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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 59 minutes ago, Slip said:

    What so it wasn't deleted by a moderator?  You are pissing in the wind. Your reference to working in the plantation was racist.  Regardless of your threats I am entitled to that opinion.  As much as you may wish to bitch, cry and make threats about it, that is the case.  As I suggested to you earlier- move on.

    Aahhh, will you please shut up, khrap! Sometimes moderators delete posts not to let get things out of hand or whatever.

    Doesn't need to be typical racist and please also stop about racism. You might not like your neighbor, call him racist then because he is not on your line.

  2. 2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    ANother insulting comment about African-Americans. That they are dupes of the democrats. Unlike the white working class republicans who embrace a candidate who proposes to vastly increase the power of the wealthy and appoint supreme court justices who favor corporations' rights  over workers' rights.

    May I remember you that the Democrats defended slavery in the south?

    Yes, that was way befor you and I were born, but at least I know about it.

  3. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


    It is exactly what the US deserves after gorging on a diet of morally and socially bankrupt reality TV for over a decade. Both candidates are fabulously inferior. Of course Clinton is the lesser of the two evils. Trump is a potential fascist ruler in waiting. He is a megolamaniacal man child who is capable of any manner of evil and destruction. 

    You are absolutely talking false for whatever reason. The US is in fact the US people and the people didn't ask for this. They were lullabyed into it by the special interest people and you know it.

    Trump is not a fascist for trying to save the US for total destruction by the NWO.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Chicog said:


    Best subtract the majority of white women from your candidate.

    Plus the majority of educated white men.

    That pretty well leaves the trailer park window lickers called "Billy Bob" and the likes.





    Don't forget Trump also has non white voters and white female and intellectual voters. Don't forget alot of Dems who will finally go for Trump. Add this up to your devaluated 2/3 and you probably still end up with more than 50-60 % of the voters. Sorry for your mindset about this: 

    "That pretty well leaves the trailer park window lickers called "Billy Bob" and the likes."

    Thanks for this piece of inside info. Pretty much shows your disdain for the lower class people.

  5. 5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


    Give it a rest. Lying  doesn't change what  happened. Libya was a France-Italy-UK   initiated regime change. In case you missed it, Libya was  causing serious problems for the Europeans by facilitating the  tens of thousands of economic migrants. Also,  Italy was dependent upon Libya's oil. The USa wanted  to stay out of Libya. Clinton didn't want to participate.

    No Clinton didn't want to participate and thus gave internal orders not to come to the aid of the people in consular building

  6. 5 hours ago, oilinki said:

    While policies have not been a big issue on this election, those are behind the personalities. When I listened what kind of policies Clinton has, she sounds like a solid and thoughtful person who will continue improving USA and will be good for the western world values.


    I think the idea of having 2 bad candidates only come from Trump's campaign. He has repeated it so many times, that many start to think it's true, while it's absolute bullocks. 

    When the President gives the order to press the button........that kind of policy. What about cyber attack means war.....from her policy.

  7. Dream on y'all, there is no democracy and especially not in the US. But, they are the first to point a finger at another for being not so democratic. Happened to Thailand too, remember?

    Duterte is indeed a bit bold, much, and he will pay for it with his life as happens so many times. Car/drone accident, air crash, the poison cup, the bullit. It is all available to read.

    US presidency is under world elite control so it cannot help itself.


    But...I find it amusing, this guy fighting the powers that be. SOB's need to go to hell, yeehaa.

  8. 1 hour ago, claffey said:

    So you are all against the free movement of people? So go home to your island! What do British immigrants bring here? Because most of them are in Pattaya with their 20 year old Bar girl brides. Really quality immigrants they are! If you want to generalise about immigrants in Britain I'll generalise about the Brits here... Not all immigrants in Europe are asylum seekers(actually only a small percentage) . In fact the vast majority of immigrants in every EU country are from other EU countries. eg the country with the highest amount of immigrants in Ireland is the UK! Poland is second...


    I still struggle to understand your right wing views about immigrants when you are all immigrants yourselves? Perhaps you should start calling them asylum seekers instead of immigrants? They are very different you know. 



    Right wing views are about weird reality; left wing views are about weird ideals.

  9. 3 hours ago, claffey said:


    Do you live in Thailand? You are also an immigrant if you do. Of course you should be allowed to travel wherever you want but the millions of refugees, who are a consequence of the West's wars of economic conquest in Afghanistan and Iraq, should be left to starve and die in Syria etc. People like you are disgusting hypocrites. 


    I think what Germany has done is wonderful. They have opened their country to help ease the refugee crisis in Syria and Afghanistan. Britain's withdrawal from the EU shows that the old imperial attitudes (just like yours) are still prevalent today.


    Perhaps you should re consider your immigrant status here and return back to isolation? 


    Wait there. Another question if I may be so bold. Are you married to a Thai? That would be you such a hypocrite that its hard to think of words to describe...



    You gotta be kidding...such ignorance.

  10. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Go on I will be the first to comment. Great news. Long overdue in my opinion. I hope that this will stop the TV and internet going off when it rains. next I do hope that the whole of Bangkok is completed and not just one road before I die. I do expect to live another 50 years so I am being optimistic.

    Nah...same like Chiang Mai. Tapei Road cleaned up from cables. Rest will follow in due time/never?

  11. 7 hours ago, Kabula said:

    With the recent anti Christian comments the Pope has made and other actions, only a ignorant  person would listen to him now or break bread with him.

    Don't forget he is there only for his Roman Catholic sheep. The rest can go to hell. The real  Christians are the Reformed ones.

    And don't forget the Vatican has a double agenda.

  12. 1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

    " He said no, you have 7 days after before there is a problem. "

    You have 7 days to report, but that doesn't mean you don't have to do the report. Obviously if you never do the report, you have gone way past the allowed 7 days.


    If you are leaving the country forever, there would be no problem, but if you return and go to your local immigrations office for whatever, it could be noticed that you were in the country for more than 90 days without reporting. It could also be overlooked or ignored, but the risk is still there that it will be noticed and you will be fined.

    You get a new departure card when you re-enter Thailand. Maybe they only look at this when you do another 90 days.

    I find it hard to believe you get fined when you leave within the grace period.

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