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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. I quite often say that certain people I come across or read of are too stupid to live. Here's another one. Me First!!!
  2. I think the Phuket Express needs to find an English-writer who actually understands English. The opening paragraph is appalling.
  3. Please don't mock the poor, who don't have the money to plaster the walls of their house. Making jokes about such unfortunates just makes you look pathetic. Do you laugh at cripples too?
  4. You forgot to add 'in public'. Nothing wrong with giving, but in Thailand they always have to make a big show of it for 'face' reasons. Even those who donate 100 baht to the local temple have to have their name broadcast on the village news loudspeaker system. Juvenile and pathetic.
  5. I've posted the pricing list on Facebook for Public (world) readership, not just friends.
  6. Everything is to do with the Americans. Just look at the number of topics on this site in which Americans twist it in one way or another to relate and compare what happens in Thailand to what happens in America.
  7. Brilliantly told in 'On the Beach' by Nevil Shute, a book I read as a teenager, of life there as the nuclear cloud came ever closer. There was a 1959 film of it too with an all-star cast.
  8. Exactly. Lesson to father: If you have any more kids then keep them well away from dangerous machinery. Pretty basic parenting actually for anyone with any common sense.
  9. The media didn't produce or inflate the figures. The SAS, which as the article says is an independent research project, located at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, produced them. The media is only the messenger. Are you saying that an independent research centre in Switzerland inflated the figures? If so, why would they do that, do you think? I look forward to your response.
  10. This figure comes from the SAS, which the article says is an independent research project, located at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. Why would an institute in Switzerland distort gun ownership figures in Thailand? I look forward to your 'conspiracy theory' explanation.
  11. Reading this article, the force was fully aware of his behaviour but took absolutely no action over a long period, until a new chief arrived and fired him. In the real world he would have been fired long ago.
  12. There would still be people who get through. One example that comes to mind is the German pilot who deliberately flew his plane into a mountain. Those who do get through the checks and profiling would likely be few, but then so are mass shootings. In Thailand, anyway.
  13. I think some have misunderstood due to a poorly constructed headline, as I did until I read the article. The idea is what to do if there is an armed intruder, not to arm anyone within the school. Lock the door, hide. Not that that would help much as the gunman, as I believe happened in this case, could just shoot the lock off.
  14. The problem is that he probably ended up in jail for criminal damage and ordered to pay for repairs. Great video though.
  15. That's why they call it Teflon Thailand. Nothing at all damages the economy to any significant extent. Coups, street riots? Nothing. When there were street riots they became a tourist attraction.
  16. All over the world towns and cities are converting streets to pedestrian walks. I've watched dozens of virtual walk videos, mostly of places in Europe but also elsewhere. Even Manhattan has narrowed streets and given pedestrians more space, no doubt in some cases due to the pandemic. Thailand though, as so often, does the opposite and wants to widen a road where one should not even be in the first place. Just imagine how much more pleasant Beach Road would be if it were pedestrianised, with limited access to vehicles for deliveries only. Second Road is easily wide enough for two-way traffic to compensate. And there's still plenty of money to be made from re-paving the entire road, as they did with Walking Street. The only downside is that it might take them several years to complete a job that the Chinese would finish in less than a month.
  17. well which was it ? quite important information one would think. Exactly. The police report is no report at all. Why not add that he might have had a medical episode. Was that considered? Ah no, AN readers know that if he crashes his car he must be drunk.
  18. Why do you want the truth hidden?
  19. You're confusing this case with the previous mass shooting in Thailand, which involved a soldier killing innocent shoppers in a mall in Korat as he was in dispute over a land deal. As for the comment that the police are completely out of control, this latest mass murderer was removed from the force and charged with taking and dealing drugs, for which he was due in court tomorrow.
  20. Do you live in Thailand? Do you read the almost daily reports of murder, usually involving a man-child offended by his partner leaving him and therefore deserving to die.
  21. I hope they affixed the sticker with superglue. Or whatever they use on price labels in Thailand which are impossible to remove and might outlast the product they're stuck on.
  22. It's quite recently become illegal in Thailand. But well, you know....... Laws are passed with no intention or willingness to enforce them. It's a strange country, but then the lack of law enforcement is what draws many long-stayers to Thailand, rather than the millionaires that the country says it wants. Of course, some of those who welcome the lack of law enforcement are likely millionaires, but perhaps not the ones that Thailand had in mind......
  23. You clearly don't know Thailand, where drugs are everywhere and violence is always just below the surface and there is very little self-control. This drug-taking ex-cop just took things to an extreme. Thailand is very far from the fabled Land of Smiles promoted by the tourist board.
  24. Maybe because they didn't come to Thailand for the food?
  25. Don't see that very often now, so we. I do sometimes come across sauted potatoes, which is the next best thing.
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