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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. What a surprise. One rule for you (no) but when it's to benefit a Thai the answer is yes.
  2. Mine is white, so your comment could confuse the OP. Just saying.
  3. Have you actually read the thread? If so, you clearly haven't understood what you've read. 1 - You cannot do a 90 day report by drive-thru. Immigration is not McDonalds. 2 - The OP hasn't left the country so there is no 'foreign return'. 3 - Where did you read - if you read the thread at all - that the OP is retired? Perhaps you were responding to a different thread, as your post bears no relation at all to this one.
  4. You and I know that the government is hell-bent on destroying the tourist business. They can't just come out and openly say that is what they want, but that is clearly their intention. As I believe you said recently, they couldn't be doing a better job of it.
  5. A survey by the Department of Health the Travel Agent Association has found that Thais foreigners are worried about the November 1 reopening to international travelers, and wanted to see more effective prevention of illegal border crossings vaccination of Thais to prevent visitors being infected with the Corona virus.
  6. It makes no sense at all to ban alcohol on a Buddhist holiday if it is available on every other day. Is Thailand only a Buddhist country on Buddhist holidays, and not the rest of the year? Just plain stupid, with no logic at all. Backwards? Yes, to answer your question.
  7. Foreigners eager to visit to Thailand, but few have actually booked flights So, not that eager then.
  8. Their grandfather, Mr. Prasan Singrat, told the associated Thai press, “I take care of all three of my grandchildren every day as their parents went to work.” Apparently not well enough. Kids have to be watched every minute. It's part of being a parent - or, as so often is the case in Thailand, a grandparent. If you don't 'have the time' or interest or the inclination then don't be a parent or accept the responsibility.
  9. Why should we care? Their parents don't care, the police don't care, their schools don't care. And this applies to girls too....
  10. I was going to write the same. How many searched, looked at Thailand and then decided to avoid it like the plague. A search means nothing at all. Nothing.
  11. So you're one of those who believes that anyone who likes a glass of wine with their meal or a beer at a bar as they watch the world go by is an alcoholic? If not, why the post?
  12. Probably and error in translation. I would just ignore it since it should be the country you depart from. More probably something, yet again, that they didn't think through properly and just assumed that all arrivals would be tourists.
  13. I don't think they've mentally caught up with the computer and digital age, and can't possibly comprehend that they already have the information at their fingertips. It would seem too simple for them, and Thailand never, ever does simple. The more obstacles they dream up, the better they think they are at their job. In the real world it works the opposite way.
  14. Number 3 doesn't make sense for me. My home country is Thailand but I'll be returning to Thailand from the UAE. Perhaps they need to re-word it to 'departure' country rather than 'home'.
  15. They can't be replaced. They re-wrote the constitution to make sure that can't happen.
  16. Bearing in mind that the reason Thailand is (I think) the only country in the region not to have casinos is because the illegal ones rake in billions for the 'untouchables' of Thai society, I doubt that the Chinese will be able to muscle in. If they try, things could get very nasty.
  17. Exactly right, and the pandemic gave them the perfect opportunity to do so.
  18. Get her trained and by the time she grows up she might have an income stream doing this.
  19. If the owner is in China and, as you suggest might happen, takes no responsibility for the agent he employed, then how will he force you and other tenants to vacate? Even knowing who the missing agent is via her ID card isn't going to get the money back, and it is the owner she cheated, not you, by not passing on the rent. It is her, not you, the owner should be going after. His dispute with her is, surely, nothing to do with you. You have done nothing wrong, and you and others have paid rent and presumably have receipts.
  20. I wonder how they will define foreign residents. Does that mean they have to have a resident permit, or does a marriage one-year extension count? I'd guess it might only be the former, and that anyone living full-time in Thailand with family doesn't count as a resident.
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