"and they do not know if their nationals who go to the Philippines will be safe from illegal activities done by the Triad,"
better to stay in China where there are no Triads.........
So let them buy 50 per cent of an F-35
No engine, no avionics, no weapons, the Chinese will provide all those, plus the Chinese will provide the pilots and the paint ......
A while ago there were lots of rumors circulating about his health. Could it be that he feels he personally has nothing more to lose?
It is probably time to give Russia a full Cold War because that would be the safest option. Then we can hope that one of his budyguards puts a bullet in the back of his head.
"and placed his sexual organ next to the child's to satisfy his sexual urges."
maybe he is a devout muslim, following the example of the Prophet - "thighing"