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Everything posted by sirineou

  1. Errr, The vast majority of the 4,700 delegates to the DNC?
  2. I got creative but never with an inanimate objects .though some of the bimboes I dated did come close.
  3. You mean to say the guy could not even do a couch?? Didn't trump give him any pointers?
  4. I don't know why you don't just stay down? simply pretend you did not hear my response and move on. You must be a glutton for punishment.
  5. . arguing with you guys is like shooting fish in a barrel If you can read you will se that one of the stories is from Fox. and I quote " Harris has taken a 3 point lead"
  6. Google it , start by Vance & Cat ladies , or "having <deleted> a couch " But i guess boys would be boys, who among us has not <deleted> a couch?
  7. Yes because he won his last reelection by only 8 percentage points
  8. I understand, having taken one to many hokey pucks to the head can cause such understanding issues. Let me explain. Ok concentrate now. The weird part is not for the straw man argument you constructed above. The weird , is for the weird comments he made. You are welcome. anytime you need something explained feel free to PM me.
  9. While in your country, how about stuffing your pockets with $19,999 worth of baht? Anything below $20,00 you don't have to report. Not that I would be doing anything like that mind you, but others without my moral compass might.
  10. LOL. the trumpster desperation is palatable. Some error!! If this is an error then I guess. "please more errors like that" Please!!
  11. Sorry son, but at least in this reply I would have to classify it as inept. As to his record I assume you are referring to his military record. It Is after all what we are talking about are we not? And to that point I posted a reputable quote and a link. All the rest you posted are an inept attempt to distract from the fact that you screwed up.
  12. Nonsense!! You really need to do your research before posting right wing talking point propaganda. Otherwise you risk becoming a right wing tool. The operative phrase of the above article is " He did not hold the rank at the time of his retirement" But it does not mean that he had not archived the rank. See how propaganda works? it contains a kernel of truth around which a bias can coalesce. "Walz did achieve the rank of command sergeant major, it was a provisional rank until he completed required coursework for senior leaders, National Guard officials said. He did not do so by the time he departed the military and his retirement rank reverted to master sergeant on May 15, 2005, officials said. " https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/08/07/tim-walz-military-record/
  13. Oh wait.. In fairness below is trump working out on a stairmaster.
  14. "Tim Walz is a Great Partner. Just Ask the Football Coach He Worked Under " "Vice President Kamala Harris’ pick for her running mate is widely reported to be a former Minnesota high school football coach whose team won its first state championship ever. " https://www.thedailybeast.com/tim-walz-is-a-great-partner-just-ask-the-football-coach-he-worked-under
  15. "However, I am sure that you have the links to back that all up... " Don't hold you breath .
  16. She did not make a mistake. Sapiro is a powerful orator, and would help with Pensilvania. But the question is , would he help more than he would hurt? IMO He has 3 negatives that would hurt the ticket. First he is Jewish, right or wrong (IMO wrong) there are people who would not vote for a jewish president. and he would be a heart beat from the presidency. Antisemitism in America is a fact. Second he did not have the support of some Unions, and he was for school vouchers, Third he was Pro israel to the point of opposing a two state solution, He has recently tried to walk it back but you can bet the republicans would had jumped all over it, and with only 88 days remaining in the election Harris can not afford going on the defence. Walz is likable. it's the first thing you think about him when you hear him talk. He has a great life story, A classroom teacher, Football coach, life long in the military,. He is Americana. If you want to know if he was a good choice just look at the latest polls.
  17. I have been a member of this forum for a long time, and come here to have a conversation with fellow expats. A waste of time!! I had stop coming here for over a year , then I came here to check messages and saw a couple of interesting threads and thought that perhaps now that the forum has new owners I would check it out and see if it has improved. I did not think it possible, but it has gotten worsts! Much worst. It seems anyone with an IQ in double digits it more has left. It is now an intellectual wasteland
  18. I would expect nothing less from a trump supporter. You have totally misunderstood what I am talking about and what I am answering. on any post , on the right hand corner there is a twisted arow,(see picture below) it take you to the previous post , I suggest the next time you want to reply to someone, you use it so that you know what you are talking about. What am I saying? a trump supporter knowing what they are talking about , if they did they would not be trump supporters LOL. Anyway There is a difference between Democrat (the party) and Democracy (the governing system) .
  19. "In new Marist poll, Harris makes astronomical move on Trump " "In a new poll released Tuesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has taken an enormous lead on former president Donald Trump among independent voters. Harris is up nine points with that group (53%-44%) " https://www.nj.com/news/2024/08/in-new-marist-poll-harris-makes-astronomical-move-on-trump.html
  20. trump is a poopy head
  21. I think that if you think about it none of these things are solely due to any political party , but are all were made possible because of democracy. And they don't only apply to the western world. The whole world benefits from all the things I listed. I challenge you to go back to the things I mentioned and find one that the whole world has not benefited from, One thing.
  22. Did he also play the violin? and laugh monadically. What a bunch of loons!
  23. Link to quote please
  24. Are you asking for yourself. or a friend?
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