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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. On 10/3/2023 at 9:05 PM, 1FinickyOne said:

    I am more worried about political problems in the USA making life unlivable back there... and who is to say a crazy development there might bring on a dictator to confiscate your bank account? 


    Who knows? It is pretty crazy there now. 

    Agree totally, might be a civil war after the 2024 election the way things are going!

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  2. Years ago my wife had me wear one with some special amulet to keep me safe, I always kept it inside my shirt as not to show off (dangerous in my opinion), Anyway, during a Songkran festival a bunch of mototaxis riders tried to get it away from me--guess they saw it on the back of my neck, resulting in a fight between myself and several of them. I ended up a little banged up but kept the chain. Lesson learned, I've never worn that chain--or any other again, especially now with the price of gold where it is, at the time I was mugged it was around 7k-9k for a baht of gold. So much for the amulet keeping me safe LOL!

  3. 5555555, that's funny! How many times have we heard this throughout the years and various administrations. Wait till the mountains of brown envelopes start getting distributed, then it all goes back to same same different day. Greed is a hard thing to change.




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