Well you have the Colonels and Generals with the golden paratroop wings on the uniforms. They are the experts in press conferences. They usually work in groups.
Do you mean money in the bank? Because $1 million would make almost every home owner in New York, London, Paris, Munich rich on paper, assuming they or their parents had already paid off the (small) mortgage from 30 years ago.
"He says insurgency attacks weaken soldiers’ morale."
true... let us hope that the Thai soldiers never have to fight a real war against an invading army of aggression. Maybe Thailand needs to employ a mercenary army to do the dirty work for them.
The Chinese are open for business again - time to say good bye to tigers, rhinos, elephants, pangolins, and anything else they can get hold of. The Chinese have plenty of money saved up.
"Investigation reveals that parcels had been sent to Australia three times previously"
just an outside chance that the "investigation" was done in Australian customs and they notified the Thai authorities?
did you miss the bit which stated that the pedestrian was a "foreigner" ?
The accident could not happen unless the foreigner was in Thailand, remember?
The golden paratrooper wings need to be used for something.... they look good in the photo ops. Warning to purse-snatchers everywhere... the police will "swoop" down and catch you....
and the one hour standing in line for a security check while transiting inside the airport will get even longer now????
At least I will save money by not having any time to spend at King Power shops..... (they will not care anyway....)
"Other low-cost carriers like ............. TAP Air Portugal also made the list."
TAP is the national Flag Carrier of Portugal and a longstanding full member of Star Alliance.
I am sure they will be delighted to be called a "low-cost carrier"....
The burn ban law starts and ends the same dates as the compulsory seatbelt law and the compulsory motorcycle helmet law and all the other laws in Thailand.