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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. COP26 is a festival of hypocrisy. Prayut is only one of the small fish... If Brazil, Russia, India and China are not playing seriously there is really no hope. The well-meaning western liberals can posture all they want. We are not even allowed to talk about the biggest threat - overpopulation. When we reach 9 billion there will be no water, food so it will not matter how many solar panels are installed in Finland..... The keynote speaker - Prince Charles - is one of the biggest hypocrites - his family is one of the biggest landowners, and he does very little other than "blah blah blah" (to quote a climate expert)
  2. "only 15 were found to be infected with covid-19 which was at a manageable level." manageable for the asymptomatic hospital extortion scams..... hope they know that the press outside Thailand is noticing.....
  3. I can only wonder if the donation had been arranged with Chula instead - it would have been so much easier to "facilitate"
  4. Here is a solution: every morning when all government employees are lining up to salute the flag and sing the anthem of obedience - the department head should read out the memo from the PM - "Thailand expects its paid employees to actually do their jobs today".
  5. so what about the poor Rats and the poor Snakes and the poor Frogs and the poor Dogs??? and the poor Grasshoppers.....
  6. "On Thursday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it had received more than 60,000 applications on the Thailand Pass website." ehem - which one? the real one or the fake one or both??
  7. "Free" is difficult to define in a Thai context....... but I am sure the general will feel obliged to offer the opportunity to SB....
  8. "so that they do not have to rely solely on a single market." how do they define "rely on" ?? Do the Chinese masters know this?
  9. you mean the police will have to go back to real policing?
  10. "The festival is expected to attract large numbers of Thais and foreign tourists " - about 40 million should be enough.......
  11. Maybe they should try for the Thailand Winter Olympics - would bring back some rich high-spending tourists....
  12. "He said he lived in the same estate with his mum." Has she checked her drawers recently to see if anything is missing?
  13. "royalties"?? I don't think that the Crown Property Bureau owns much forestry....
  14. The good news is that because of the Covid restrictions the club was not overfull of customers with the exits obstructed at the time of the fire....
  15. when does the crop burning smog season start?
  16. "The letter states that AstraZeneca has been working with Siam Bioscience to increase vaccine production in Thailand." What a wonderful idea...... I wonder why they didn't do that last year?
  17. bangon04

    Bangla Road

    might help if you said whether they had any symptoms at all before they were taken to hospital......
  18. "With an economy almost entirely dependent on the tourist industry" is this now the official position?? It used to be 10 per cent, then some people said up to 20 per cent.... Now is it "almost entirely"??
  19. The Thai government might not care if you are gay. Can you not under any future circumstance foresee a situation where personal data is sold or exchanged (maybe for immigration intelligence) to a country like ...er.. Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, or many others?
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