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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. 8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Beginning to sound like a dashcam is an absolute necessity these days.

    Agree totally!

    And something else to think about is not giving the memory card to the police if the investigation goes that far. A friend--who was in the right, had his card wiped after giving it to the police. Seems the other party had influence/money or both, and got to the police and made the problem--and data, go away. Just give them a copy of the video.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Supposedly my house is grounded but I started getting tingles from the shower faucet, disconnected the water heater. Now I love cold showers! I never trust the electricity over here, even walking down a footpath I never touch any metal poles or anything with electricity connected to it. Too many horror stories over here of people getting elctrocuted, especially in the rainy season. 


    One time I was going to have an electrician--and I use that term loosely, install a water heater in one of my showers. To test it I told him after he was done I wanted him to stand in the shower with the water on and turn it on, he never came back to do the job. I thought it was a reasonble request. If you trust your work it wouldn't have been a problem.



    On 7/6/2024 at 10:55 AM, arick said:

    Yes it's quite common to get tickles from the back of your fridge from aluminum surfaces like the microwave or the back of your fridge.

    That's why in the villages they have some sort of cloth on the handles of refridgerators.

  3. On 7/5/2024 at 5:22 PM, snoop1130 said:

    Pattaya City unveiled a new campaign outside Terminal 21


    The Chinese must be complaining about this as it's been happening in locations all over the city since I've lived here.............with nothing being done about it. In fact many years ago on beach rd to the south the motorcycle rental places were clogging up the on street parking. The city govt/police told them it was illegal so they moved all their bikes onto the footpath! TIT

  4. 7 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Where does the money go after collected?

    We all know the answer to that! Why would he impose the fines if not beneficial to him and his cronies!


    3 hours ago, newnative said:

    Any workers in the photo?  Not that I can see.

    You'd think since this is a major throughfare they'd be working 24/7 with double or even triple the amount of workers, but sadly every time I drive past this area only a handful are working and only 8 to 5. Oh well, TIT!

    • Agree 2
  5. 7 hours ago, BKKKevin said:

    It should be understood that the US Government has placed restrictions on ALL foreign banks…

    Placing reporting and funds transfer limits and notification for its citizens…


    So if you want to blame anyone, blame 9-11 and the knee jerk reaction of Congress in it’s aftermath…

    Agree totally; it's not the bank's fault, they don't want to deal with the paperwork associated with Americans. I've had a Kasikorn account for over 25 years and a manager at the bank told me better to keep it open because it's very difficult for Americans to open new accounts.

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    I'd suggest that 50% of all Thai landlords find something wrong to prevent the repayment of the deposit

    I agree; I rented a house for approx one year, watered and cut the grass, fixed any lights that failed, kept the place up, and it was in better condition than when the wife and I first rented it....never saw one baht of deposit. The owner made various excuses as to why we couldn't get it back.

    Plus the fridge was sarting to fail a month after we moved in--looked about 10-15 years old, and the owner told us if it failed we'd have to buy a new one. I don't think so! If I did something to cause it to fail no problem, but the damage was done before we moved in. Lesson learned, never again.

  7. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:

    there are some places like that near my soi ....   should I be concerned 

    Yes, you should be. I had it once and when they came and fogged my house/land they told me even a bottle cap sized container that has water can be a breeding ground for mosquitos, so yes I would be concerned if I was you. As others have stated the mosquito that caries dengue has a black and white striped body and is a daytime feeder.


    • Like 2
  8. Does anyone have credible evidence of this becoming a reality, and if so what are the rules, and has it been implemented yet? I ask these questions because it's hard to find facts from the Thai govt. 

    In addition to this; if I put my funds that come in regularly into my wife's bank account instead of mine will this work as far as not paying tax on it since technically it will be her income 

  9. How about you finish some of the other road works before starting on this!


    Just a thought, but maybe take some of these funds and put them into overtime on the Sukhumvit project; seems like they're only working week days 8-5 and no holiday work. Put the project on 24-7, and put more workers on, until it's done. It would be different if it was some small out of the way soi but it's a major thoroughfare!

  10. Depends on your idea of "advanced", I'd say less advanced; can't tie their own shoelaces, can't replace a lightbulb, can't change a tire, can't take criticism, etc. I've seen so many examples of things people can't do now days that were common years ago. Seems like social media "likes and follows" are more important than real life things. And people remember less because their "smart devices" do it for them. When I was a teen I remembered around 10-15 phone numbers, now I'm down to 2-3, my phone has all of them on it. IMO we're getting dumber as a race and devices are getting smarter.

    • Agree 1
  11. This kind of thing is sickening to me, lots of students use machetes to fight also. I think the penalty for this should be harsh.

    Once again, about the victim complaining of smoking, he should've just not complained and kept his head under the radar, pop your head up and bad things can happen. Admittedly he shouldn't have lost an arm over such a small issue but you never know how mental people can be.

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