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Posts posted by Datsun240Z

  1. Congratulations!

    Prepare for the sleepless nights

    Prepare for the endless attention the little one needs (I am still surprised how a little baby can make all the adults around him soooooo tired sometimes and than wakes up happily if nothing ever happened again at 6:00, lol)

    Prepare to learn some Thai culture stuff involving babies (such as it is not good to show the baby itself in the mirror, can't walk beyond your own property with the baby after dark as it is not protected anymore by the small house "shrine" (forgot the word in thai, the small temple protecting your property and house from spirits etc.) and many more like these ....

    Same Same, Congratulations! :)

  2. I'm starting to doubt my ENG skill and getting confused on the differences among the four I mentioned. Thanks ahead.

    black dogs ; states about black dogs

    some black dogs ; states about a certain group of black dogs, but not specific

    a black dog ; states about a black dog, but not a specific black dog

    all black dogs ; states about all black dogs in common

  3. Noppadon: Thaksin did visit Malaysia

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra did spend a night in Malaysia, his legal adviser Noppadon Pattama confirmed on Tuesday.

    Mr Noppadon said Thaksin told him that his plane landed at Kuala Lumpur to refuel and he left for Fiji the following day.

    The deposed prime minister planned to meet four world leaders after visiting Fiji, he said.

    continued athttp://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/148238/noppadon-thaksin-did-visit-malaysiahttp://www.bangkokpost.com/' target="_blank">titlemain.jpg

  4. Spicy food is good for your metabolism too.

    Interesting point here :) But think about spicy food with hot weather = even more sweat = loss weight = drink alot

  5. For some reason I don't thrust the Thai newspapers much, it's like a propaganda.

    Edit: should be about a 9 hour flight to the Fiji island, he must have some big plane, I don't know the reach of private jets, but they don't go that far, without refuel.

  6. I think the Christian believe is the most logical one, if you die, you die. There is no such thing as an afterlife or second life which are both common in Buddhist and Allah. I use to think very logical. If there is a god, there must be scientific proof. So far we only know a bit about the universe.

    I think you'll find most Christians believe in (or at least hope for) after-life of some kind.

    As I am teached as a Catholic Christian, there is no such thing as afterlife.

    Sorry Dats, we're probably using the term differently. By after-life I mean heaven, purgatory etc, not rebirth.

    Ok :) , I think when it comes to heaven, all religions believe in that.

  7. So let's see who has has the lowest ID #! Mine's pretty low... but mind you not! It's not *directly* related to IQ.....




    is it?

    Men. :)

    Have you got nothing else to compare while taking a piss?

    I always compare who has the lowest TV member when taking a piss (...ehhhh ?!?!?!)

    Your avatar, makes me wanna F*** that chickie :D !! Thanks for my morning wake up call

  8. I think the Christian believe is the most logical one, if you die, you die. There is no such thing as an afterlife or second life which are both common in Buddhist and Allah. I use to think very logical. If there is a god, there must be scientific proof. So far we only know a bit about the universe.

    I think you'll find most Christians believe in (or at least hope for) after-life of some kind.

    As I am teached as a Catholic Christian, there is no such thing as afterlife.

  9. Bangkok is being expected to be under 1,5 meter of waters near 2030.

    Not a chance. The Mayan predicted the end of the world in December 2012.

    Mayans are talking about a " Polar " change, so could this allready be on it's way? That's why the climate and sea levels are changing?

  10. Contrary to popular western media common perception, and the perception of many farang in LOS, the VAST MAJORITY of Thai women are absolutely NOT "on the take"..in other words..they are GENERALLY NOT out to : fleece the farang of his money / rip him off / aid in a motorcycle helmet scam / cut off his junk (just kiddin' on that one) / extract as much money as possible from MR Farang. The Thai women I am alluding to comprise the 10's of millions of regular everyday Thai women from all walks of life. On the contrary..Mr Farang may have a hard time MATCHING their JAI DEE nature. They want to give as much or more BACK TO YOU as they receive..be that LOVE or material things. THATS why Thai women make some of the best wives in the world. My wife had to go back and forth to BKK several times in the visa process for various things and business as well..probably at least 10 times..with or without me, she always insisted on taking the over night bus instead of the airplane ( airplane one hour, bus 12 hours..and a pit stop at CHUMPOON at 1 am with music blaring.. just as you are finally "asleep" :D ) She has done this at least 8 times on her own the last year. I try to tell her to "take the plane..its not expensive..never mind..tam sabaii..my bpen rai..karunaa!!" but she always says the same thing..." I take bus teraaak..I need you SAVE YOUR MONEY" :) The ironic and sad thing is that I have met a few Thai 20 something female students studying in Vancouver,Canada on student visas ( I work in education) who say they felt the need to lie about their Thai nationality to locals, to avoid the sometimes scorn that they receive as a result of the western media perception, reinforced by many..

    So because your Wife/" GF " is afraid of Flying &/or saving your money by taking a Bus that she could possibly get her hands on in other ways IE Car/House/Daylight Robbery, that constitutes you to believe that the majority of them are not on the take ??? :D

    You strike me as being very, very naive OP if not on a wind up & you WILL get fleeced the longer you stay here & meet these wonderful Women you mention that YOU have a hard time matching THEIR Jai Deeness... :D

    + a cautious 1.

    I take the OP's point about non-whores.

    "Women are dangerous things full-stop and should generally be avoided". I was thinking about this recently. Live with your mates. I spent the last 10 years living on horrible regeneration sites with my mate Ian. He's site manager and I'm technical manager. And we're very happy together. :D

    Whores are whores. Would you marry a whore from your country of origin? Right . . .

    We do not all like men. I myself prefer women :D

    Because you haven't got any bad experience yet :D ?

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