: "Reported cases are not an accurate representation of infection rates due to the reduction in testing and reporting globally." "At the country level, the highest numbers of new 28-day cases were reported from the Republic of Korea (372 557 new cases; -22%), Australia (62 748 new cases; -59%), Brazil (56 744 new cases; -50%), New Zealand (38 949 new cases; +12%), and Singapore (28 333 new cases; -59%). The highest numbers of new 28-day deaths were reported from Brazil (868 new deaths; -26%), Australia (566 new deaths; +16%), the Russian Federation (423 new deaths; -18%), Peru (410 new deaths; +48%), and Italy (251 new deaths; -53%). https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20230713_weekly_epi_update_151.pdf?sfvrsn=13a39384_3&download=true
  11. The current COVID variants may be "generally mild" for most people, but often NOT for older folks (like many posters here) and those with weakened immune systems for any variety of reasons... As evidenced by the fact that COVID continues to kill and hospitalize people every week in Thailand, as it has for months now, although fortunately, the local numbers have been trending downward for the past couple weeks. From the latest update from the Thai Ministry of Public Health: COVID in Thailand last week, July 2-8: --25 new COVID deaths --1,193 new COVID hospitalizations --214 COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition --144 COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation to breathe Thus far in 2023, 727 official COVID deaths and 29,697 COVID hospitalizations. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  12. When police raid a bar looking for a murder suspect, normally, they WANT to be easily recognized as police... so the criminals know who's coming after them. Especially the first guy thru the door.
  13. Some very interesting images in the above video.... The "uniform" of some of the local SWAT team members doing the raid, shorts and T-shirt: And then, the motorcycle gang in question seeming to be a regular international organization of criminals, as evidenced by the decorations shown in the hangout where the Olaf suspect was arrested: Australian flag: Okinawa Japan flag: What appears to be a U.S. Confederate flag: Outlaws Russia flag: Outlaws with what appears to be a German flag: Outlaws Bangkok: Outlaws Phuket:
  14. There's always going to be the human element for misjudgment and failure...somewhere in the process... as Chernobyl and Fukushima demonstrated. Not to mention ending up with nuclear plants stuck in the midst of war zones.
  15. You can believe what they claim, or not.... IAEA Finds Japan’s Plans to Release Treated Water into the Sea at Fukushima Consistent with International Safety Standards "An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety review has concluded that Japan’s plans to release treated water stored at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station into the sea are consistent with IAEA Safety Standards. ... The water stored at the FDNPS [Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station] has been treated through an Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) to remove almost all radioactivity, aside from tritium. Before discharging, Japan will dilute the water to bring the tritium to below regulatory standards. ... The IAEA‘s safety review will continue during the discharge phase. The Agency will also have a continuous on-site presence and provide live online monitoring on its website from the discharge facility." (more) https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/iaea-finds-japans-plans-to-release-treated-water-into-the-sea-at-fukushima-consistent-with-international-safety-standards Another example of why, IMHO, nuclear power is a fundamentally unsafe power source for the planet as the technology exists today... Because humans have shown a track record of failing to adequately plan for and cope with all nuclear plant problems, and the consequences have been catastrophic (e.g. Chernobyl & Fukushima). Thirty-seven years after its meltdown, the area around the Chernobyl plant remains uninhabitable. "The Chernobyl disaster[a] was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union.[1] Called the world's worst-ever civil nuclear incident,[2] it is one of only two nuclear energy accidents rated at seven—the maximum severity—on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. The initial emergency response, together with later decontamination of the environment, involved more than 500,000 personnel and cost an estimated 18 billion roubles—roughly US $68 billion in 2019, adjusted for inflation.[3]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster
  16. I think the above is a decent general write-up...except for a couple of issues... 1. The writeup appears to be 4 years old, and doesn't address the more recent issues about what happens when a tenant/resident travels domestically or internationally and then returns back to their prior home in Thailand. 2. The writeup seems to place all the responsibility for reporting on the landlord / property owner (which probably is legally correct). But as everyone here pretty well knows, Immigration doesn't really care about that nuance most of the time, and are more than happy to fine the TENANT for failing to report when it's the landlord that hasn't complied with the law. Because the tenant at some point probably has to visit Immigration for something visa related, making them low-hanging fruit for TM30 enforcement, while the Thai landlord probably never has to visit Immigration at all, meaning Immigration would have to get up off their butts and go out and find them. And thus it's a lot easier for all Thais concerned to just nail the farang.
  17. COVID in Thailand last week, July 2-8: --25 new COVID deaths --1,193 new COVID hospitalizations --214 COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition --144 COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation to breathe Thus far in 2023, 727 official COVID deaths and 29,697 COVID hospitalizations. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  18. ... On Thursday morning, US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra sent a letter to the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax detailing how, after the transition to commercialization, HHS expects “that vaccines will remain available in the types of locations where the public currently receives them – including pharmacies, clinics, healthcare provider offices, health departments, and other points of care – to maximize access.” Those three companies, which manufacture the only Covid-19 vaccines currently available in the US, are advised that they should plan for this fall’s vaccine supply and regulatory submissions in enough time for the US Food and Drug Administration to take action and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to make recommendations on the vaccinations “by the latter part of September,” Becerra wrote in a draft of the letter obtained by CNN. ... In June, the FDA recommended that Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers make single-strain booster shots for this fall and winter that would target the currently circulating Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5. Those updated vaccines are expected to be made available in mid- to late September, should the FDA authorize them and the CDC recommend them. (more) https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/13/health/covid-19-vaccines-hhs-letter/
  19. From the same BK Thai folks who not long ago briefly brought us the "Chocolate Whopper" and other chocolate burgers, which actually had beef covered in chocolate sauce, along with chocolate french fries.... https://coconuts.co/bangkok/food-drink/i-ate-burger-kings-new-chocolate-hamburger-so-you-dont-have-to/ Now we have the BK CHEESE burger without any beef. Review from Lifestyle Asia: We tried the viral Burger King ‘Real Cheeseburger’ so you don’t have to ... "It isn’t really shocking that it’s bad. It’s literally burger bun, 20 slices of cheese, and burger bun. There’s no sauce, though Burger King graciously threw in some ketchup packets, perhaps suggesting that ketchup might help. But the team and I took a bite of this thing without any condiments, and it was as revolting as you thought it would be: dry, a shock to the digestive system, and literally a thousand calories worth of unnecessary processed cheese." https://www.lifestyleasia.com/bk/dining/food/burger-king-real-cheeseburger/ These folks really need to have their minds examined...seriously!
  20. The reported incident is said to have occurred at about 4:15 am as the suspect was trying to enter a Pattaya area nightclub... And then we have the final line of the OP news report: "It was unclear, adds TPN media, why the nightclub was apparently still open when legal closing times are 2:00 A.M. in entertainment zones." Did the police also then close the nightclub in question and/or arrest its manager and owner? No mention of either in the news report. Glad to see the local plod are doing their customary fine job. ????
  21. I have nothing against Pakistanis.... I'd be saying the same thing for almost any foreigner nationality, since for most, it's VERY difficult to obtain Thai citizenship, at least, thru normal legal means. And as members here have attested, can often take years to accomplish. BTW, the accused Pakistani here can't be "cleared" by his family.... He'll be cleared, or convicted, by the evidence against him at trial.
  22. Because the official legal requirements for a foreigner to obtain Thai citizenship include: – A person must have lived in Thailand for approximately 5 years and hold their PR permit. – Individuals must be above the age of 17. – One should have shown knowledge of the Thai language. – A person must have not created any offense and have no criminal record. – A person has Thailand’s work permit. – One must be able to sing the National Anthem of Thailand. One must qualify for the test and have to attain 50 points. One should have to submit all the official documents attached with the application form and specific fees. Do you really think this guy actually could/did meet all those requirements? https://ceoworld.biz/2022/04/11/how-to-obtain-citizenship-in-thailand/ I'm really waiting to hear this guy sing the Thai national anthem in Thai language....
  23. Curious that the Thaiger news report here seems to make no mention of the previously reported detail that this Pakistani suspect supposedly had obtained Thai citizenship.... (Sure like to hear the story behind that one...) Meanwhile, for an "innocent" guy, the full news report also contains this pretty incriminating detail: "According to ThaiRath, the owner of a tool shop in Pattaya visited Nong Prue Police Station and reported that Brinkmann and Uddin visited his shop on July 7 and bought an electric saw which was expensive because it worked very quietly." If the Pakistani guy didn't know Olaf was going to kill and dismember the victim, what exactly did he think they were buying the expensive saw for???
  24. Each slice of this kind of pasteurized cheese product contains about 11% of the recommended daily amount of saturated fat, and 10% of the recommended daily amount of sodium. So with this burger and its supposed 20 slices of pasteurized cheese singles, that means that the cheese alone in each one of these burgers, by itself, has at least DOUBLE the recommended daily allowance of of saturated fat and sodium. Not to mention 1,000 calories just in the cheese alone. That's a dietary health disaster. https://www.super1foods.com/sm/pickup/rsid/600/product/kraft-cheese-product-pasteurized-prepared-american-id-00021000604913
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