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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 17 hours ago, tabarin said:

    I wish it wasn't me to be the one telling you this. It is not nothing after all but let's keep it short: The matrix is real, welcome to the awakened world.
    That buzzy feeling is the beginners level to change to the right frequency and time travel. It might go faster by adding some water to the electronics.

    How do you set the time dial? Lost my manual.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 17 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    I'm sure you belong to DT's cronies. In mind. Ignorance, a lack of knowledge, and no education, all in one Person. I wonder how you can even think that all major scientists in all significant countries are idiots? I bet you don't have any school certificate at least ?? And admitted it might be impossible for you to understand and follow scientific abstracts? If this is the case you are free to ask me next time if you want to read "Time" or similar Magazines. I'm happy to give you some extra lessons for free.

    You still there? Rant on, I don't care.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    You did not understand anything. 

    And as you gave proof there is not much you learnt in the meantime concerning climate change. 

    Good that you don't belong to the dumb people who ignore climate change. 

    But probably you belong to the dumbest part on this planet. 



    Probably I understand more than you think, but you just don't want to accept that, do you?

    You get kind a nasty on me and that shows your attitude. Many climate alarmists have a similar attitude. Why is that? Because they all follow the pied piper?

    But yes, of course you are right; I belong to the dumb climate change deniers. But I am not a lemming or a dumb sheep.

  4. If people would just not follow like stupid sheep. Rather listen to real scientists who know that the measuring methods are rigged in favor of the climate change hysteria. Haha, we all dy in 10 to 12 years; Green Deal. Ridiculous.

    Read some presentations of P J Michaels to name one and read some about the 'Kabal' or NWO or Jesuits or Globalists. Take your pick, but it's all the same actually. 

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 16 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Never heard of this type of company. Are you saying that although the foreigner (you) is a shareholder, they are not a director?  Only the wife is a director?  What type of skills would be classed as 'special' enough to get a work permit, can you give some examples please?


    I was under the impression that 4 Thai staff have to be employed for a every foreigner's work permit and always thought that a little difficult. Depending on the nature of the business, those staff are likely do be doing very little for the first few months of a new company start up.

    Many people have doubted me here on TVF, some just bluntly have said that it is not true. Ignorance is bliss.

    I went to an established lawyer, who said that it couldn't be done. I expected this guy to misinform me to be able to rip me off. Another lawyer knew better and set it up for me. (1M Co., Ltd.)

    Well, as I wrote before, I have personal experience with this kind of company and I know of other people who went the same route.

    No staff required; it's a man - wife company simply speaking.


    The foreigner in this case can only be share holder though the shares can be preferred stock which means that in fact the foreigner may have the final say in the company decision making.


    Special skills can be a French Chef, a German butcher for example.


  6. 8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    There is a countless amount of proof out there, of this man's multiple felonies. 


    I'm regard to Deutsche Bank, just a few questions that will be explored:

    What documents, architecture plans, zoning plans, pictures, financial models or other inputs did you request of Trump and related parties when bankers had to analyze securities underwriting or loan requests? 


    Did any of your bankers visit the properties for which Trump was requesting loans?


    Can you produce the documents, plans, and pictures Trump gave you to support loan approval?


    Did Deutsche bankers ask for the methodology that Trump used to determine the value of his assets, especially for real estate and his brand? 


    Did you speak to Trump’s accountants?


    And if there was a model to determine assets’ value, what is the expertise of the modeler? Was the model audited?


    In 2004, Trump told you that he was worth $3 billion. You calculated that he had a net worth of about $788 million.




    President Donald Trump may have committed bank fraud if he lied to Deutsche Bank about his net worth in order to obtain a loan, Representative Ted Lieu of California said this week, noting that some of Trump’s associates had gone to prison for similar crimes.

    “The American people must not become numb to these disturbing reports. We now have further evidence that Donald Trump may have repeatedly committed bank fraud, a felony under 18 U.S.C. 1344,” Lieu told Newsweek.



    And of course you did all that, right?

    • Like 1
  7. Maybe far fetched, but, the article stated that there was a declining trend. Could this mean that Thais were finally getting it and that now other influences are at work. Just thinking, but what about migrant workers trying to make some extra money or maybe even do it by order of their 'boss'. If caught, migrants are easily replaced and the Thai didn't do it. Fires deeper into the forest makes you wonder.


    As I said; just thinking.

  8. 10 hours ago, heybruce said:

    I disagree with Bernie Sanders on allowing felons to vote.  I see nothing wrong with Kamala Harris being open minded about the subject.


    Most of all, I disagree with Mitch McConnell refusing to allow debate on a bill to expand voting, limit gerrymandering, and strengthen ethics.  Funny that Trump supporters are so opposed to these things they don't want them discussed.

    The left is opposed to critical climate change thinkers and absolutely refuse any debate. Pot and the cattle?

    Of course not, rule #1: we the left are always right and rule #2: in case we are not right rule #1 comes in automatically.

    So please, what is so funny again about Trump supporters, besides the fact that the left (U2?) rather sees them dissipate so they don't need #2 anymore?


  9. 13 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Your point being?


    The Democrats are trying to get more people to vote, to set higher ethical standards for those in office, and to reduce partisan gerrymandering.  The Republicans oppose them on this.


    Mitch McConnell calls the attempt to make elections more democratic a "power grab".  It is, in the sense that it is an attempt to transfer power from the party of voter suppression to the voters.

    >>to set higher ethical standards<< Pardon me

  10. 33 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    I don’t know what you’re on about. I was responding to someone who made the baseless claim that “the left” had taken it “too far”

    and pointed out that the investigation of Trump and his campaign and Russian election meddling was initiated by a republican, sustained by another and completed by a third. 

    Yes, you pointed out something about the investigation. Trying to divert the meaning of my post Mr. Spin Doctor?

  11. 9 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    On the issue of voter fraud:

    Here are nine investigations on voter fraud that found virtually nothing



    Don’t dismiss it just because it’s the”Bezoz fake Washinton Post” —follow the links to the source materials. One of the investigations was a five year effort by the George W Bush administration that turned up almost no evidence of voter fraud.


    Words sometimes mean different things to different people. It would help if we had a Republican to English dictionary. I happen to have one. It says that when Republicans say “voter fraud” they mean “brown people voting”


    Brown people voting is of course a travesty. But only if one is a White Nationalist.


  12. 21 hours ago, Thakkar said:

    How is “the Left” taking it (what “it” are you referring to, btw—your explanation does not explain?) “too far?”


    It was a Republican FBI Director, Comey, who began the initial investigation, it was a Republican AG (Sessions) who voluntarily recused himself after advice from department lawyers (and, presumably his own personal lawyers), and it was the Trump-appointed Republican Deputy AG that appointed the Special council, who himself *also* happens to be a lifelong Republican. 


    Mueller, a Republican (not that it should matter, as he has not spoken publicly and has just allowed his work products to speak for him), in his report says he found insufficient (not zero) evidence of—to use the common term—Collusion, and certainly no evidence to rule it out categorically. He also laid out systematically in his report instances of attempted, though ultimately failed, obstruction actions by Trump and stated that since department policy prohibits him from charging a sitting president, he chose to refrain from expressing a conclusion from the evidence as that breaches basic rules of fairness. (That is, if policy prevents you from charging someone, thus preventing that person from defending themselves in court, it would be unfair to give a conclusion that says “yes, we have enough evidence to charge him”)


    He laid out the evidence and left it to Congress to make a judgement on the strength of the evidence. And, even to a layman, the evidence is pretty strong. Certainly strong enough to take to court—something the report alluded to in saying “...while the OLC [Office of Legal Council] opinion concludes that a sitting president may not be prosecuted, it recognizes that a criminal investigation during a president’s term is permissible. The OLC opinion also recognizes that a President does not have immunity after he leaves office.” —an obvious statement that need not have been made, but, tellingly, was made nonetheless.


    Any Congress, Republican or Democrat, would be derelict in it’s duty, if, on the evidence of this damning report, they did not conduct followup proceedings as part of their oversight duties.

    Where was I mentioning Mueller, Comey or Sessions? As republicans I would say they'd try at least to give Potus the benefit of the doubt. But no, people mentioned above have all butter on their heads. I might assume they used at least good butter. 

  13. On 4/22/2019 at 8:06 PM, Formaleins said:

    Does anyone know if it is possible to get it "fixed" properly (pins/screws etc.) at a later date - say for instance when the cast comes off and it turns out to be a problem using my hand? could they do the full repair then or is it done with once it has healed?

    If they gave you a soft cast that means the bones are probably broken but not separated. This heals normally quite quick. I think some clever one in the hospital combined farang - money and tries to set you up. Go for a second opinion if you don't trust yourself. Did you actually see the x rays?

    • Like 1
  14. Why give the minor 51%?

    If officially married you can setup a simple Co., Ltd. in which your wife is the director and you and the minor are share holders; preferent or not. The division is up to you as long as Thai have >50% of shares.

    1 Mill company that needs no personel. Have a visa extension based on marriage and if your skills are special you can even get a work permit.

    That's how it worked for me.

    • Like 1
  15. 8 hours ago, Thakkar said:


    You are too full of yourself. I don’t hate you, or people like yourself. I lament *some* of your choices, *if* those choices result in vulnerable people, for example, losing healthcare due to pre-existing conditions, or perfectly innocent muslims being banned from coming for medical treatment or visiting their family simply because they are from certain countries, or innocent children locked in cages, or genuine asylum seekers being treated as criminals, etc


    Ask yourself why you choose to support politicians who do those things and then examine whether it’s really a part of you that hates you.

    I second Thainess. The left is taking it to far. And by 'it' I mean that there seems to be no limit to their actions and they haven't been able to prove anything (yet). Loud mouthing is not only a Potus characteristic.

    • Confused 1
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