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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. 1 hour ago, neeray said:

    (As an aside, I wonder if she has the proper work permit)

    I thought about this also. If it had been a different nationality of farang the investigation would already be done, but seeing how she's a rich chinese--the master race that Thais bow down too (sarcasm), we haven't heard anything about that. Maybe the brown envelopes glossed over checking on that.

    • Confused 3
    • Sad 1
  2. 20 hours ago, ross163103 said:

    Ban him from flying on EVERY airline FOREVER!

    Forgot to mention; make him pay for fuel, any extra salaries/overtime for the flight crews, and also pay for any passengers who have to incur extra charges, ie flights, because of delays he's caused. If airlines would implement these changes mid air confrontations would be a thing of the past. As you can tell, I'm sick of these me, me, me, people causing problems for others! Sit down and shut up, act like a human not an animal!

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