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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. They're probably so high they could walk across water.
  2. Yesterday the buzz around here was that 500 baht cash was on offer to anyone (Thai 18+) willing to sit for an hour and listen. Today the envelopes arrived a bit lighter (300 baht) as so many turned up! Not to worry our household sent 2 pax. Just waiting for the next mob to swan into the soi; ka-ching.
  3. The website link does not show the correct info after entering ID #'s. This link below is working correctly if any Thai's need to check. My Thai wife and 18 yrs old daughter do not appear on the website link but do appear correctly on the link here... https://boraservices.bora.dopa.go.th/election/enqelection/?fbclid=IwAR36QzhNlTT3q2YtLlRGRcv7BeTdRnxXiqCM1bJNF7XxNYDwiwJXHQ5SKB0
  4. I'd say Thai women are the best in the world at crime. Quote: "Thailand's female incarceration rate is the world's highest at 66.4 female convicts per 100,000 inhabitants." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Corrections_(Thailand)#:~:text=Thailand's female incarceration rate is,female convicts per 100%2C000 inhabitants.
  5. I wonder what the grudge is with his previous employer? More to be reported here I feel.
  6. Yup, enough rules to baffle a boffin.
  7. Thank-you for the swift reply. I was asking because Covid-19 extensions were taken from not when you went to their office but from your last stamped until date. Next time I will exit on 8th July (stamped date) so as not to lose a day.
  8. Went over a land border today. My previous 90 days is stamped till tomorrow (11th April) but figured less chance of getting the Songkran drench if I went today. They stamped me till 8th July which I calculate makes only 88 days (From 11th/last stamp). I'm on a Non-O (Multiple entry) from Savannakhet dated 11th January 2023. Did they stamp me correctly? They've made mistakes with dates before at this crossing.
  9. This is not a one-off incident. It was at various locations and on various different dates spread over at least a 2 month period.
  10. My link to a news source which is not allowed here on Aseannow basically showed a report from 9th February, with a picture of red grafitti, on rocks from the same area. They have finally caught the culprit and to me it shows a repeated pattern of criminality. After jail time straight to the airport/banned in my book, same as all the previous idiots.
  11. Also, grafitti on a Koh Chang road if memory serves me right? Why is she not deported?
  12. "The suspect is currently serving as a non-commissioned army officer in Nonthaburi and is closely connected to a well-known politician." Very telling........ Which Ministry was hacked?
  13. My wife swears it's the Pfizer vaccines. Last week there was the death of the 54 yrs old tycoon from "circulation" failure.
  14. Thailand population 71.6 million (2021 estimate), Adults (18+) 53.1 million (2019) 54.1 million (2020) Foreigners 2.5 million (2010)......55 million seems about right to me. If it's the Mor Prom info that's been hacked I'm listed in there. Could be a couple of bad weeks for Anutin after the Chuvit attacks and now his ministry's potentially been hacked. Last year there was another hospital hacking scandal so if it has happened again, well,..........
  15. Here's a great music video that features BKK in an exciting way. Muangphol Hotel/ MBK even gets a starring location! Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)-Spiller feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor.
  16. A genuine question: Is this called "work" and therefore requires a Thai work permit to be legal? I ask because I also have been a producer for many years but keep it low key here in Thailand. Same goes I guess for writing a book; is it work? Can you get a work permit for 'Creative' work?
  17. Empathy comes under the banner of Emotional Quotient (EQ) and is in Thailand on the same tier as their Intelligence Quotients (IQ). Everything falls into place when you factor your understanding of this into your interactions with Thai's.
  18. More money will be lost from the bad publicity this story could generate amongst potential tourists than the cost of a proper clean-up.
  19. From my neck of the woods it was called 'Moving the goalposts'; to make sure you scored/won.
  20. The Mafia RTP will be along soon to claim it as proceeds from criminal activities and therefore only they are allowed to keep a very close eye on it, as is their way.
  21. No mention of last months cancelled international (Vietnam?) and domestic routes or addressing their extortionate pricing policies?
  22. The American Military must be very jealous of a private company ground tracking station so close to China/South China Sea? Wink,wink...
  23. Giving ? Yes. The giving of sadness. Every week there is yet another revelation about the RTP/ Immigration. It seems never ending, the lows/scams/crimes being committed by the one's entrusted to uphold law and order in Thailand.
  24. Today's Critical Thinking lesson..... "Boss" is angry at himself for his lack of teaching ability/lack of respect and takes it out on the students. If he couldn't control his wife/partner he would use violence to get his point across. Respect for the teacher needs to be earned by the teacher. Anger might be brought on by a medical condition/hypertension which can be managed with medication. The students are not to blame. The premeditated making of a weapon (Cane) shows a history/pattern. Violence is a Red Card offence.
  25. RTP and Thai immigration: the festering wound on Thai society that just keeps on giving.
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