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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Just a thought (stems from the hotel card topic in the travel forum), why can't they issue an e-passport in the form of a card that one could swipe at immigration and proceed.

    All the neccessary visas etc etc could be handled electronically and no need to print the things, no need for stamps, no need for frowns at the counter and surely could be handled alot more efficiently.

    Big project, but I agree this is a step to the future and more simple. Also you can't run out of pages then. You must apply for a goverment job :D

    Thanks but my 'efficient first' attitude disqualifies me for a position as described.

    Know what you mean :D , cheers. :)

  2. No, the aircraft capable of carrying 500+ make up less than 0.5%

    It's no wonder some people are nervous fliers with the way some people go off without checking facts first. You're on the internet already, look it up.

    :) :

    The 747-8 Intercontinental is the only jetliner in the 400- to 500-seat market, stretched 5.6 m (18.3 ft) from the 747-400 to provide 467 seats in a three-class configuration and a 14,815-km (8,000-nmi) range. Using 787-technology engines, the airplane will be quieter, produce lower emissions, and achieve better fuel economy than any competing jetliner.

    The 777 seats from 301 to 368 passengers in a three-class configuration with a range capability of 5,240 nautical miles (9,700 km) to 9,395 nautical miles (17,395 km).

  3. Back in the good old days you had to be an RN to be a flight attendant. Maybe the oldtimers were right.


    Back in the "good old days" airliners had a much higher chance of crashing and killing everyone on board. There was also no defibrillator or other modern medical devices on the aircraft. Today the rate of death due to medical emergencies on aircraft is around 1 in 10,000,000 passengers. (FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Institute)

    Rubbish, most planes still fly or the same models when jet-engine powered commercial aviation started.

    An defibrillator has nothing to do with an aircraft safety but passengers. These also had defibrillators in those times, only not much modernized and compact version of today. Don't call everything in the future better, because I find much much more better in the " good old days ".

  4. And the point is...?


    I would figure that I would prefer one or more of 300 to 400 souls on board the aircraft be an emergency consultant rather than an aircraft engineer.

    Well the point is, the doctor could not have fixed the aircraft, and the engineer would not have been able to handle the medical emergency, so I guess both flights got lucky.

    I just wonder what would have happened to both flights in the air?

    Maybe it is time to get the third man (technical) back with the pilots

    I think this is very good, but only as an observer and advisor. Often when problems occur, pilot's are asked to solve this by themselves, but pilot's are pilot's and not engineers. Sometimes some problem sounds familiar to an engineer and it doesn't to a pilot. This can save precious lives here

  5. I use it to, but at home. No need to stuff stupid cables trough the wall to connect the pc upstairs. Just plug and play and the connection is good and steady. A bit slower then the line, but only 25%.

    It's a thing of the future for sure.

  6. Just a thought (stems from the hotel card topic in the travel forum), why can't they issue an e-passport in the form of a card that one could swipe at immigration and proceed.

    All the neccessary visas etc etc could be handled electronically and no need to print the things, no need for stamps, no need for frowns at the counter and surely could be handled alot more efficiently.

    Big project, but I agree this is a step to the future and more simple. Also you can't run out of pages then. You must apply for a goverment job :)

  7. ooohhhh - lets all hate taksin. Lets hope he becomes poor.

    You guys all sound a little jealous that Taksin has managed to make it so big in his life. What did he use to get there? His brain. He is a very clever man, obviously, and has made millions of dollars and also done his lttle bit of good along the way (increasing the average wage etc) So he made a few mistakes - dont we all?

    Now he has been deprived of his job and his face, isnt that enough. Let the poor guy alone.....

    Sorry can't let this one pass:

    1. I suggest you are very wrong in your assertion that people are just jealous of his wealth. I really don't buy that one

    2. Very clever man. No.

    2.a In one of his first business ventures he tricked his (farang) partner and took over the business and the case is still slowly going thru the courts.

    2.b. He got his start in the telecoms business in a dubious tie up and monopoly granted by one of the key generals in the 1992 coup.

    3.C. He made millions out of of loaning Thai taxpayers money to the Burmese Thug generals so that they could buy equipment from Taxsin companies. and this case is still slowly working it's way thru the courts and with damning evidence against him.


    3. "He did a little bit of good along the way". Well I suggest Thailand or any country expects a lot more from a PM than 'raising the average wage'. Care to offer any other examples of the good he has done?

    4. "So he made a few mistakes - dont we all?" Yes your right we all make mistakes. Massive blatant corruption, massive blatant abuse of power, massive blatant destruction of the pillars and checks and balances of democracy, ordering the police to shoot 'drug suspects' on site resulting in the deaths of many innocent people including children . Do you label these examples as 'a few mistakes'?

    5. He lost his face and his job. I hope your not complaining that he lost his and therefore is having a hard time to survive, therefore nobody should ever be 'sacked' from their job?

    Sorry but I'm waiting for the day he's behind bars where he belongs:

    - As punishment for his numerous, blatant and massive scale crimes

    - As a deterent to others. (Then we might start to see some capable sincere people enter parliament, people who have a strong and unselfish desire to help Thailand develop and become a more equal and more just society, rather than the leeches and thugs who we currently call politicians.)

    With so much hatred on Taksin, i'll guess you don't learn much at all about the opposing Democratic Party. What s shame! .... FIDF's mishandling, Miyazawa's signing date and deal, affiliation with killer juntas over 60 years, it role to help suppressing freedom movement OVER YEARS.

    5 5 5 5

    FYI, it's quite common that a Thai guru on politics probably had read related documents, from all prespective more than 100,000 pages over their lifetime.

    And many more :)

  8. Well for me too 1 is enough, but this is the deciding factor,."Many thais have mistresses it seems, well, the rich ones," ...yes only money limits how many you can have it seems and a lot of thai women will tolerate anything for money,. :D ,i personally dont feel sorry for them as for some it ( money ) seems more important than love,.

    for some? :) 75%!!!!

  9. Great!

    There used to be a small restaurant in Chiang Mai that also advertised "lamp chops", but I never got round to trying them.

    We used to stop off at a resort on the road to Doi Inthanon for coffee and a snack. One day the manageress proudly presented me with their new "English" menu. All was fine apart from the usual "fired" instead of "fried", etc., until I came to the drinks page, to find that I could purchase a large "Cock" for just 15 baht! How such a common name as "Coke" got cocked-up like that I'll never know! At least I did get my Thai b/f to have a quiet word with the dear lady - the subsequent screams of mirth from the waitresses could be heard for miles! :D

    I guess the ladies won't mind that :)

  10. As a poster wrote:

    The charge is " shop-lifting " not a capital crime. Put yourself in their place.

    Strange country, even stranger police tactics, threatened, etc. What would you do ? You are not alone, you have a wife to think about. No time to be Rambo, you pay and hope that will get you out. It works ! You now want to get out of here as fast as possible and forget the nightmare you and wife have had on your dream holiday in the Land of Smiles. Facts, they are both employed at a university where they live. Not even close to the profile of a shop-lifter.

    Why steal a wallet at the airport that you could buy for 100Baht on the street. Who knows how long this kind of scam has been in operation !

    The victims do not say anything and hope it goes away as a bad experience.

    Who wants to tell their friends back home that they "jumped" bail in Thailand

    for shop-lifting. I hope this "thing" is investigated by the Thai Police and the British Embassy, Both should issue a report about their involvement and what they are doing to protect citizens in foreign lands. The British Embassy does not look good in this one. Just my viewpoint.

    Understriped: Not gonna happen, corruption.

  11. I don't understand why men choice to have sex with themselves. Especially in Thailand. Although I disapprove of it, but to be realistic, sex partner in Thailand is not exactly difficult to find. Just give the bell boy a call, and things can be easily arranged at minimal cost (by western standard).

    This might be a huge surprise to you, but some people refuse to engage in prostitutes. Shocking I know! Something to do with morality, or some such nonsense. Fascinating isn't it?

    These same people who strangle themselves to death while masturbating in a cupboard of a hotel, thank god for morals.

    I believe he is murdered, why would he end his life? The truth is always kept secret, remember.

  12. I don't understand why men choice to have sex with themselves. Especially in Thailand. Although I disapprove of it, but to be realistic, sex partner in Thailand is not exactly difficult to find. Just give the bell boy a call, and things can be easily arranged at minimal cost (by western standard).

    This might be a huge surprise to you, but some people refuse to engage in prostitutes. Shocking I know! Something to do with morality, or some such nonsense. Fascinating isn't it?

    I don't think that is nonsense, everybody believes in his own points of view. Not everybody wants to go to a prostitute, neither do I. I rather masturbate myself, than going to a hooker.

  13. I remember a quote from The Joker in The Dark Knight: " Guns are to quick, you can't saviour all the little emotions, in their last moments, people show you who they really are, so in a way I knew you friends better, than you ever did"

    What I want to say is that how good you know a person, you never really know the real person, even if your married with. Same goes for Carradine and this guy.

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