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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Exactly what I did. Avoided the scam of having healthy teeth pulled so he could make money out of it.
  2. There is no proof whatsoever that anything was put in the brownie that the kid ate. Did the hospital state that the kid was suffering from marijuana poisoning? The kid probably ate too much brownie at one time as no-one was paying any attention and so became ill. Hardly unusual. But now, any health problem occurs and it must have been caused by weed. Utter nonsense and typical Thai over-reaction and hysteria. If, as the baker claimed presumably - again - with no proof whatsoever, that people are adding something to the food which can be harmful, has that baker reported it to the authorities?
  3. Who wrote that 100% are crooks? What I wrote was that dentists can scam the same as anyone else. If you think that means 100% of dentists scam then you have poor perception skills or deliberately twisted my words to say something I didn't.
  4. Why is she wearing a nightdress in the street?
  5. In reality the sentence is a 200,000 baht fine. She is unlikely to repeat the offence, so the jail term would not be implemented. That is, effectively, just there for show.
  6. Soon after I arrived to live in Thailand I had to consult a dentist, who told me I had to have three teeth extracted. I thought not, left, and 30 years later I still have those teeth. Dentists might be cheap, but they can scam the same as anyone else here if there's money to be made. Closer related to hospitals, a friend of mine was feeling very sorry for himself and felt in need of some TLC, and he made up a story that he had suffered whiplash in a taxi accident and was taken to a hospital. They not only confirmed a non-existent neck injury but produced an x-ray of it and said he needed to stay in overnight for observation.
  7. I long ago gave up flying with them. Three flights in a row I was booked on were cancelled or delayed, and look at the departures board at any airport and you're sure to see one or more of their flights cancelled or delayed. If there is a choice, and there usually is, take another airline. Even if it costs more.
  8. I bought one item I saw on a FB ad, paid by PayPal, it wasn't as described and PayPal refunded me. The first and last time I buy anything advertised on FB. There is often no way you can verify the honesty of the seller, unlike on Lazada and Shopee where you can see feedback and often look at their history. The victim here was very naïve in thinking he was getting something at a fraction of the real price. But FB are also to blame as - as far as I know - they just allow anyone to advertise so they can take a fee from the seller, with no checks at all on the product. Decades ago, before the internet, I wanted to advertise something in National Enquirer, they wanted to see it and rejected it as not up to standard. Since then it appears the world has gone backwards.
  9. I went to Azerbaijan a few times and they had different rates for different nations posted. I believe it's pretty common for countries to charge different fees for different nationalities. I don't know why.
  10. Several holes in this story, but that might be down to the usual standard of Thai journalism. Money kept vanishing, she suspects staff but stays with the bank? Really? As another poster raised, what do the transactions of her account show? They must show how and where the 'missing' money was accessed. She only dealt with the bank via a call centre and didn't go to her bank in person when money was 'vanishing'? Really? Utter nonsense. Her story has more holes than a colander. She said she has contacted the bank on many occasions after 100K, 10K disappeared on many occasions. Yes. And???
  11. All of them? That's interesting. I'll tell my wife and her family what you think of them, even though you have never met them. It's no wonder some Thai's tar all farang with the same brush. Where does it say 'all'. You made that up.
  12. Completely agree. Can't fault them in any way, and that includes when they came to install the system and worked until nearly midnight on a Sunday - fortified with Leo and potato chips - to sort out a problem.
  13. There is highway patrol, I see them daily with vehicles pulled over on my commute to and from work up and down the 7 motorway. What you should have posted is there is not enough highway patrol. I think the poster meant Highway Patrols that patrol, rather than park and do nothing.
  14. I live on a straight road without a slope, and in the 10 years or so that I've lived where I do there have been about 20 accidents - I've lost count now - some of which have involved death and amputation and all within 500 metres of my house.
  15. You have anything to back up what you say, or did you just make it up based on nothing at all?
  16. An everyday occurrence here. And bearing in mind that on average someone dies every 30 minutes on Thai roads and that 80% are said to be motorcyclists, there are plenty more similar deaths that don't make the news.
  17. Seems like another foreigner who is happy to be in Thailand because he feels comfortable with low standards, meaning he doesn't have to try too hard himself. Here's a message to you - pointing out shortcomings relating to anywhere or anything is allowed. You appear to have a problem with that, and I have no idea why that might be.
  18. Try walking in Bangkok. Most roads have no room for pedestrians because businesses, either food vendors or shops, block them. Or the roads have no pavements/sidewalks there at all. And those that do have a place for people to walk are often blocked by poorly placed obstacles like electricity poles or phone booths. I have a friend who has travelled the world in a wheelchair, and he said that Bangkok was by far the worst place he had been to for wheelchair users.
  19. There is no mention at all of it having been a four hour flight. You made that up. The flight originated in Bangkok, so about an hours flying time.
  20. You raise some reasonable points.
  21. I repeat, as you appear to not understand what I wrote - it has nothing to do with saving a couple of hundred baht.
  22. I wonder how people who don't live in Thailand cope, those who can't afford a maid (servant). Where I come from people stopped using servants 100 years ago. Life must be very tough for them. But everyone I know, both friends and family, somehow manage to get by without, and seem to live full and active lives. I just find it odd that some adults are unable to tackle everyday tasks without help, and I wonder what they do with all the spare time they have by passing on the taking care of themselves to others.
  23. Always a mistake to make assumptions about someone you don't know. You're wrong. But the bottom line is that I am able to take care of myself and don't need three hours a day to clean and cook, and you do. It has nothing to do with 'saving a couple of hundred baht'.
  24. If, as you say, you need three hours a day to cook and clean, I'd suggest that you are doing something wrong and need to consult a time and motion manager. Strange that, common with many posters on this site, you hide where you are from and refer - several times - only to 'my country'. I find that weird. I'm from the UK. London. And I do clean my toilet, but not on my knees. I was brought up to be able to take care of myself.
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