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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. and the Philippines is just starting down the same road as Thailand did it - firstly "legalising" only "medical" cannabis. They are not far along yet, but the process is starting to sound eerily similar to the Thai model....
  2. The TAT is flying yet another kite..........
  3. "may have violated the law by being practically masterminded by Thaksin." but would that open up other generals who are beng practically masterminded by a higher power??
  4. Nobody saw that coming........
  5. otherwise they will be forced to dream up some actual policies and also try to explain them to the Thai electorate. Scary......
  6. Obviously the RTP found no evidence of any sex work (as usual).
  7. Can you imagine the press story if a Farang (without a work permit of course) actually found a gold nugget weighing over 1 Oz ??
  8. ok - put it another way - EVA has standards which make the customer feel that their aircraft are newer, cleaner and well-maintained.
  9. As Wang Yi never tires of repeating: "The PRC is fully committed to respecting all international laws and conventions and norms" except when they don't.......
  10. Women make up at least 50 per cent of the US electorate. If they cannot be bothered to make sure their rights and health are protected, why should we be surprised that the bible thumpers are winning?
  11. I was expecting him to bang his shoe on the table.........
  12. only the officers who have the paratrooper wings are qualified to return lost property......
  13. His views on the potential evils of (organised) religion are both impressively intellectual and easy for the average non-intellectual to understand.
  14. The good general has developed a strong reputation for NOT answering questions........
  15. so where did I read that Thai Smile was making such a financial mess that they are considering the option of re-absorbing it into TG to mitigate the losses???
  16. Recommend Stephen Fry on the subject of God and Religion and its effects.
  17. so the "pharma industry" is quite happy that Invermectin will no longer be sold in large quantities to make a profit ??
  18. yet another angry little thai boy with a tantrum and a gun.......
  19. "Amazing Thailand - Meet the Buffalo Tour"
  20. "the best way to prevent kidney disease is to change eating habits" expert advice from a highly qualified Thai expert... that will solve the problem.
  21. but but the bible thumpers in Florida insist that the life begins at the moment of conception......
  22. P.T. Barnum once said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity,”
  23. The fetus was present during the commitment of the crime, and failed to notify the relevant authorities of it. Naturally the fetus should be charged as an accessory after the fact.........
  24. "and the spot where baby diapers were found." "Drones and a submersible have been deployed in the search, which has failed to find any trace of the baby so far." so the diapers were nothing to connect with the missing baby? Confusing....
  25. "Enforcement postponement of Euro 5 emission standard will practically allow the private sector to be ready for full compliance." Yes the vehicles which the auto manufacturers did NOT make because of the Covid panic will not have to be modified at great expense, since the downtime during the Covid panic was put to much better use than retooling the empty assembly lines......
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