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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 6 minutes ago, Dolf said:

    Is there an adult in the room to talk to? 

    Dude you criticized my writing skills with a poorly constructed sentence  .

    You said "   I can't you much credit given "

    If you are going to criticize someone's writing, have the intelligence to at least proofs your own copy. 

    and then just google what it is that historian do. 

    And please, please, don't go playing  grab ass, and then go crying when someone grabs your ass. 


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  2. 19 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    That was a wall street journal survey of professional economic forecasters.  Those kind of economists work for private businesses. Not exactly an impartial bunch.

    Actually the heritage foundation found that all the best presidents were all republicans. 

    Imagine that, what are the chances :laugh:

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Dolf said:

    If a historian can't read the statistics on the border chaos which is the worst ever then their opinions are not worth anything. Historians usually don't study economics either. A History degree and an Economics degree are two separate things. 



    I will give you this. Trump supporters miss no opportunity to display their ignorance!!


    Historians study history.   History is everything that happened in the past. 

    exactly what is it that think, historians do? 

       Did you know that there are historians who specialize in a historical period, or a particular  subject.

    economics of a particular period being one of many?. 

       Do you know that there are Presidential historians who as the name implies specialise in the study of......???


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  4. If you are to pass a judgment  of all the president in US history, I think it would make sense to ask those who study history. 

    For some strange reason we call them Historians :tongue:

    Some think we would be better id you asked a conservative think tank , ot a liberal think tank 

    and surprise surprise the best presidents chose ny the liberal think tank are mostly democrats, and the best presidents chosen by the coacervated think tank are mostly republicans,  

    Can anyone guess why the discrepancy? 

    Personally if I want answers about history, I would listen to what a historian has to say. 


  5. 2 minutes ago, eisfeld said:


    The fact is they (airplanes, ships) use different fuels, have their own delivery infrastructure including dedicated storage facilities, pipes, delivery trucks, pumps etc. Hasn't stopped them from developing all that infrastructure. That was the point.

    Yea you are right don't know hat i was thinking

  6. 17 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    Underground Hydrogen is known as "White Hydrogen".  We have known of its existence for many years, but it's currently impossible to obtain it economically.  That may change, but probably not in my lifetime.  The other issue is it usually coexists with Methane, what do you do with that?  burn it?

    Not a chemist, don't know, 

    I saw the Article posted in today's Google news page, they seem to be excited about it, I thought I would pass it on. They seem to suggest that there is a lot more than previously suggested. 

    I think I also mentioned the other gases  problem. But why is burning methane the only option? 


    "There is enough natural hydrogen underground to meet all demand for hundreds of years', says US government agency"

    "There are trillions of tons of naturally occurring hydrogen in underground reservoirs, a tiny percentage of which would meet all the world’s hydrogen needs for hundreds of years, geologists said last week — arguing that a “gold rush” to exploit reserves is about to start. "


    " An unpublished report from the US Geological Survey (USGS) — a government agency — has found that there are as much as 5 trillion tonnes of natural hydrogen underground, USGS researcher Geoffrey Ellis told a US conference last week, according to the Financial Times."


    " However, it has yet to be proven that natural hydrogen can be commercially exploited at scale, partly due to the fact that it always seems to be mixed with other gases such as methane, from which it will need to be separated, and partly due to the size of the reserves discovered to date."


  8. 30 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    It's not a problem as currently mass produced EVs prove.

    No disrespect intended but we have a failure to Communicator in this issue. 

    30 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    We already have that separation. Airplanes, cargo ships, semi-trailers etc.  don't use the same fueling infrastructure as cars.

    As someone who was in charge of of logistics in a major construction company NYC, I can tell you that all my trucks fueled up at the same gas stations as passenger cars

    We mainly used TA because we had an account . and cards for my drivers, but the same Gas station. One side was for passenger cars . end the other for trucks. Further the fuel they used came  from the same Petroleum extracted from the ground,  distilled in the same refineries, and delivered by the same trucks . And as a graduate of the New York academy of Aeronautics I can tell you that Avgas is procured, refined and delivered in the same manner 

    30 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    Heck the airplanes and ships use totally different fuels.

    So do ICE vehicles. 

    Anyway I said all I can say on the subject. , not sure if I can provide any additional information. 

    Time will tell. 


  9. 7 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    I see it as a bit like Betamax and VHS.  The adoption rate of BEV's is unstoppable, on top of that, it is also the better technology whereas Betamax was the better technology, but Sony owned it and wanted expensive licences for third parties to use it and Philips who owned VHS said you can use it for free. 

    Yea I made the same point a few posts back. the better technology does not always wins. There are other factors. but for the purpose of this Cooperation all I can do is consider the factors available to me at this time, otherwise it would imposible to make frojections. There are always unforeseen consequences. and they are called unforeseen for a reason.

    11 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    but that doesn't seem to be a problem and leads to them feeling more solid and driving better.

    It is absolutely a problem , weight play a significant part in designing a road vehicle,  which is why it is always displayed in conjunction with power output 

    But it is a critical problem with airplanes , for obvious reasons , and it transportation. 

    Payload is a limiting factors in tractor trailer trucks, In the US without an overweight permit an truck can not have a total vehicle weight of more that 80.000 lbs as such a 12 times as heavy conventional battery reduces the payload.  A significant problem for the trucking business in terms of profitability, and consumers in higher prices on the product transported. 

    21 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    Hydrogen is coming from so far behind, I don't see their being much choice available within the next 11 years when in a lot of countries ICE cars will no longer be sold,

    Not sure if it will in 11 years or not. I only claim that the replacement of conventional EV batteries with hydrogen is inevitable based on the information we have today. The time scale is a different story. 

    Unless of course someone comes out with a different battery or system that outperforms everything available now .  


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  10. 12 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    The one big reason for this mess is trump's political aspirations. To think otherwise would be extremely naive.

    I dont think otherwise, in fact I believe I said the same thing. 

    but he opened his big mouth and now he is paying the price .

    14 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    You don't think all the mega rich RE investors are reevaluating the market in NYC. Why would they want to take a chance.

    Apologies but I don't know how that applies. perhaps a bit more explanation how it allys to trump's situation would help me understand. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    Hydrogen cars have been available for a few years, people are not buying them. There is no demand.

    There is no demand because at the time a better option exists.

    There is an infustracture for delivering electricity at low EV usage, where none exists for hydrogen yet. 

    The operative word here is Yet. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    Anything that reduces volumetric and pressure requirements on storing Hydrogen is going to be very welcome.  That study recognised the major use is going to be public service vehicles and heavy trucks.

    I don't pretend to have a crystal bowl , I simply take the information I currently have and make pejections that might or might not be correct. 

      Both Connection EV butteries and Hydrogen Fuel Cell   are batteries , so the BEV to apply to one and not the other is misleading IMO 

    Weight is a major problem for conventional EV batteries, both in terms of efficiency (F=ma) and payload

    So IMO the future of commercial and aircraft transportation is in Hydrogen, and as such a hydrogen infustracture will have to be developed for them. 

    I don't see the economic viability for having one infustracture for   airplane and Commercial  transportation and another for cars. Aside from all the other issues , it does not make sense to me'

    But perhaps I am missing something. 


  13. "Research findings could enable high-density hydrogen storage for future energy systems"


    "A development in efficient hydrogen storage has been reported by Professor Hyunchul Oh in the Department of Chemistry at UNIST, marking a significant advancement in future energy systems.

    This innovative research centers around a nanoporous magnesium borohydride structure (Mg(BH4)2), showcasing the remarkable capability to store hydrogen at high densities even under normal atmospheric pressureThe study is published in Nature Chemistry."


  14. Just now, cdemundo said:

    Hard to tell when someone is being ironic here because of the crazy opinions expressed by some.

    Yea I get it, I have also fallen into that trap

    Communications happen at so many levels . written, spoken body language, smile or not smile etc.

    in a venue such as this forum , we only have the written word ( and a fe emojis) , also people from different countries, different cultures, and different Forms of the English language,

    Easy to be misunderstood.

    My fault for not taking the above into consideration. 

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