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Posts posted by ross163103

  1. On 1/6/2024 at 5:30 PM, Will B Good said:

    Mitsubishi defo'......and certainly worth considering a pressure tank.....I'm looking to buy one to prevent the pump having to continually stop/start for the small amounts of water we keep demanding.

    Installed a pressure tank and has helped extend the life of my pump. One thing that contributes to pump failure is the starting/stopping. With a pressure tank the pump starts then runs longer--in order to fill up the tank, but has fewer starts/stops. Definitely a good addition to a system.

    • Agree 2
  2. 1 hour ago, jcmj said:

    It may be because the Jomtien immigration asks for more, or different, documents than most other immigration centers. They won’t even accept some of the documents on the Thailand official immigration website as they have their own documents that they want. 

    Exactly, and they probably wonder "why stupid farangs don't know what papers to bring!"

  3. 7 hours ago, Purdey said:

    Or there is an opportunity that they are found innocent when DNA proves they didn't do it. Too late once they are dead

    I guess we'll agree to disagree on this.


    I see too many cases like the one I attached that could've been prevented; now in this example six lives were taken needlessly and multiple family members affected for the rest of their lives all because a scumbag that doesn't deserve to live "paid his debt to society", and was let out.

    Another example I've linked--if it's allowed, is a guy who killed his 92 year old grandmother with a hammer, sent to prison for only 18 years, got out then set fire to a house to draw firefighters in, then shot four of them killing two. If he would've been put to death two lives would've been saved and numerous lives wouldn't have been negatively affected by this monster. You have to admit, someone who kills his grandmother with a hammer probably shouldn't be allowed back into society, and in my opinion should have been out to death.


    I will admit systems aren't perfect and innocent people have been put to death. Life is not perfect and no perfect justice system exists.


    This will be my last post on this as it's an issue that is black and white for most people and no amount of discussion will change whichever view they believe, kind of like the "Do you believe in god" thread that's been running for years on here.



    Could contain:

  4. Some crimes/criminals deserve the death penalty; they don't deserve to live even in prison. Just an example, someone who is 100% guilty of raping and burning alive a baby, can't see them ever being a productive member of society EVER. And for all those that say give them life in prison; taxpayers will be picking up the bill for this.


    So now, go ahead an start the debate about; "What about all the innocent people that have been exonerated because of DNA evidence? What if it was you on death row and you were innocent?" I did say 100% guilty and I have no answer on the "if it was you and you were innocent question."

  5. I had a similar incident like this happen years ago on Soi 8 in Pattaya, was walking back to my hotel with my wife when a baht bus driver pulled up and kept hassling us to get in his taxi. We didn't want a taxi and we didn't flag him down so we told him in nice Thai that we weren't interested, he kept insisting that we get in, then went up ahead of us, stopped and stepped out with a knife beside his leg and kept telling us to get in his taxi. Instead of confronting him we just went the other way since it is a one way street and he was ahead of us. Never used baht buses that night or any time after that, too many stories like mine and others of these mafia gangsters fleecing/hassling/harming tourists. And on another note; if you drive a car in Pattaya watch out for them, they drive like they own the road--which I guess they do since they've got the police behind them, and basically drive like idiots. Sounds like Phuket will be an additional home of the baht bus mafia gangsters in the near future.

    • Haha 1
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