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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

    Here in CM, Rimping have introduced both organic and pesticide-free vegetables - which could be better than unlabelled ones. Also a recent introduction are veggies from the Queen's royal project, which IMO, look a whole lot fresher and healthier than the main shelf choices - and cheaper.


    As a few posters quoted growing your own - albeit limited choice - could be the best solution, although it's not foolproof against bought-in soil disease/additives, and contaminated water from taps, or even from rainwater. 










    You die from living. Better stop living then?

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, plfomylo said:



    Not only rice. Eating any carbs is purely idiot.


    Carbs were made and used because people had not enough money to eat protein. Eating carbs in 2019 is just a stupid habit, being rice, pasta or bread or cereals !






    Duh, missionary man/woman. Carbs grow in nature. Funny coincidence. 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, owenm said:

    My GF has a habit of ALWAYS soaking vegetables as well as fresh meat products in a water solution with half a teaspoon of SALT for about 20 min. It will rid most of the outside pesticides and any crawlies that may have contaminated the meat.. We all know that meat sold in local markets can be stored in less than ideal conditions.. 

    I'd rather eat meat from the daily markets. The meat is 'per definition' always sold out the same day and next day there is new bringing.

    Prefer that over some smelly counters as in many supermarkets.

  4. 6 hours ago, steven100 said:

    wash them in vinegar for around 5 minutes.

    then add baking soda and soak for 10 minutes.

    then sit in ice cold water for around 5 minutes

    and then repeat into the vinegar for 3 minutes.

    rinse under the tap for 2-3 minutes.

    rinse again and scrub for a couple of minutes.


    Vegetables should be completely free by this time and ready to cook ….

    however,   everyone has farked off now and gone to get take away's because you took too long   !!

    And there you go still contaminating the vegetables with tap water.

  5. 13 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    The problem with many of these pesiticides is that they are not just carcinogenic, but mutagenic.


    Thats right folks, they not only can cause cancer, but mutate your genes.


    The latter is not necessarily bad, I can live with a mutation, after all having a prehensile penis does come in handy for things like cooking and toenail clipping, but would suck if the mutation was not useful, like the bloodshot eyeball on the bottom of my left foot.


    Has anyone tried the Asparagus around town? 

    Have decided not to try any asparagus no more now that I learned about your dingaling.

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Chazar said:

    Lets be clear PLASTIC aint a problem, its the people using it wrongly who are, plastic has transformed everyones  lives for the better.

    You are right there. It's the way people dispose of their waste. Ocean liners dump their trash in open sea and for the locals, the klong devours everything. Sadly it seems impossible to fight this wasting away and so everyone is gonna be fukked up with stupid measures. I don't have the right answer (yet) and someone tell me how you can really get rid of plastic waist. Still many countries don't give a damn. Hopefully the plastic industry comes up with new products. They ought to as else biss will go down. Some surrogates are already available like 'vegan' packings. but to this moment they are to expensive for common Thai. 

    There is soy enough to produce these kind of packings. 

    Providing public bins is a no no in Thailand. Government knows that because as soon as there is a public bin somewhere, the next day this area is piled up with....you know what I mean. Not Thai bashing, but it is the way it goes. 


    Edit: Didn't vote as there was no option for me there.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 14 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Very useful...Not.


    There has been no relaxation of the bar hours in CM. It is still a city under armed occupation and the police and army bully and intimidate the Thai in that city and force them to close bars  restaurants and clubs at around 11pm to midnight. It is effectively a curfew in many respects. CM is a joyless dump

    Not very useful as well but it should be couvrir feu otherwise our French fries...euh French friends get into problems.

  8. Hi Swissie, thanks for your post.

    You wrote that you traveled around the world to find a suitable place to live.

    Would you share some information about the countries you visited? Yeah, I know, you might find that a

    hard job. Or else would you just high light some countries like Ecuador, Chile, Middle America only if you have been there of course. You think the world ranking list like the one from Internations makes sence?


  9. 20 hours ago, steve73 said:

    I have the same problem with my Panasonic heater (about 8-10 years old now, so doing quite well really).

    I usually need to turn it on then off again for it to stop, or very occasionally cycle it many more times...

    I suspect it's some dirt that's got through the inlet filter that's causing it to stick, but i'm not going to open it to check in case it fails totally.

    In the worst case, just put a hand valve on the inlet supply.. as soon as the water flow stops the heater will cut out (or should do).  

    Yes, I had to do that 5 times in the end. Also Panasonics of that age.

    But it is easy to check if it is the handle or the valve/solenoid.

    Unplug mains, open hood with just one screw and see what is happening mechanically between the valve and the on/off handle.

    Try to lock and unlock the valve with a screw driver as well to see if it is the valve itself. It's a click on - click off system so works without mains.

  10. Had this with Panasonic heaters. If I pressed the on of switch a couple of times, it would stop.

    This kept going well till the real problem showed up. The plastic 'finger' that pushes the solenoid in was worn out/half broken.

    Funny but true. Turning on was okay but for turning off there is more force needed. All 3 of my Panasonic heaters had the same problem.

    Panasonics are a bit old, so plastic must have been degraded.

    So, not saying it's the same at OP's end, but maybe worth checking if the switch is not obstructed

    • Like 1
  11. Not sure exactly how many years of my life I have been drinking alcohol. My father said on my 14th birthday that I was old enough to have ' a couple'.

    Little did he know.

    Even when I was a baby I am not sure if I was deprived from alcohol as, like I found out later, my mother wasn't a member of the black stockings.

    Did I get it in with the nipple, a spoon or by the glass, I couldn't care less. I love alcohol that's it. When I am offered a drink I use to say "okay as long as it tickles". Then people start complaining how much I drink and those pharisees never mention my thirst.

    So, OP is my buddy here. Never know when our paths will cross but we'll have a lot of drinks, bombastic talks and sliding elegantly down our bar stools. 

    Still standing, LOL, let's have it.


  12. The Chinese are soon to take over Hong Kong and after that, because of all the communist loving leftist approving it most certainly, they will take the rest, being Taiwan and the Dalai Lama's refuge. Still no uprising from the cowardly west? They will take all of the Chinese sea with every island in it and then take the Phlippo's.  Vietnam, Myanmar maybe Cambodia and Laos are also communist prone, so mind you, in the near future 'loss of face Thailand' will be annexed as well. Highly possible as I predicted before (not here)  that the military will never no more loose their grip on Thailand's politics.

    It's the stairway to hell; not to heaven. 

    Power to the state...you know what happens right? Orson Welles

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