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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. Amazing Thailand - so 20 per cent of the Singapore population visited Thailand as tourists in 2019.........
  2. "No.1 place for “workation,” a word which describes both work and vacation" UK media is becoming the hub of made up words... (Brexit, staycation etc) watch out for the upcoming "Twindemic" (Covid + Flu)
  3. "The place is right next to the Royal Thai Police headquarters on Rama 1 road." and has a connecting door probably......
  4. "The baby elephant was dead at the scene with many people looking on and distraught at the tragedy. " Distraught....... elephants are more valuable than teenage motocy riders.
  5. but there do seem to be several stories here like this recently of drunken sons abusing their mothers.....
  6. maybe some artistic member of the forum could draw us a nice cartoon of that scenario..........
  7. "Daily News reported that the monk in question has had a history of mental and drug related problems. " I wonder how many other members of the saffron mafia are perfect citizens who are there solely for the benefit and education of the ignorant masses......
  8. It is a pity that Thailand does not have its own efficient local production factory for AZ bulk supplies. The could call it something like "Siam BioScience" maybe. But seems that will never happen......
  9. so she left Thailand to become successful? But she is Thai-born, so we will claim her as a Thai success.....
  10. Lucky that the Hi-Sos can afford to send their kids overseas for school....
  11. "Officials said it was one of about ten cases of foreign nationals applying for Thai ID without just cause in Saraburi. " Only 10. Wonder how many IDs were issued to cousins..... no chance of an organised operation in the Land of Scams.
  12. But always remember Rule #1 - If the Farang was not in Thailand, the accident could not happen.
  13. The constant media frenzy around asymptomatic "cases" needs to stop. What is important is the number of hospitalizations (and the number of excess deaths). It is obvious from the stats that a high proportion of hospitalizations are UN-vaccinated people.
  14. yes the Thais are rapidly catching up with the USA and western european 1st world values / obesity /rates of NCDs. Progress indeed....
  15. Taxis in China, UK (London), many other countries have had clear plastic partitions between the driver and the passengers for many years. They are useful for several reasons - security as well as health.....
  16. "“Reopening Thailand will open up many opportunities,” said Stanley Kang, chairman of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce." no doubt he will be calling his "cousins" to come over and reap the benefits......
  17. and the family back in the village is in full denial of the facts....face wins over reality. They show off their new wealth from remittances to the neighbors who play along with the fantasy .....
  18. "a recent non-rating action commentary on the Thai economy released by credit rating company Fitch Ratings (Thailand). The commentary, titled “Thailand’s Recovery to Gain Traction in 2022; Banks, Retail and Hospitality Still Challenged,” explains that Thailand’s economic recovery in 2022 will be supported by improved COVID-19 vaccination coverage, the reopening of businesses, and a positive global growth environment." The General is pleased that Fitch (Thailand) approves. Who needs the approval of the filthy Farang......
  19. No need to worry - Thailand will increasingly switch to the use of Chinese technology, and eventually subcontract the whole process to the mother country..
  20. It could be a good thing - maybe one well-placed IED would solve many of Thailand's current COVID problems........
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