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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. This thread is a perfect example of how people twist news to suit their own agenda. The photo of the PM shaking hands was taken before Vlad Putrid invaded Ukraine, so he is not endorsing Russia's invasion. Having said that, would the scene be repeated now? Probably. Remember, Thailand has failed to condemn Russia, merely expressing concern. Not that anyone anywhere cares what Thailand thinks.
  2. A pity, considering the standard of Thai 'security'.
  3. It doesn't matter how far in advance you apply, they don't action it until the due date. At Kalasin, which is forwarded to Khon Kaen, anyway. And I don't know what you mean by 'pick up passport' as they don't keep it.
  4. In the real world you could inform the police and they'd be round to catch him/her red-handed. In Thailand, doubtful. One of the joys of living in the Third World. Sorry, a developing country. Having said that, they are pretty intolerant of drugs here on the whole,even if they are widespread, so it might be worth a try.
  5. Why? He didn't suggest only in Thailand. And this is a site and forum about Thailand. There - another mystery solved.
  6. Yes, and not a word about the Thais that told them they could enter being reprimanded. Surprised? No.
  7. The woman, after safely returning to the beach by herself, hit a mini-heart pose at baffled onlookers. I'm confused too, as on onlooker to this report. What is a mini-heart pose?
  8. It's a matter of perspective. My Thai sister-in-law married a Dutchman and they are living in Hungary. She was given a five year permission to stay. No 90 day reports, no renewal with lots of forms and photos every year. No bureaucratic nonsense. Just simple.
  9. I was replying to Denim, not you, and somehow things got mixed up.
  10. Thanks. But it doesn't matter if I apply early, it is not actioned until the due date. I discovered that last time, effectively meaning I was under consideration for six weeks.
  11. I raised this earlier within another post, but didn't receive any responses as it was 'hidden'. So I'll try again. I have a marriage extension which must be renewed on 23rd November. However, I need to go to Dubai on 18th December, returning on the 25th. It appears that I would not be able to get a re-entry permit as my return to Thailand would almost certainly be beyond the under consideration date (23rd December?). However, I was thinking of visiting my local immigration office in Kalasin and suggesting that an easy solution might be to give my report back date as 25th December instead of the expected 23rd, a date I could use on the re-entry permit I'd need. Secondly, the situation is further complicated by the fact that I may need to go back to Dubai in mid-February for around two weeks. If in November I applied for a 60 day extension to 'visit' my wife rather than apply for my annual extension, that would expire in mid-January, and my new application made then for a one-year marriage extension would not be approved before mid-February when I might be away again. I was wondering if a possible solution to that might be for me to enter on 25th December with no visa/extension and then apply before at the end of 60 days (?) for a new annual extension. I would be back at the beginning of March well before my under consideration date. Any advice would be welcome, which I might use to politely suggest as a solution to immigration if need be.
  12. I'm in my mid-70s and recently I've been suffering from left hip pain, and my hope that it was merely muscular is fading after a week of cream and pills hasn't improved things. I'm planning to have an x-ray but, thinking down the line, if surgery is needed how much might it cost in a public or a private hospital, and what is the recovery time?
  13. It basically comes down to no common sense in Thailand. I've never seen any. Yesterday, we had a woman on a motorcycle who was killed a train after she decided that the barrier didn't apply to her and she obviously didn't even look as she rode across the track. No common sense that says you should at least look, for crissake.
  14. ...after asking some health service officers for permission, which was given. Those officers were trying to be helpful, as Thais often do, but were acting in ignorance. As Thais often do. As for not having the correct visa, I wonder how long that would have taken to be approved? The media does not work that way. The news was happening now, not in a month's time that the paperwork takes. Probably longer, as it takes a month for me simply to be given permission to live with my wife. Basically, it's an example of 'bash the foreigners', when the actual ones at fault, innocently it would appear, are Thai officials.
  15. Just the usual Thai system in operation. He has spoken, made his recommendations, and his job is done. Anything that happens later is not his responsibility. You, I, he and everyone else knows that what is said will be ignored, but that is not the point. He has acted, done what he considers to be his job, while actually doing nothing. This happens all the time, at least once a week. Someone makes a declaration and the next day it's ignored and forgotten. But that person has done their job by 'acting'.
  16. The miscommunication was that health office officers gave them permission to enter when they should not have done so. The reporters did what they were told they could, nothing more. If anyone was at fault, and they were, it was the officers who said they could go inside. Those officers were trying to be helpful, as Thais often do, but were acting in ignorance. As Thais often do.
  17. I do sometimes wonder about this. There are on average two deaths an hour on Thai roads, over 80% on bikes. but we only read of one or two a day. I wonder how they are selected. Shouldn't there be a site solely to report road deaths? There'd be more individual stories than appear in AN headline newsletters, but I suppose if there were so many no-one would read any.
  18. And if the IO notices then there's a pretty good chance that any extension request will be refused.
  19. According to Thai law, people suffering at the hands of their parents can ask their close relatives to file a police complaint and let justice run its course via public prosecutors. So, that makes the entire article pointless. Kids can take parents to court through a third party, even close family.
  20. Not just that, but she 'overstayed her visa giving her permission to be in Thailand for over two years'.
  21. You're looking for logic in Thailand? Come on! And I have little doubt that hotels ignore the rule for their guests too, as they ignore the no-sales outside of the 11-2 window that the law allows. Laws in Thailand are just for show and are rarely applied as most are unenforceable. Did you know it is illegal to smoke in your own home since the current government took power, for example?
  22. In Bangkok and Dubai, both of which I'm familiar with, sales outlets are in the arrivals area too. I have little doubt that many, if not most, airports are the same. Of course, if you buy at Bangkok airports you are extremely naïve as, while in most counties you pay less at duty free shops, in Thailand you do the opposite.
  23. I'd love to know how they come up with this. Why not the 13th day of the 8th waxing?
  24. Who else comes to Pattaya these days? For now, anyway, until the constant stream of bad-luck stories circulate back home and Indians decide to give Thailand a miss. Then TAT can target, oh let's think, Iceland and Greenland for tourists. They're running out of options.
  25. I've also had money taken from my hotel safe, in Malaysia. A couple of $100 bills were removed, leaving a couple of smaller notes in the hope, I imagine, that I wouldn't notice money was missing. The police refused to investigate, saying no local would steal such large bills as they'd arouse suspicion.
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