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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. i get that occasionally, i just put it down to them being too busy that day, fair enough What annoys me is the lie they post. Someone else's fault, not theirs. Why not post 'unable to deliver' rather than say delivery was refused. Unable to deliver could be their fault or mine. But they resort to the Thai default system of blame someone else - customer refused delivery.
  2. Or, as has happened to me more than once, when they've run out of time and want to get home, they post that I refused delivery so then it's my fault and not theirs. Very Thai. I suppose their app doesn't have a 'couldn't be bothered to deliver' option to click.
  3. You were lucky. Last time I went they had a spotty teenager there who, when I asked a question, just giggled. Very professional.
  4. He should have raised suspicion from the start, wearing a full motorcycle helmet. Obviously up to no good.
  5. Yes. More outstanding Thai journalism.
  6. A hotel I book in Bangkok has tripled its price since August. Pandemic ends, more people travel, demand rises, high season approaches, prices go up. Perfectly normal and to be expected.
  7. A lot of "probably"s in there. And probably all true.
  8. Can I remind you of what you wrote: Your cell phone now is an actual spy device against you with the microphone on at all time recording you (yes, this is real). What you write about in this post is something entirely different - data collection which - as you say - is all pervasive in everyday life and which everyone has to and knowingly accept. Everyone knows that and accepts it as part of being on-line. Next, you'll be writing that our tv is spying on us.
  9. A good question, to which neither you nor I know the answer.
  10. You might presume that, and then he kept them in his suitcase for four years. I presume that he might have obtained them while in Thailand, which I read isn't difficult to do. Why he wanted them, I have no idea. Nor do your or I know where and when he got them. Also, if he came in from Israel there is an absolutely zero chance that he would have got them through Israeli security. Zero.
  11. I was thinking he's bored stiff and thinking, 'Why do I have to sit here and listen to this nonsense for the hundredth time?'
  12. I suppose TAT could promote the fights as 'a thrilling experience found in no other family-friendly resort. Video the violence and regale your friends when you return home with your close proximity to deadly weapons together with actual pictures of Thai youth expressing their Buddhist-based personalities'.
  13. Thais lack both self-discipline and common sense and, all too often and understandably, the result of that is death.
  14. You are told wrong. It's largely an old wife's tale. Especially now in the days of dashcams.
  15. I'm not blaming the victim, but so many women appear to make a very poor choice when choosing a boyfriend/husband. I can only guess that they are drawn to a primitive macho image and then it backfires on them.
  16. It is a perfectly normal and expected part of Thai culture to be dishonest. And in this case even the collection box was a fake. Of course, corruption by officials isn't just a Thai thing but endemic in many Asian countries. Strangely, it doesn't exist in the most prosperous countries in the region. There's a message there somewhere...
  17. Ah, an American conspiracy theorist. From Google, who as you surely believe has the time and resources to know everything about everyone, billions of us in fact: According to Consumer Reports, it is technically possible that your smartphone is listening, but not practical. In one study, researchers used an automated test program to analyze over 17,000 popular apps and did not find a single app that activated a phone's microphone and leaked audio data. Can you provide a link for us that confirms - confirms - your statement? Thanks.
  18. He was flying to Bangkok, not Israel. It says so in the linked article - He was heading to Bangkok.
  19. He didn't. Where did you read that he did?
  20. Two thoughts on this. They would certainly have known that it was likely that the police would have knowledge that the casino was operating, so must have been desperate to call them and only did so as a 'last resort'. And notice how talk of having legal casinos has gone quiet - again? Thailand, unlike its neighbours, doesn't have them for a very good reason, and it isn't to stop people who can't afford it gambling.
  21. And 'a completely illegal and off-the-radar high-end nightlife complex in Sathorn'. As opposed to semi-illegal? More great journalism.
  22. Sounds as if Thailand has attracted the rich tourists that the government wanted. What's the problem ????
  23. I can't think of anything in Thailand that has been reformed,
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