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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. There is no common sense, period. About anything. I don't know how that situation has developed - maybe kids not being allowed to think for themselves at school - but I've yet to detect any common sense here. A recent example was my wife wanting to give some eye drops to our dog who had a problem. She thought it was okay to use our eyedrops as the dog eats the same food as us. I Googled and found the dog could have been blinded. And she isn't stupid - she has two degrees. But .....
  2. I've been here 26 years and have only once - once - seen a Thai take responsibility, when his dog ran out and bit me and the owner took me to a clinic for the necessary and then paid the bill. Once. 26 years. Where I grew up, in the UK, most kids learn long before they reach the age of 10 or so to own up to something they've done. In Thailand they go to the grave (or incinerator) denying everything. In this case, to do that much damage, he was clearly driving too fast. And with his kid in the front seat too. They just don't have a clue and, what is worse, they don't want to learn.
  3. I was in the UK last week and think you will be in the minority the only people I saw wearing masks were Asian students I watched a 45 minute video walk filmed last week in Whitstable in Kent, England. Not a single person wore a mask out of the many hundreds, maybe thousands, that appeared. Same with an hour long video of people out for the evening in Soho. Thousands milling around and not a single mask. None. Yet the hospitals are not filled with Covid patients in ICU. Those that the virus was going to kill were killed by it long ago. But, as I wrote in another thread, we'll now have the situation where most locals will continue to mask up - like my wife "to protect myself" - and most foreigners will not. The wearing of one has long been an Asian thing, and the pandemic has simply encouraged more of them to adopt the habit. Up to them if they want to feel uncomfortable. Now that the government is no longer making it mandatory (although it never was put in law) we foreigners can now 'walk free' with a clear conscience.
  4. And what period does the 100,000 baht a day fine involve? A week, month, years? That's a lot of baht at stake.
  5. As another poster has suggested, you don't really know what you are talking about. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with the club. It is the local organisers who have allowed one person to buy so many tickets, when the official limit is four per person (read the linked story). My understanding is that the ticket price is also double that agreed with the clubs. If you don't like Liverpool FC, fine. But don't make completely false and/or unsubstantiated accusations about how the club conducts itself.
  6. When the match was announced it was stated that the clubs will be fielding first team players. Of course, that claim may have all the validity of dinner with the players claims and the price of tickets which mysteriously doubled from the price agreed with the clubs. Nothing in Thailand escapes 'misunderstandings', corruption and the smoke and mirrors.
  7. The 90 day reporting is the perfect example of Thailand doing things back to front. In the real world you only have to report if your circumstances change. In Thailand you have to report that nothing has changed.
  8. A gray area? In Thailand? Surely not!
  9. We'll have the situation where most locals will continue to mask up - like my wife - and most foreigners will not. I've watched several hours of video walks around various places in Europe, cities and resorts, without seeing a single person wearing a mask. The wearing of one has long been an Asian thing, and the pandemic has simply encouraged more of them to adopt the habit. Up to them if they want to feel uncomfortable. Now that the government is no longer making it mandatory (although it never was put in law) we foreigners can now 'walk free' with a clear conscience.
  10. 6 farangs killed in RTA in one day last week, why exactly would you feel grateful and very very lucky? And how many Thais were killed? Perhaps you don't understand 'mostly'. I did use the word twice to emphasise it.
  11. The 19 yr old would probably be going 50km an hour faster, so probably not :)
  12. Claims and denials and total confusion. Would we expect anything else in Thailand?
  13. Nobody cares. We'll read a similar report next week, and the next and the next. Many Thais have no pride in what they do and simply have no interest in doing a job properly. I'm not really sure why that is, but it is extremely common - maybe even the norm - in Thailand.
  14. What has the age of the driver got to do with hanging wires?
  15. The director at my nephew's school here was murdered by his wife, but not on the premises. She thought he was having an affair. He wasn't. Not sure if the kids knew why he was no longer around, but the grapevine probably told them.
  16. so tourists that come to see family and stay with them cannot, they must register at hotels You don't expect Thais to think something through, do you? Of course you don't. Another mess.
  17. As others have mentioned, I take a bunch of photos along and let the IO decide which ones he wants, and he then sticks them of an A4. The office I use (Kalasin) only need one copy, some other offices want two. You might as well have two to be safe.
  18. Thais would never fight and use weapons against each other. Everyone knows that.
  19. How about putting down a few speed bumps for 100,000 baht instead of spending 30 million. Well, we know why. don't we...........
  20. Why is it that Thais over-react to everything. Nothing here is ever done in moderation. They drive at max speed regardless of the conditions, they play music at max+ volume to distort the speakers, they hunt in packs and kick their prey in the head numerous times when they're helpless on the ground etc. Now, every headline is about a drug that many countries in the world have been using, legally or not, for many decades. Already, a recent report and completely without foundation of kids being poisoned by it, and within days we'll have 'my weed was too strong' added to brake failure/micro-sleep/the road was too wet/an elephant crossed in front of me etc at road accidents.
  21. I remember seeing a small group of female Thai students standing and laughing at a cripple who was begging on a footbridge at Victory Monument in Bangkok. You don't forget something like that. I guess they missed their Buddhism lesson that day.
  22. My wife tells me the slum area is owned by someone we can't mention, and she thinks the people are allowed to live there for free.
  23. The owner is gone. Good luck getting him sent back from Dubai.
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