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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Don't look at the trestles too hard around Kwai, shored up with bamboo and what ever else is handy,

    I have heard on more than one occasion that bamboo is stronger and can carry more weight that steel scaffolding, neither does it rust away. I don't know whether this is demonstrably true. I agree that that structure looks far from safe.

    A yeah, that's why they didn't build the Rama IV bridge of Bamboo :) !

  2. If it wasn't thanks to Khun Thaksin, there was no Suvarnabhumi Airport, but still the old one.

    Same goes for the railway, if Abhsit cares for the country, he does something usefull, and invest in infrastructure.

    I think the first sentence is open to debate. He certainly ordered another 50 feet or so to be built on top of the control tower so that it became the tallest inthe world. Said it would attract tourists!!!!!! Yeah, right on. He ordered to build the airport simple.

    The second sentence applies to any Thai politician for the past fifty years. The truth is that nobody gives a toss. Self interest rules. I believe Khun Thaksin as also one of them, but at least he did something in return for the people, until he got punched away by even more bad guys who wanted a share.

  3. Holy sh*t people! How many posters on this topic are 'tourists'? You know, work all year for a coupla weeks on a white sandy beach in Thailand or wherever. Who gives a sh*t that it costs 400bht to get to your final destination? (bet you'd pay more if it was part of a package deal to get picked up from airport) Get real. I've seen an asian 'tourist' get charged 4 quid for a can of coke in London. Welcome to us luvverly Londoners hospitality!

    You're all sad, tight as*ed whingers IMHO. (OK, not all. Just the sad, tight as*ed whingers on here).

    above the law

    I love that movie :)

  4. Churchill you are not in the list :)

    The tsunami and twin towers are the deepest as it is almost the last thing they saw..sad, scary but interesting.

    thanks for this one.

    In think WWII is the deepest, since it caused almost 62 Milion dead.

  5. Guys this BBQ is serious. I don't have an exact date yet, since I have to find a JOB in Thailand first. Meanwhile this topic keeps here, so everybody will know about the party. And it's a good oppertunity for regular members of TV to have a chat in real life.

  6. It really doesn't take rocket science, te get the economy back on feet.

    Well, somehow I don't think you have applied any thought to the incredibly complex web of vested interests, many of which are extremely powerful and are certainly not in favour of any simple solution, or indeed any solution which will reduce their massive incomes or power. Rocket Science is trivial compared to the world economy. The scientists know EXACTLY what it takes to fire projectiles, there are physical laws governing the process. Physical laws don't even fuc_king exist in finance and I don't even want to broach the topic of legal or moral laws.

    I'm not going to give my opinion either, not interested. There was once a sentence: " If your good at something, never do it for free ".

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