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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. On 8/9/2019 at 10:09 AM, geoffbezoz said:


    But the fact that pork butt was quoted as being the same price as 10 years ago was more than likely they purchased it 10 years ago and its been frozen ever since which perhaps explains why most Makro "fresh meat" counters stink.

    What an utter silly conclusion. I thought you'd know better.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Farangwithaplan said:

    Beer is not alcohol, it is an optional water substitute. Get with the times ????


    Urrr, beer falls under the alcohol ban at the always unexpected days; unexpected for us farang at least. I still remember all special holidays from my home country, still can't remember the Thai ones after all these years.

    Myself I go for whipsky as a substitute. The bottle sings to me.....


  3. 10 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    The basic, LOCALLY PRODUCED stuff at meat, fish and vegetable markets has all increased markedly since 2014. This, along with the junta's drive to eradicate street foot, has forced many local, neighborhood restaurants that were making a sustainable living and serving good food to eventually shutter. This exacerbated the already unchecked ability for landlords to rack up rents when they saw a tenant's restaurant business doing well. Coincidental with this manaipulation on how the local people spent their money on food or chose to dine, the 7-eleven's and Family Mart's started offering more and more pre-packaged, pre-processed, Thai-style, microwaveable and basically unhealthy 'TV dinners' that notably are the same price as they ever were.

    2day at Makro, pork butt 115 Baht/kg. About same price I payed 10 years ago. Meat, fish and veggies not particularly up.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    Yet some "religious" sects in the middle east allow marriage of 8 year old girls,

    In the Philippines, the age of consent is 12 years old.

    Rules / laws that should be abolished IMO. 

    18 years should be the worldwide legal age.


    If pedofilia could be genetically engineered out of human DNA, the world would be a better place

    Probably can be engineered, but that would never be allowed by the elite pedo's. Taking away their hobby tss tss.

  5. On 7/21/2019 at 5:42 PM, ianezy0 said:

    Not disagreeing here but a lot of currency dropped against the THB around that time, i.e. Australia dropped from 30+ to 25. So was Brexit the reason? Interesting topic.

    You are quite right. Compare the currencies Euro and Pound for a couple of years and you will see the same trend. 

  6. I think it is all to easy to vote for #1. 

    Times are'a changing and modern tourists have new idea's and many options.

    I went to Beijing already more than 20 years ago when they opened borders. Maybe today Russia is appealing; who knows, at least I don't have the data about that. Visa even harder.

    Long time ago as well, Thailand was synonym for a holiday country for dirty (old) men. I still retired here (dirty and old) lol. What's on a man's mind. 

    This is an incident, not a trend and I believe it will work out in a while. A sudden decline is a bit fantastic in economical waves. It is not the stock exchange where people panic at any fart. TAT is panicking now I guess.

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  7. I need a little sweet calendar girl to get hold of all the happenings in Thailand. Lol, yes I know the holidays in my country by heart of course, but cannot get used to the Thai special days popping up just around the bent.

    Then again I never had to worry about Non Alcoholic Days. FCOL, what difference does it make (free after Hillary).

    Next two days got me again. Is it my sandbox or was I pampered to much by Thaivisa to prompt me/us in time.

    Never mind, got my disaster stock as long as disasters don't last to long. 

    Upon this 'burden' comes the fact that Immigration is at least closed for one third of a year if we are lucky. Man, that is the best job in Thailand. No stress, they work by ticket quota so who could get a burn out.

    Nurse where is my shot!

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I don't blame to clueless aussies but the general media who likes to make a big deal out of what the perceive to be a piece of sensational news tarnishing a country or a group of people without waiting to substantiate the facts first, not for nothing the coin phrase "fake news" was invented  a badge of shame that most media outlets richly deserves...

    Many times having the shits here in Thailand I was sitting there and groaning while thinking what caused it.

    Hard to tell as you easily forget what you ate during the day and incubation time varies as well.

    I'd think of it as a good cleaning up. Once had a bad one from shrimp paté and that even in my own western home country. Really did poo the lining out of my body....and much more.

  9. On 7/9/2019 at 7:38 PM, Sheryl said:

    Great tip Sophon, Thanks!


    Now if any of you could PM me the instruction to do a zero credit transaction written in Thai I'll be evermore in your debt.

    BKK bankbook machines will print a new balance line each time. Imm wants it done on same day as you apply.

    What utter nonsence since they (CNX at least) accept a bank letter from the day before.

    The Germans say it best; nicht wundern, nur staunen. A bit hard to give a precise translation since I am not German nor UK/USA.

  10. 10 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Yeah but they make for shit traveling companions for the OP who wants to make Thailand the hub of his regional (but not local) wanderings.


    Then he has to find someone to keep the darn thing fed and watered while he's wandering.


    Back ON TOPIC, there's a vibrant local tour and travel market but as stated earlier, it caters to the local population who amazingly enough tend to be Thai and mostly speak Thai. I see a great opportunity for the OP to learn the Thai language through a combination of formal Thai language classes and immersing himself in it with a bunch of locals visiting (say) Osaka. He could be the tri-lingual star of the tour group as I am sure they will be as flummoxed by (say) Japanese as he will be. However, translating via a 3rd (English) language has worked for me in the past and it can be very insightful too.


    Who knows? He may meet his soul mate on his sojourns.


    If she has a dog, bonus!


    ...for some anyway.

    Hate to disappoint you. My Thai language skills are pretty good; I am not looking for a partner (he/she/dog) and I have to desire to be the star of the group. But hey, thanks for your post.

  11. 15 hours ago, Asawak said:

    "I am single and would rather go with a group than do it all by myself"
    Maybe you could contact a travel agency in a country where people speak your language (your languages). You could ask the agency for a package (country of your choice) without the flight.
    Then you could fly by yourself to the destination where the group starts the trip and join the group there.
    Good luck in finding a solution that will make you happy.

    Good idea. Most probably fly on your own anyways. Thanks.

  12. 10 hours ago, robblok said:

    Catch and release.. as you see the animal did not even leave the water. The lakes where I fish you are not allowed to take the animals out of the water you will have to get in the water yourself for your picture. Quite good care is taken to make sure the fish are not damaged. A carp like that can go for 500.000 bt as people will want to fish there knowing there is a change such a big fish can be caught.

    So how do you weigh the fish in the water......

  13. 6 hours ago, HampiK said:

    Actually there are quite a lot of Travel agencies. But they mostly handles Thais' and therefore maybe not what you want but who knows.


    In Bangkok there is an exibition about every 6 months about traveling, where you can buy cheaper Tours. I used one to go to some destinations as they had discounted tours. If the tour is exactly what you expect then this maybe the perfect match. If Remember correct last time I used H.I.S. Agency, which have many offices in Bangkok.. maybe other places as well. 


    I personally only interested in Airfare and Hotels... not like to have group tours included as the mostly not go look what I want and not spend the correct amount of time for the specific parts.

    Agreed; group tours do mostly the highlights. A bit of group discipline would be good for me ????

  14. 18 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    Interesting topic....Since my break up with "she who no longer must be obeyed"  loneliness can be a real problem...after 12 years of sharing everything 24 hrs. a day... It's the laughing together I miss the most.  Life was a ball once she got to understand my peculiar (for some) sense of humour.  

    You caught my drift.

  15. 13 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

    If it´s ok for you to travel to your destination alone, you can book everywhere tours like in Chiang Mai, also for a couple of days. Perhaps it´s better than to book a group tour from Thailand with some people you don´t know but you have to spend the next 2 weeks with, if you don´t like them. 

    Yes that's right and what I actually forgot is that 'my group' would consist of almost all Thai people. 

    I would probably be an outsider though I have nothing against Thai.

  16. So, I lived in Thailand for >12 years and would like to travel to countries I feel I wanna go to.

    For what I checked so far, tour operators are not really offering package deals going out of Thailand.

    All you find is package deals going into Thailand from all over the world. Maybe I am wrong here.

    Point is, I am single and would rather go with a group than do it all by myself. Not that I am a group animal but it is a bit more convenient when one is getting older.

    You guys have ideas, experiences or whatever advice...greatly appreciated.



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