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Posts posted by icequeen

  1. Thanks for your opinion Mosha, I agree he probably still should be with his mum, but if I hadn't took him someone else might have done who wouldn't worry about giving him proper care. I will probably need a lot more advice over the next few weeks and will update this post with his progress :o

    thanks everyone for your help

  2. When I first started telling people I was moving to Thailand I got very mixed reactions. From younger people 20's and 30's I got the "wow thats cool" reaction

    But from others and I don't want to generalize but this was how it happened for me, the typical married with kids and holiday in tenerife every year people sucked in their breath and said "thats a big step isn't it" and "isn't Thailand very dangerous"

    Anyway the majority thought it was cool so that was the main thing

  3. Well, we made it to the vets today, I must have been walking around with my eyes shut because there is an animal hospital not too far from my house, but I guess I wasn't looking for one until the last few days.

    They gave him a really good checkover and apart from a skin problem that they gave me some medicine for he is fine, guess that could be something to do with the smell but he does smell a little better today.

    SBK, definately see what you mean about the grooming, he does groom but mainly just his paws and face - nowhere else. Also the vet thinks he is only 4 - 6 weeks old not the 8 weeks I was told, I feel as though I have been quite naive about the whole thing but hopefully he will be ok I've had cats before but never anywhere near this young.

  4. Hi, yesterday I bought a kitten from a local market, probably a bad idea I know but when your holding a fluffy little bundle and being egged on it is hard to say no and I have wanted a cat since being in thailand, always had them in my home country.

    Anyway to cut to the chase - he stinks, it's really bad a bit like sewerage I didn't notice it at first but after cuddling him for a while you can't miss it. I have washed him and now he smells like a mixture of sewerage and shampoo.

    He seems fine in every other way, they tell me he is eight weeks old and he is really playful and used to being handled. I am just a bit worried about this smell, also I need to find a vet to check him out and give innocculations. I live in Sri racha but could go to a vet in Pattaya if necessary - does anyone have one they recommend.

    Sorry to bombard you with all these questions but I really hope someone can advise me.

  5. TOT are a joke!

    They tell me I cannot get ADSL because I live too far away from the exchange yet my next door neighbour has it!

    The woman behind the desk even pulls her face now when I walk in the office to complain that yet again they haven't called me when they said they would, I find them totally unhelpful and unorganised. Normally I find thai customer service second to none but not TOT.

  6. The uk is full of small minded people who think only people that are the same age, same sex, same race can have a relationship.

    Please note I am not putting all british people in this category but I have experienced this myself so I know that it does happen.

    These people are very sad and most probably unhappy in their own lives, personally I would not choose to spend time with people who passed negative comments about my relationship, thats up to you but just because your related to these people doesn't mean you have to have them in your life.

  7. I totally agree with Onzestan, I am from England but don't speak 'the queens english' and don't know many people that do, most people use slang and local dialects. Why embarass someone who's english isn't all that great by speaking in a way that they can't understand?

    Surely being fluent is about being able to get your meaning across even if you don't know all the correct words.

    But my biggest gripe by far is westerners ignoring other westerners, what harm does a friendly smile do? I smile at most other expats i see, people in the supermarket (etc) who are clearly living here and rarely get a response it is just plain rude to ignore someone who acknowledges you.

  8. Thanks sbk, got the 'jab' yesterday at the samitivej hospital in sri ra cha, only cost 400 baht I was expecting it to be more - slightly different stuff apparently but the doctor said it has exactly the same effect, they are very professional I would recommend anyone to go there

  9. You could try buying some on ebay and getting them sent here, P&P shouldn't be more than 600 or 700 baht (from the uk anyway) well worth it if you ask me, nothing compares to GHD's not if you got hair like mine anyway - haha

  10. Hi everyone, I have been having the depo provera injection for many years in the UK, now I am living in Thailand I need to arrange to get it done over here if possible. Does anyone know if it is available at local clinics or whether I would need to go to a hospital?

    Also is there another name for it over here as I will be going to the clinic by myself and don't want to end up with the wrong thing!

    I know a few alternatives have been mentioned on TV in the past as I did a search before posting but I am happy with DP and don't want to change unless I really have to.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me :o

  11. Hi, I am new to the Pattaya forum but hope someone can help me. I am wondering if there are any gyms or leisure clubs around the Pattaya area with steam room/jacuzzi (etc) or even any reasonably priced spas - just somewhere nice to relax and a change from the bars :o

  12. If you can catch the special offers in places like Macro electrical goods can be as cheap or cheaper than UK.

    Last week I bought a 26in LCD tv from Macro for 9,900b, next day it was priced at 16,900b - one of the rare occasions I am in the right place at the right time

    A friend bought a fridge freezer from there on a similar special offer 5,900b

    Both were good makes as well, will definately be going there next time I need to replace anything electrical.

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