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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. As I am teached as a Catholic Christian, there is no such thing as afterlife.

    I think you had a very poor teacher. The Apostolic creed states:

    "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

    Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

    With the Father and the Son He is worshiped and glorified.

    He has spoken through the Prophets.

    We believe in one holy Catholic and apostolic Church.

    We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

    We look for the resurrection of the dead,

    And the life of the world to come. Amen."

    Maybe it's practiced different, in other countries. When I go to church here, the pastor states different things, he can talk about ; the father, jezus, god, the holy one. Never been talked about afterlife, he states the soul goes to god for an eternal life.

  2. Heaven is a men made name for " The Universe" .

    The Universe is a man made name for the universe too. :D

    hahah, was gonna say some similar thing. :D

    What's The Universe? How big is it? What is it floating on? Are there more than just one cause some theoretical physicists believe there are more than one.

    Yes, you guys are right here :)

  3. Welcome to Thailand, still can't believe why Thai woman bash on farang men.....if they rather want something like this?

    Just don't interfair with it. Especially if he has a gun here. Police won't do anything, get used to it.

  4. I notice all the babies being white skin! Falang ( mens ) gen is stronger?

    Nice photo's !!

    No all babies start out with a very white skin. If its true what u say how do you explain that al the babies in here have the asian eyes???

    By the way, Nice pics everyone !!!!!

    Thanks, I didn't know that.

  5. Its a known thing that running a 2stroke at the same revs for long periods can cause a piston sieze (see this). Piston sieze can occur if the piston is starved of 2stroke oil (hence you want to see smoke pouring out of the back). This NSR of mine had a piston sieze on me. Bottom line is always be looking out for it, and when it happens pull in that clutch! Luckily I was going slowly and was awake enough to pull in the clutch! One moment was the sound of my engine and the next a thud and silence! Sometimes you can just unstick the piston and put it back!

    Piston sieze is mostly the lack of a to lean mixture :)

  6. Hi there

    I was planning to get Thai for beginners by Benjawan Poomsan Becker, I've found the book itself for 299 baht and the book with CDs for 799 baht.

    Do you guys think its worth paying an extra 500 baht for the CDs considering i have a thai wife to help with pronounciation.

    Ps i'm not tight but with the value of the pound lately i have to watch the bahts. :D

    My opinion is that having a real live speaker to help you with pronunciation is the best method, especially because she can give you feedback which the recording cannot. However, the question is whether she have the patience to teach you in a systematic manner and would she be willing to spend the time to do so.

    BTW, did you teach your wife how to drive? If you have, you will know what I mean.

    It can be dangerous having a wife help with you Thai. Some months ago I asked mine about rao jai from the Nescafe commercial. She said, it means fast heart, you know how you get at the Mall when you see all the girls in short skirts. I denied it, she got mad and things went downhill from there.

    So you denied the girls in short skirts and then what? :)

    Edit: @ OP ; I ordered this book to, seems a good basic for the language!

  7. one thing i don't understand,a person is crossing borders and countries every now and then,how come there are no records in immigration?even if he is flying by private plane still he has to cross immigration, there has to be some records of the plane atleast.also should have some records form hotels and places he stayed.

    answer: $


  8. With the recent topic involving the british couple and kingpower and some saying they were set up,fake cctv ect..

    (Knowing the crimes in this OP are very different from that of the couple)..i'd like to ask again...what would/could you do

    to prove your innocence?

    Just tel em yours is bigger, he'll start crying :)

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