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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 16 hours ago, radiochaser said:

    I never had any problem with republicans  when I worked at republican events enforcing FCC rules, regulations and communications law, as they applied to radio communications issues.  

    Some democrat politicians and DNC employees had problems accepting the fact that they had to comply with FCC rules, regulations and communications laws, when I worked at democrat events.  

    During one convention to choose a presidential candidate, (at which radio possession and use is highly restricted) I found people in possession of an unauthorized radio, with an open mike condition,  that was causing interference to Secret Service communications.   

    Once I located the radio and advised that they were not authorized to have the radio, they responded with, do you know who we are?

    After I explained the issues and problems I asked that they surrender the radio to me, I would give them a receipt for it, and they could pick the radio up at the end of their day when returning to their office or hotel.  They refused. 

    When I went to speak with senior official about the unauthorized radio, I was told they claimed I had threatened to put them in handcuffs and throw put them in jail if they did not give me the radio.    

    They were embarrassed to learn that I had recorded the open mike radio, with their and my conversations.  


    There you have it; even politicians. Tnx.

  2. 3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    You obviously have a lot more experience than me in the smell area so I'll defer to your greater knowledge. But really,  waaaay to much information. 

    If you are the one to judge, then that leaves me 'empty handed'

  3. On 8/11/2019 at 3:38 PM, SteveK said:

    I used to buy the frozen real cod fillets from Makro and make my own, came out pretty tasty but unfortunately the fillets are tiny, thin and watery.

    Thaw the fillets down the day before. In a strainer and covered with some foil. Press out the excess of water and you will be fine.

  4. On 8/11/2019 at 2:21 PM, georgegeorgia said:

    What is the fish they usually use in Australia}

    isnt it the vietnamese catfish?

    why cant they use that in Thailand?


    what is the fish they use in Thailand?


    also regarding the chips ( not fries) where are they from?

    Mostly used is the cheapo panga fillet like from Makro. Around 100 Baht a kilo, dig that.

    I hate this crap as it smells like semen (ahum) and is <deleted> watery.

    If you can get hold of more expensive Panga, that would be a better choice.

  5. 9 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

    I drink beer only these days and stick to the imported stuff, apart from once a week when I'll share a couple of bottles of Leo with the locals. 


    I keep a record of my weekly intake and am averaging 10.29 units this year, more than acceptable.


    A spreadsheet helps me keep within my limits.  I rarely over-indulge: only on Songkran and my birthday this year. ????


    I love trying out craft beers but it's not always easy, socializing mainly with the Chang/Leo crowd. Occasional expensive imported beers are a good way to keep the units down.





    What happened?

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  6. 3 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

    But not if they quote someone and all write the same quotation. And if all write 1 + 1 = 2 it´s also true


    If you believe nobody, how do you get your information about the world.

    1+1=2 might be true. It's how you call it. First the earth was flat; then came Copernicus and Galileo and what do you think...the earth is not flat.

    First there were 2 genders and now (because the main stream helps the scam) we have more than 2 genders.

    Who do you believe? 

    Guns are bad. Yes for governments they are as it gets harder to suppress the citizens. For a possible invasion of America it's better to have guns around and last but not least to defend yourself against lunatic shooters.

    De Blasio argumented that people don't need guns as there is the police to protect the people. I'd rather have a gun as there is never going to be police at my house to protect me like they protect De Blasio.


    Sorry, I am digressing

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  7. 5 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Why is it silly ? or have you got no sense of smell and/or do not go any where near a Makro meat counter ?

    Your idea of Makro having meat stocked for 10 years something. As if keeping stock frozen doesn't cost a satang. Would be stupid management as well as Makro is prone to FDA inspections.

    Every open meat counter smells. It's mostly the chicken carcasses and 'delicious' chicken feet that produce a smell.


    Not saying that Makro every now and then isn't selling pork that has previously been frozen. They do have a backup stock.

    • Sad 1
  8. 2 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Just looked at Ventusky weather radar. Massive rain heading east over Yangon that should collect Chiang Mai after it passes.

    I wouldn't trust Ventusky either on their hour by hour predictions. They miss out to many times imo.

    Plus, what comes over the ocean is blocked by the mountain chains in Myanmar coastal regions.

    But nevertheless a lot of rain is heading CNX way.

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