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Everything posted by sirineou

  1. That's assuming that he, or anyone else in the "republican" dysfunction is free to make any decisions without the approval of trump. These people are not stupid, they know what needs to be done for the good of the country, but their main priority is maintaining their own power and jobs. The best interest of the county comes perhaps 10th far behind raising enough funds to be re-elected .
  2. Another episode of the republican soap opera version of "As the stomach turns" What difference does it make if Johnson loses the leadership? He will be replaced by another republican looney.
  3. If I understand it correctly , please correct me if I am wrong. You only have to file a tax return if you have taxable income. and I assume, since your US SSI income is not taxable you don't have to file a tax return.
  4. Appropriately , a company that specialises in loans to people with bad credit.
  5. Anything like what Mr despicable tried to do with fake electors? Not according to the experts who ranked him as one of the worst president. all the indictments were give by independent grand juries. RFK is treated better than he should, He is an A-hol e of Marjorie Greene proportions. The only reason he was tolerated in the democratic party is because they needed his number.
  6. Shouldn't you be thinking of the "I'm missing my wifey "
  7. So my tomato are done ,Actually they were done a few weeks ago, but they lingered for a while. And today I pulled them out. Below is an old picture of few months ago. when I started planting them Anyway now i have a couple of raised beds that I need to do something with. Any suggestions what would be good to plant this time of the year. I have plenty of water from my well to water with until rainy season. raised beds
  8. Just as soon as the allies are held responsible for crimes against humanity in Israel, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
  9. That does not prevent him from, among other things , being a monumental A-hole .
  10. Have no love lost for the DNC either. As far as I am concern you can take the DNC to the top of the Empire state building and throw the of , hopefully they will land on the GOP that way we kill two a-holes with on try. As you can see I have given this a lot of thinking
  11. Is he running for himself, or is he running for trump? I think he is a plant by trump to take votes away from Biden and help trump win, If trump wins , expect Kennedy to get a cabinet position in a trump administration. He brings shame to the Kennedy name.
  12. Il take the one who can cook like your wife LOL
  13. Does your wife have a sister? Most of my food looks like your first picture .
  14. Dont know id it raises , loweres , or does not change the ph . The only reason I mentioned PH is because it is contained on the quote I posted. and it does not say scange it says balance. How it does that ot even if it does I dont know. " apple cider vinegar to relieve acid reflux symptoms, but there's no guarantee it'll work. It's thought this home remedy helps balance your stomach pH by balancing stomach acid. It's generally accepted as safe to consume a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Dilute it with water." It seems that many publications seem to say the same thing. In my case , I was suffering from it for years, Omeprazole worked well for me. all of a sudden it stopped. What had changed , Vitamin B complex , it could be that it was a nervous system issue. B1 is known for balancing the nervous system. Magnesium "Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining proper gut motility and facilitating peristalsis, " And I started consuming vinegar, , in fact I just made a new bunch of pickles. I am not sure if it was one of these things, a combination of them, or maybe something totally different. All I know is that at this time I have a cast iron stomach
  15. Somebody need to tell him the rules. "You don't look, you never look" It's in the damn handbook Bob! did you not get the hand book?
  16. You are definitely a supperior Human being,but why do you feel the need to tell us so in every thread you start. You wouldn't be trying to cover up some underlying insecurity would you?
  17. A good alternative to visa extensions then!! He was not "banned " from leaving the country, since he was being uncooperative, and a flight risk his passport was confiscated utili trial. Same as would happen in any country
  18. Go to an area that is interesting to you, and have your wife, or someone who speaks Thai start a conversation with a local , You can praise the food they sell or something like that, the work into the conversation how you like the area and would like to move there, ask if they know anyone selling a Rai or more, at a reasonable price, if you are Farang make sure you stay hidden LOL. We have found and bought two pieces of land that way.
  19. I know that when I had a problem with Icing , the person who came to fix it, said it needed a good cleaning. And he said we should clean the A/C also Time to ask the landlord to send someone over, Probably too dirty, restricting airflow and causing icing.
  20. You mean something like a jail riot? Lock the inmates in secured areas and then go after the troublemakers.
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