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Posts posted by oneday

  1. "...the lower court failed to split up decisions about guilt and whether Gonzalez should get a harsher penalty for gang involvement..."

    "...saying the district court abused its discretion by not answering a jury question about a conspiracy charge..."

    Neither one of these two items have anything at all to do with a fair trail and his guilt. A prime example of the US justice system getting bogged down in unimportant minutiae. What a complete waste of time and money.

  2. "This is nothing but an attempt to drag out the case," he said, adding that the military-led regime was tired of her moves.

    So what! Anyone of the people in power now would be doing the exact same thing if it were them up on these ridiculous charges. Who wouldn't be deeply concerned with a thoroughly biased government and court system as demonstration by all the red shirts put in jail and nary a yellow seeing a day of jail. She may have had bad judgement with this rice scheme, but that is all she can be accused of and that is not a jail-able offense. The junta is just looking to bury the red shirts and she is the only prime Thaksin symbol they can get at.

    We've seen how far this government will go to get what they want in the recent Koh Tao murder case. Wouldn't you be afraid knowing there is no justice in Thailand these days?

  3. Phenomenal article!

    It goes further than many other articles and even comments by many posters. I won't be a bit surprised if the junta goes ballistic over this article. I won't be a bit surprised if they try to hunt down the author and do a lot more than take him or her for an attitude adjustment. And I will bet the Nation comes under fire.

    I applaud the author for writing it, I applaud the "The Nation" for publishing it and I applaud ThaiVisa for reprinting it.

    Thank heaven for people still willing to stand-up for TRUTH!

  4. It's an exciting time and will, hopefully, allow Thailand to prosper and grow and become a leader in the region. Let's hope we can grasp the opportunity and move Thailand forward into the 21st Century. I hope it works out.

    Everything you say would be true if Thailand were being run by a truly Democratic government that had the best interests of the people (ALL THAI PEOPLE) at heart. Unfortunately, a Democratic government it still a long way off, so I think it will be quite some time before Thailand can actually join the ASEAN community completely.

  5. I for one just don't believe everybody that comes off a building from a high floor is suicide and yet I don't remember any jumper in the last few year that has been determined to be anything other than suicide or an accident only because there were actually witnesses. Look at these two statements.

    "...There were no signs of a struggle..."

    "...but on the balcony, a small table was upside-down and many cigarette butts were seen on the floor..."

    I have to ask why someone would turn a table upside down before jumping. Seems the top of the table is more stable to stand on than the bottom of that table. And the table was obviously turned upside down with zero regard to making a mess, thus the cigarette butts all over the floor. It would seem to have been done quickly or in anger. That description could easily have been the result of a struggle. That's just the way I see it given the limited facts presented and I'm fairly certain the reporter was trying to make that connection by using the word "but" after the word "struggle".

    R.I.P. young man.

  6. The British public are ignorant and rightly so. The police and politicians ARE NOT ignorant, they are just selling the two young Burmese down the road for the expedient of good relations with Thailand. The British police agencies, without doubt, know these two young men got a very raw deal. They also know this case would have never made it to court in Britain if handled the same way as it was in Thailand.

    The general British public know nothing about Thailand with it's rampant corruption and lack of justice, unlike the British Expat. To be fair, I would say this about any western country given that most people who do not live here know nothing about Thailand and many people outside Thailand were not following this case like we Expats were..

    When it comes to the families of the two young British backpackers, well I can only imagine they were brainwashed by people they trust in their own government and their law enforcement agencies. There are a lot of good police in Britain going home at night and shaking their heads in disgust at their top-level management and their politicians.

  7. There is no way that was an accident unless the missile malfunctioned.

    The Iranians have good enough radar and guidance systems to send their missiles exactly where they intend to send them. They knew the two US ships and another coalition ship were there and they intentionally fired the rocket as a near miss. No question in my mind unless there was a malfunction.

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